Cryptonym: JUGATION
Undated CIA document: Report from Withheld to Acting Chief, WHD, and Withheld: Subject: Comite Guatemalteco Anticomunista: ..."JUGATION reported on 15 April 1952 that Luis Coronado Lira told Francisco Alvarado (newspaper reporter for Diario Latino) on 9 April that John J. Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas) had been secretly living with him for a few days. Alvarado was not told of this for fear that he might indiscreetly publish the information which would, according to Coronado, bring reprisals upon Calligeris by his political enemies which are numerous in El Salvador...(REDACTION, 22 May 1952: The following is from the operational cover sheet of this dispatch which had an attachment 9 pages long which was briefed and disseminated in (REDACTION) but with the following operational part deleted: Subject: Jose Luis Mendoza, Guatemalan delegate to the United Nations on the Belize problem. Source: JUGATION. Eval. B-2. Attached is a report of a conversation held between JUGATION and Jose Luis Mendoza, Chief of International Matters, Treaties and Conventions in the Guatemalan Foreign Office. This report may be of interest to both Headquarters and to the (REDACTION) though it reflects opinions and thoughts, rather than details. 3. Just prior to JUGATION's meeting with Mendoza, he had heard that one Captain Fernando Romero (no record), a Guatemalan exile, was in contact with Ydigoras Fuentes and military elements from Honduras and Nicaragua. These persons were reported to have a cache of arms in either Santa Ana or near the Gulf of Fonseca (strongly doubted). JUGATION's source of this information is unknown (at least unnamed), but JUGATION believes him to be an agent of Colonel Oscar Bolanos, Minister of Defense for El Salvador. JUGATION, stated, however, that neither Bolanos nor the government was 'persecuting' Ydigoras Fuentes and Luis Coronado Lira..."
03/27/53: Cable from Withheld to Director: Slugline PBFORTUNE: "1. (REDACTION) stated all army reserves since 1948 being called active service for military action against Guatemala in union with Nicaragua and Honduras. (Col. Oscar Bolanos, Minister Defense told military attaché few reserves being trained weekends only). 2. JUGATION believes action will be during holy week 29 March to 5 April. 3. He also stated Salvador has 5,000 troops (3,000 more accurate) ready and Nicaragua and Honduras each 2,000. 4. Source believes troops three countries will enter Guatemala along highway from Salvador with Nicaragua making initial advance and Salvadoran troops policing border and giving rear echelon support. He expects capital to be center of fighting with heavy casualties. 5. Guatemala aware plans but afraid move troops outside area Guatemala City for fear anti-commie uprising. Source JUGATION..." - - - This version of the cable includes part of the (REDACTION) in part 1: "1. (REDACTION) ex (REDACTION) officer Salvadoran Army..."
04/08/53: Cable from Withheld to Director: Slugline PBFORTUNE: "1. Col. Enrique Peralta, Guatemalan military attaché Salvador stated to source: A. 'We will help President Osorio and the other Central American countries dispose of Communism in Guatemala.' B. Military forces of Central America have united to resolve Communist problem in Guatemala. C. Expects clash between Communists and anti-Communists 1 May at which time he hopes Guatemalan Army will join anti-Communist forces. Will depart for Guatemala last April to persuade influential army friends (unnamed) to join anti-commie forces. 2. (REDACTION) told source Peralta next Guatemalan President. Eval B3. Passed embassy and MA. Source JUGATION. Field Comment: Peralta practically exiled as military attaché since 1946 probably for his strong and frequently expressed anti-commie views. Believed to be politically ambitions. His influence among GUAT army unknown."
01/27/54: Air dispatch from Chief of Project, PBSUCCESS to Withheld: Subject: KUFIRE Tasks, PBSUCCESS: Page 3: ..."FT/12: Identity - JUGATION: Responsible Officer: (REDACTION). Mission - To develop relationship to serve as covert contact in Foreign Office to provide protection PBSUCCESS operations in (REDACTION). Estimated cost: $400.00. FT/13: Identity - Not available: Responsible Officer - (REDACTION): Mission - To develop secure control over agent penetration of Guatemalan Embassy in (REDACTION) to obtain evidence of Guatemalan interference and/or CP activities in (REDACTION). Estimated cost: $400.00..."
06/23/54: Cable from Withheld to Director: Slugline RYBAT PBSUCCESS: SOURCE: JUSFRUDENDI FROM JUGATION: "1. On 21 June Osorio (REDACTION) 'The U.S. let Communism get foot hold in GUAT. Now they want us to help correct situation. We would never do this as Guatemala has done nothing to us. The U.S. Ambassador or one of his envoys comes every day to put pressure on me to help Guatemalan anti-commies. The U.S. should do its own dirty work and fighting.' B2. 2. Foreign Minister Canessa told (REDACTION) that SALV would never attack Guatemala unless pressured by Nicaragua and Honduras under terms of Odeca. B2. 3. Prudistas pressuring Osorio to help Arbenz or at least not help Castillo Armas. Prudistas influence Osorio more than military group. B2. 4. Osorio told military leaders he was aware they wanted to help anti-commies but would do so on own responsibility and without his support. 5. Carranza Omaya stated military planned action after sat if still needed to help anti-commies. 6. GUAT Embassy somewhat encouraged in their efforts obtain Osorio help for Arbenz. B3."
06/29/54: Air dispatch from Withheld to COS, LINCOLN: Subject: General - Weekly Progress Reports: KUFIRE, KUGOWN, & KUHOOK: Specific - Period: 22 June thru 28 June 1954, incl.: REF: HUL-A-40: Page 2: ..."FT/12: Carlos Valladares, private aide to Osorio, implied that the President is reluctant to take any part in PBSUCCESS. JUGATION also reports possible dissension between Osorio and the military leaders of the Salvadoran Government is developing because the latter group wishes to assist the Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas) movement. (REDACTION) stated this Group would take some position of action by 26 June if the issue was still in doubt. As of 28 June there is no indication of any further friction and it is assumed his statements only indicate a desire on the part of this Army Group to assist Calligeris. FT/13: Iden. A of (REDACTION) 1077 stated he was given a book in which 1500 colones ($600.00) were hidden. He delivered this book to Rodridgo Antonio Gamero, a student at the Salvadoran University, who lives in Colonia Cucumocayan. JUGATION I and JUGATION III have been surveiling Emilio Descamp, a Guatemalan, frequently seen at their embassy. Under the pretense of seeking employment for his nephew, JUGATION talked with Descamp at some length but was unable to determine from the conversation if Descamp was an agent of the present Guatemalan Government."
Circa 11/16/54: Report on Project PBSUCCESS: Page 70: ..."2. FT/12: JUGATION, who was a former employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has furnished reliable information on political matters which he obtains from unwitting informants. It is proposed to give him more direction and guidance in the type of information we are presently interested in. Estimated cost: No additional funds required. 3. FT/13: JUGATION is still attempting the penetration of the (REDACTION). There is presently a 50-50 chance of success. JUGATION will continue to attempt this penetration. Estimated cost: No additional funds required..."
01/01/78: CIA document: Page 2: ..."56AO2 U JUGATION HSS 400 63 4 114 19 Nov 56..."