Cryptonym: MHABYSS
CIA document: Research Aid: Cryptonyms and Terms in Declassified CIA Files Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Disclosure Acts: Page 40: ..."Term: MHABYSS. Definition: Narcotics..."
104-10291-10000: OP FILES: JEROME FOX
1971-73: Jerome Fox, an Ops Officer with the Deputy Director of Plans/Far East, served as a Far East station referent on MHABYSS matters and Communist matters from 1971-72. Page 113: He served as the Manila station referent on MHABYSS matters from 1972-73.
104-10074-10120: RAUL ORLANDO LEAL GARCIA.
10/31/72: Dispatch from COS, WH/Miami to Chief, Western Hemisphere Division, COS, Santo Domingo: Subject: RYBAT PLMHABYSS/Raul Orlando Leal Garcia: "1. LNERGO (FBI) has provided the following information on Raul Orlando Leal Garcia, who is of possible MHABYSS interest. Leal was born in Santa Clara, Cuba on 19 September 1930. His mother was Aurora Garcia, and his father's name was given as (fnu) Gamoneda. (Note: We assume that this may be an error, or that Gamoneda was perhaps his father's matronymic). 2. Leal was a dealer in a Cuban casino from 1952 - 1956, working for Santo Trafficante. He was arrested in 1953 (sic) in Cleveland for passing himself off as a U.S. citizen, and was subject to deportation. LNERGO has no information on the period 1956 - 1960. Leal arrived in the U.S., on 8 December 1960...He was a member of Brigade 2506 from 1960 - 1962. In 1963, he was a dealer at the Silver Slipper Casino in Las Vegas, where he resided at 1522 Exlay St., Las Vegas...In 1970, Leal attempted to obtain a casino license in Bogota, Colombia along with three other persons, among them Santo Trafficante...Paula A. Hootnick." - - - 2022 release:
104-10178-10000: POSADA, LUIS CLEMENTE
02/22/73: Cable from Caracas to Director (Info: WH/Miami): Slugline RYBAT PLMHABYSS WKRALLY WKSCARLET-3: REF: DIRECTOR 372698: "1. WKSCARLET-3 (Luis Posada) contacted station evening of 15 Feb 73 which first announcement he did not depart for Rome as scheduled. At meeting following Saturday (which came after two postponements) WKSCARLET-3 stated trip delayed due uncertainty location of future Gulf of Maracaibo talks. Tentatively WKSCARLET-3 (REDACTION) scheduled depart 1 March if talk city designated that time. If Rome, WKSCARLET-3 instructed not make contact Rome station. He made no mention MHABYSS matters. 2. Have initiated investigation WKSCARLET-3 as recommended ref. No information that he presently on WKSCARLET assignment investigate MHABYSS matters. 3. Status present MHABYSS case in which WKSCARLET-3 allegedly involved as follows...E...Unable determine at this time whether or not MHABYSS material has passed from seller to buyer. However, current trip Trueva and Gomez supposedly for purpose setting up large buy next trip. During next trip LNAGON proposes all out effort identify MHABYSS principals in act passing goods..." - - - 2022 release, page 49:
05/28/74: Dispatch from Chief, Western Hemisphere Division to COS, Withheld: Subject: MHABYSS/Name Traces on Hans Ulrich Rudel and Klaus Altmann: ..."3. Klaus Altmann, aka Claus Barbier, Klaus Becker, and 'Barbie' DPOB 25 October 1913, Godesberg, Germany, was the former Nazi Gestapo chief of Lyon, France. Known as Klaus Barbie and referred to as 'The Butcher of Lyon', he was sentenced to death in absentia by the French military tribunal after World War II for the torture and murder of French resistance workers. After the war, he was a witness in several war criminal trials and his wartime activities were investigated by WODUAL (U.S.) authorities. The investigation was inconclusive and he was released...4. From 1946 to 1951 Barbie was a valuable source for LNWILT (U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps). Because of French and German efforts to apprehend him, he was documented in the name of Klaus Altmann, DPOB 20 Oct 1915, Berlin. Using a Red Cross passport, he resettled in Bolivia and became a Bolivian citizen...5. Altmann was made the subject of an inquiry in 1966 by a noted WODUAL senator...6. Headquarters has no evidence of MHABYSS activities on the part of Rudel or Altmann, and cannot verify Altmann's position as special assistant of the Bolivian police. There is no evidence of any BKHERALD contact with Altmann." - - - LNWILT cryptonym is on page 39: - - - WODUAL defined on page 62 as "American or United States, but not U.S. Government."
12/06/74: Cable from Director to LA/Miami: Slugline MHABYSS PBRAMPART: "...Please inform DEA the following: Joseph Raymond Merola, an occasional contact of our overt office in Miami since 1961, periodically provides that office with foreign positive intelligence information...DEA has informed BKHERALD/CIA June 74 that Merola was of operational interest...we replied that Mr Merola has never worked for BKHERALD/CIA, although we were aware that he had made such claims on number of previous instances...(Orlando Batista Viera) will be recorded as contact of DEA in BKHERALD/CIA files in case any other US government agency expresses ops interest."
03/00/94: Cable from LA/AGAOB to Withheld: Slugline WNINTEL MHABYSS (REDACTION) VWORANGE: SUBJECT: (REDACTION) CONTACT WITH WKORANGE/62: "1. WKORANGE/62 (Harry Mannil) was recruited in April 1984 as a witting collaborator who was to effect direct contact (REDACTION) with the Soviet Ambassador with whom he was friends. He was administratively terminated in July 85 since although 0/62 provided some interesting comments regarding the Soviet Ambassador, he could never effect direct contact between the (REDACTION) and the Soviet Ambassador or any other Soviet targets. Consequently, based on lack of progress, (REDACTION) contact was dropped with the PCS departure of the (REDACTION) in July 1985. No turnover of the asset was made and (REDACTION) had no plans to recontact him. 2. A wealthy businessman, O/62 did not receive a salary. He was motivated by a willingness to cooperate with the (REDACTION). There was no formal commitments in this relationship..." WKORANGE-62 cryptonym is on page 62: