Cryptonym: PANCHO
Page xvi: ..."PANCHO, Carlos Castillo Armas."
03/08/54: Memorandum from Withheld: Persons Present: Withheld and Bob Ford: Subject: Clarification and addition to Paragraph 2: El Salvador, of PANCHO Letter to (REDACTION) dated 26 February 1954..."The following information regards the clarification of the status of Don Pedro. 1. PANCHO reminded (REDACTION) that when Guillermo Davila Cordova was arrested in Guatemala, he had on his person a letter from Don Pedro. (Note: Davila Cordova was Don Pedro's Chief of Intelligence in Guatemala). In this letter, Don Pedro advised Davila that Bolanos, the secretary of President Osorio in Salvador, had been conspiring against President Osorio and that he had the moral assistance of Arbenz and his followers in Guatemala. Later Don Pedro was called upon to clarify this charge which involved the President and his Secretary of Salvador where he is now residing as a political exile...3. Bolanos advised PANCHO that Don Pedro does not have his support nor the personal support of President Osorio in El Salvador. Furthermore, Bolanos told PANCHO that he was to tell his important supporters that serious consideration is now being given to the idea that Don Pedro be evicted from El Salvador in the near future...4. In his final note, PANCHO said that Bonilla, the Honduran Ambassador in El Salvador and a strong supporter of Don Pedro, had been advising everybody in that country that Don Pedro had a considerable amount of prestige among many people but not in the high government circles of El Salvador."
04/28/54: Memorandum to J. J.: Subject: Guidance for Establishment of Relationship Between PANCHO and President Perez Jimenez: "1. Upon your arrival in Tegucigalpa, at the opportune moment you will indicate to PANCHO that the group is experiencing financial difficulties in meeting his commitments to the Junta. You will make it perfectly clear that the group will be able to see PANCHO through his operations, but nevertheless if it is possible to obtain additional financial support from other sources such as previously offered by the President of Venezuela, such offer should be reconsidered. In addition to the matter of possible additional financial support for this undertaking, you might indicate also the desirability of having several additional aircraft available, if only on emergency basis, to assist in the operation. 2. If PANCHO responds, you will then proceed to explain that in view of the excellent support being rendered by (REDACTION), it is believed that he would be willing to base any Venezuelan aircraft (unmarked) at the (REDACTION) Airfield on a standby basis...3. Indicate to PANCHO that the group is very cognizant of his vital role in Tegucigalpa and the importance of his remaining there to handle the numerous complex daily problems. Further the group having regard for his personal safety will urge that he not unduly expose himself by international travel. Therefore, it is the opinion of the group that although the Venezuelan aid subject is of considerable importance, nevertheless if it is at all possible, PANCHO should endeavor to select a suitable emissary to conduct these negotiations...5. As a possible additional bargaining point vis a vis Venezuela, it might be well to point out that the successful elimination of the Communist government in Guatemala would contribute to early changes in the Costa Rican Government, which is of no small interest to P. J."
06/02/54: Report No. 43 from Rodolfo: Subject: Contact with PANCHO and Manuel, 31 May: "1. The Psy-war deal was discussed with PANCHO and Manuel and the attached 5-man teams were approved by PANCHO. It is strictly understood that the men listed will be available for the specified psy-war purpose (unintelligible). It is requested that a list of necessary equipment be provided us, together with your suggestions as to training necessary. In the meanwhile, Manuel is training the radio and press men without telling them of the actual mission which they will perform...Both Manuel and PANCHO indicated their approval of the project and are confident that it will be carried out efficiently. 2. Attached is an English translation of the declaration to the press made by Mendez. This declaration will be dramatized and broadcast starting tomorrow. Attached also is a copy of the 31 May issue of La Epoca in which the story appeared locally. The story has caused a mild sensation here but I know of no projected local government action here. 3. Attached also are copies of the 29 May issue of La Voz de Liberacion...All reference to CEUAGE will be eliminated and it will appear as one newspaper with sections for each phase of propaganda, i.e., labor, femenine, university, the military being spread throughout the newspaper. 4. Also attached is a copy of the 29 May issue of La Nacion...7...Comments: The conversion from Ceuage to La Voz has been very difficult and Manuel and PANCHO have had to extend themselves to convince the newspaper staff that the changes were essential and necessary. Almost every member of the staff threatened to resign at first, but are now reconciled and, according to Manuel, are working together as a team. I believe that PANCHO's success in this matter reflects very well on his control of the different elements here. They are all at fever pitch right now, according to Manuel, because they feel that the day of final action is close at hand..."
06/15/54: Report No. 48 from Rodolfo: Subject: Contact with Manuel and PANCHO, 14 June: "1. Manuel reported that the material for CMQ had been dispatched the previous day. This material, as previously reported, includes an exposition of El Plan de Tegucigalpa, as well as background material on PANCHO and the C. C. A. 2. The importance of the three psy-war teams were emphasized to PANCHO once more and he stated that he had given explicit orders that the men assigned to the three groups were not to be given any other assignment and that they were to be given all possible cooperation possibly by the troop commanders. Both PANCHO and Manuel seemed to grasp the importance of the psy-war operation, and agreed that it may result in villages and towns being taken without firing a shot. 3. PANCHO stated that he had decided to keep Manuel with him and to assign another man if possible to San Pedro Sula to insure a steady flow of propaganda once action commences...5. On 15 June, Manuel will be engaged in putting out the issue of La Voz which is scheduled to come out on the 19th. He will also be engaged in recording proclamations by PANCHO and his chief aides to the people as a whole and to the army in particular. Copies of these proclamations will be forwarded to you and to all our radio outlets..."
07/01/54: Cable from Sherwood to Director: Slugline RYBAT PBSUCCESS: "Believe (REDACTION) indignation 50% sham. (REDACTION) may have indicated to PANCHO SKIMMER (The "Group," CIA cover organization supporting Carlos Castillo Armas) may support (REDACTION) but KMFLUSH (Nicaragua) solid behind PANCHO. Cadick (William Robertson) reasserted to (REDACTION) just prior to his departure SKIMMER adherence to past theme of (REDACTION) backing. Reason for reassertion bolster PANCHO firmness at conference. Cable Secretariat Comment: Mr. Esterline (WH) notified of receipt of this message at 0145 1 July 54."