Cryptonym: LNGOLD
104-10335-10001: Memo from AARB Executive Director to CIA Historical Group Director, May 30, 1995
This document was sent by Assassinations Records and Review Board Executive Director David Marwell to the Director of the CIA Historical Review Group John Pereira. It offers a list of Agency cryptonyms and pseudonyms and requests officials to provide the corresponding true names or a general description of the type intelligence relationship the related person, group, or location had with official projects. The document states that WOVIEW is the CIA's Covert Action Staff.
104-10188-10020: ( )AFGHAN OPERATIONS (VOL I).
The document relates to the Agency using an LNGOLD officer to be the contact point for passports and finances to resettle two assets known as KDAFGHAN 1 and 2. This unnamed officer possessing the ability to facilitate the use of passports and offer these travelers the related finances to resettle would infer he is likely related to the US Department of State. State Department cover is also frequently utilized by members of the Central Intelligence Agency.
This Agency sought to clarify distinctions about its agent and his relationship with an exile group not under their control. The document offers concerns regarding Cuban exiles repeatedly not respecting the call by US officials to stop violating its territorial agreements. One section notes a warning issued by LNGOLD to Cuban exiles in Miami "that the U.S. could no longer tolerate violations of its neutrality laws." This action and concern for US domestic laws and the consequences to diplomatic treaties would support LNGOLD is the US Department of State.
11/18/66 cable from JMWAVE to Director: "Bill Johnson (201-110963) told AMCLEVE-15 (Luis Posada) on 17 Nov 1966 (of)...bombing carried out by Robert E. Spining and Cuban called 'Mino' in Apache plane which carried 600 pounds explosives. Plane and crew missing. Mino probably identical with Gervalio (Gutierrez) Concepcion aka Mino (201-309242), military coordiantor for MIRR...Spining mentioned LNGOLD report, dated 19 Feb 1965, re illegal sale aircraft to Haiti."