Cryptonym: JMRAKE
6/22/60 cable from Chief of Station, Lima to Chief, WHD: "JMRAKE clippings" are forwarded to other CIA stations by the CIA station in Lima, Peru.
July 2, 1960: David Phillips memo to C/WH/4: "...a successful Khrushchev visit to Cuba would be the final stone in the construction of a solid Soviet base in Cuba, with disturbing overtones for more Soviet ideological bases in all of Latin America. For that reason we are trying to do what we can to prevent the visit, or at least show a massive opposition to it. Exploitation plans: On 21 June HQS sent a cable to Havana asking for views on a major effort to force cancellation of the visit. A resulting series of cables shows that the station and headquarters are now in agreement that our best hope lies in a. A massive Church manifestation or rally, which though called for some other purpose, would be to the people of Cuba an obvious way to express their protest. And b. from outside Cuba, instigating of rumors that Khrushchev's life will be in danger from a well-planned assassination attempt...A cable has gone out to CELAM asking this Church organization in Bogota to spark similar rallies throughout Cuba. JMRAKE assets will be called upon to support these and the Cuban meeting when plans are firmer. On the assassination angle: BIOGENESIS, a controlled agent in B.A., is soon to visit high officials in Cuba. He has been instructed to ask these leaders what substance there might be to the rumors he has heard that an attempt will take place...Rivas, a friend of Rudy Gomez, is using the same technique through three Cubans living in Miami that are (in) constant contact with Cuba. Speculation on the assassination attempts will be surfaced on the WRUL program, in AMPACA's paper, etc."
3/2/61 cable from Caracas to Director: "Subject (Conte Aguero) met by station assets who arranged 30 minute TV program, press and radio coverage, interviews top (Venezuelan) personalities...was unable (to) provide station exact itinerary, but plans (to) notify JMRAKE when firm..."