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Cryptonym: PBBAND

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The declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that PBBAND was the cable indictor for CIA Office of Current Intelligence (OCI) material.


CIA document: Research Aid: Cryptonyms and Terms in Declassified CIA Files Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Disclosure Acts: Page 44: ..."Term: PBBAND. Definition: Cable indictor for CIA Office of Current Intelligence (OCI) material..."


07/30/57: Dispatch from Chief of Base, Munich to Chief, SRI (Attn: REDACTION (PBBAND): Subject: General - PBBAND/LYTTA. Specific - PBCHORD exploitation: "1. The undersigned had an opportunity to talk with (REDACTION) on 26 July and was thoroughly briefed as to available materials for exploitation by KUBARK (CIA). Since it is our impression that KUBARK has had very access to such materials in the past, we have requested the following: a) All BGGALUS publications one to be given to (REDACTION) for passage to KUMONK (CIA Office of Political Analysis - OPA) by pouch. Let (REDACTION) know if you have no interest in this. b) A specimen bundle of materials and publication prepared by PBCHORD (Munich Office of the American Committee for the Liberation of Peoples of Russia - AMCOMLIB, which is a part of Project QKACTIVE). This will be forwarded to KUMONK for your information and to determine your interest in receiving such material on a regular basis..."

104-10187-10003: CIA FILE ON (ASSET)

09/12/62: Cable from Director to Mexico City (Orig: Withheld, OCI): Slugline RYBAT PBBAND: REF MEXI 1919 (IN 20593): "1. Moscow's statement of 11 September on Cuba appears designed to advance variety of Soviet objectives, foremost among them being to deter us from active intervention in Cuba. Although statement again used vague and ambiguous language to avoid clear-cut commitment to defend Cuba in all contingencies, it has further engaged Soviet prestige in ensuring survival of Castro regime. As before, however, USSR is attempting to create impression Cuba is under protection of Soviet nuclear and missile power..."

104-10187-10003: CIA FILE ON (ASSET)

09/20/62: Cable from Director to Mexico City (Orig: John M. Whitten, CWH/3/Mexico): REF MEXI 1979 (IN 25427)* "DIR 35657 (OUT 75740)** of 12 Sep was sent in answer to your request for special briefing for LITENSOR (Adolfo Lopez Mateos). All of it may be passed to him. Will bring it up to date on 26 or 27 Sep as you request. WH Comment: *Requested additional cable report of whatever COS can pass to LITENSOR to arrive MEXI 26 or 27 Sep. **PBBAND - Moscow statement re Cuba, situation in Japan and Indonesia, etc."


07/17/63: Cable from Mexico City to Director: 1. Much impressed with Horsfall (Floryan Randolph Karty). Transcription tests very satisfactory. Believe linguistic capability and experience buen (sic) and bang qualify him exceptionally will (sic) for LICAPER supervisor or LIENVOY if it continues. Appears capable adapting Mexican peculiarities and not averse being cut off from official colony. 2. Main question one of timing. Know he eager return here and get settled...can guarantee keeping him busy doing PBBAND translations for LITENSOR (Adolfo Lopez Mateos, President of Mexico in 1963) and LIENVOY (Cuban) tapes which would (be removed) from LIENVOY for this purpose. We are told SAS wants these verbatim which LIENVOY present staff cannot handle. Station requests therefore return Horsfall here soon as feasible...(when new Presidential candidate named in early October) Horsfall's status would change from tourist and household effects could be brought in..."

104-10529-10337: CABLE: NEAR EAST - AFRICA BRIEF

10/14/63: Cable from Director to Mexico City (Orig: R. I. Beaubien, OCI): Slugline PBBAND:

104-10100-10427: LATIN AMERICA BRIEF

12/27/63: Cable from Director to Book Message (Orig: Jane (Unintelligible), OCI): PBBAND: LATIN AMERICAN BRIEF;


09/30/71: Cable: Sluglines DTDORIC TPLINGO TPFEELING: REF DIRECTOR 183225: Re Revised Procedures: Pages 3-4: ..."4. Following categories of material now being routed to media...D. PBBAND daily and weekly cables sterilized (REDACTION) and at present still passed in JKLANCE (CIA) portion of courier run. Recommendation: Subject HQs approval (REDACTION) continue sterilize but commence passing through LNCUFF (US Embassy, Legation, Consulate) officer. Note this make LNCUFF aware considerable amount JKLANCE intel material available (REDACTION) but to date only selectively released to chief LNCUFF..."

Gavin McDonald

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