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Cryptonym: KDAFGHAN-1

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KDAFGHAN-1 is almost certainly Alberto Rodriguez Gallego, the Cuban embassy photographic officer previously known as LIONION-1.

104-10091-10005: PROGRESS REPORT: 1 JULY - 30 SEPTEMBER 1971

9/29/71, Progress Report from Chief, Mexico City to Chief, WHD: "Present ADAFGHAN routine: Visual coverage of the entrance to the Cuban embassy is provided from 0900 to 1800 (the approximate hour at which the lighting conditions prevent further photography with the present equipment.) Embassy hours are 0800-2100, approximately. KDAFHGHAN-1 provides the majority of the manpower, while KDAFGHAN-2 fills in for rest breaks, lunch, and while KDAFGHAN-1 processes the previous day's take. The general practice is to observe the entrance without optical assistance until a person or vehicle is seen to be entering or leaving the gate area. The restricted size of the aperture possible in the OP for this viewing (a rectangular opening approximately four by five inches) prevents simultaneous viewing of any other area of the compound...(next page)...most often people with previous appointments are going to the Consulate (which we do not cover with KDAFGHAN), or too many unidentified people arrive about the same time at the gate, precluding a positive identification."


12/8/77 memo from Director to REDACTED, slugline WNINTEL RNVIEW MHSPLASH: "On 7 December three Mexico desk officers reviewed 38 FBI folders on Lee Harvey Oswald...vast majority of documents uncontroversial...most potentially damaging document found to date is following 27 Nov 1963 memorandum from A. H. Belmont to one Mr. Tolson: "Assistant Director Sullivan called to advise that CIA has informed us that Mexican authorities have arrested Sylvia Duran, just as she was about to leave for Cuba. CIA wanted to know if we objected to Mexican authorities interrogating vigorously and exhaustively; we agreed to this interrogation. They will give us the results of the interrogation promptly. Sylvia Duran is the Mexican national who worked in the Cuban consulate who reported that Oswald had been in the consulate at the end of September and on October 1, 1963, to seek assistance in getting a visa for Russia...'Uno Mas Uno' journalist Raymundo Rua (sic) Palacios was also in FBI Reading Room 7 December and checked out five folders on the Oswald case."


8/3/78 memo from HQ to Mexico City Station, slugline WNINTEL RYBAT MHSPLASH: Revelations about KDAFGHAN-1 in "Uno Mas Uno" article in a Mexican newspaper on 8/3/78, and Excelsior article of 8/3/78 re 'Electronic Espionage of CIA Against Cuba From Mexico'..."HQS through CCS will alert Macmillan Company in New York, Berlitz's parent organization, will advise Macmillan reaction and any views they may have on handling press reaction in Madrid...do not mention HSCA interest in interviewing KDAFGHAN-1...KDAFGHAN-1 was involved in photographic coverage of the Cuban Embassy from Mexico in 1962 until he left Mexico in 1972."

Bill Simpich

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