Cryptonym: OQKODIAK
"Guy Persac Johnson was an early defense counsel for Clay Shaw. A POA was requested 14 May 1954 for Johnson to be used on Guam as a contract agent for OQKODIAK (training base on Saipan). The request for the POA was later cancelled."
Fred Goerner, The Search for Amelia Earhart, pp. 139-141 (Doubleday, 1966)
"The Central Intelligence Agency needed a new kind of guerrilla-spy...who could penetrate all parts of Communist-occupied territory in Asia, speak the language fluently...(the) most important mission would be establishment of a communications and espionage network for disseminating propaganda and discontent and relaying intelligence information...The CIA decided, with President Truman's knowledge and permission, to concentrate its efforts (in Asia), using the pick of Generalissimon Chiang's forces as the new secret agents. The US Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) was already teaching guerrilla warfare to Nationalist troops at training areas on Formosa. The problem was how and where to give the best of those troops a post-graduate course on espionage. It couldn't be done on Formosa. The island was too large and well would not profit America to be found supplying Nationalist Chinese with the knowledge and tools to spy upon and harass a regime with whom we were ostensibly at peace...Of all the islands, Saipan most closely matched CIA requirements. Within reasonable flight range of both Formosa and Okinawa, its World War II bomber strips were repairable and well placed...At least half the land could be restricted without seriously displacing or overcrowding the natives...The mountains, plains, heavy jungles and beaches would provide every training challenge...Truman decreed CIA should have Saipan and Tinian, and Interior should be headquartered on Guam...The transfer had to be made within the grounds of the Strategic Trust Territory Agreement; that mean a return to Navy control. The Navy was not pleased with the role as front for CIA, but it had no choice...In March 1953...the NTTU, Naval Technical Training Units, were born. The name was the only connection with the Navy. In addition to the ultramodern town for CIA faculty...there were eleven training sites...the men selected for Saipan never knew where they were trained..."