Cryptonym: HY
11/09/59: Dispatch from COS, Panama City to Chief, WH Division (Info: COS, Habana): Subject: Activities of Juan Emilio Nunez Portuondo, Cuban Exile and Opposition Leader: ..."3. It undoubtedly was Nunez Portuondo's sojourn in Panama and his meeting with government officials that contributed to expressions of concern by Station liaison sources over Cuban policy toward Panama. One manifestation of that concern was a report (Attachment C) that the head of the (REDACTION) of HYFRACE addressed to the Minister of Government and Justice. 4. When HYPOTHESIS-8 passed the Station a copy of his chief's report, he said that the source of the information was Sanchez (fnu) whom he described as a Batista exile living in Panama City; and Sanchez' source was a person who travels between Panama and Cuba. When passing the report, HYPOTHESIS-3 said that Sanchez had a connection with Nunez Portuondo whom the HYFRACE organization regarded as the head of the Cuban opposition, and that Nunez Portuondo had informed President Ernesto de la Guardia Jr. and Hector Valdes Ferrabone, Minister of Government and Justice, that strong action against Panama was being planned in Cuba. After an initial and several follow-up queries to HYPOTHESIS-8 for identification of Sanchez, HYPOTHESIS-8, after several days of checking, affirmed that he had learned that the person in question was Jose Sanchez Ramirez, whom Station records show is a former lieutenant in the Cuban National Police, who came to Panama on 19 January 1959 (reported in PACY-4303). Edward G. Bensing."
08/24/62, Transmittal of TDCS Information Report (Orig: J. Langdon, Unit: TFW/Intel/Reports) from Panama City to HQs: "Based On: PACY - 8333 IN -46636), NP (HYIF-1), PACY - 8349 (IN -49327), NP (HYHULA-1), WAVE-7053 (IN -45475), NP (AMBUD-1), Liaison* Page 2: Information Report Telegram: Country: Cuba/Panama, Place & Date Acq.: Panama (Panama City (15-21 August 1962): "SOURCE: Para 1: Panamanian (F) close to President Chiari. Paras 2-3: Panamanian (C) with contacts in high-level official circles."
11/22/63: Cable from Headquarters to Panama City: DIRECTOR 84791: "HYSAGE-2 (REDACTION) turned plane ticket over to 'Medina' on 22 Nov. Ticket expires 7 Dec 63. Has decided remain U.S. over Xmas holidays. Wants to raise grade at Georgetown (University). Was much affected by death of President and did not want to talk much."
104-10307-10000: CABLE: PONCHAY MET WITH ( )SAGE-1 AT HER REQUEST 1300 NOV 22.
11/23/63, Cable from Panama City to Director: Slugline RYBAT HYSAGE: "1. Ponchay met with HYSAGE-1 at her request 1300 Nov 22. Purpose meeting HYSAGE-1 explained was to tell Ponchay she was in fact going to Red China for a period in excess of one year to study international relations and related subjects. She said was seeding assurance Ponchay would keep HYIF-1 interested in her son's welfare. 2. During her discussion of pending trip word was received of President Kennedy's assassination. H-1 was deeply moved and at HYIF-1 request wrote speech to be delivered in national assembly praising the president. 3. On HYIF-1 departure from HYSAGE-1 took her KLM tickets out of her handbag and tore them up and burned them stating she would not be making the trip."
02/22/64: Cable from Panama City to Director: "1. The Puente brothers have been under some suspicion since their arrival in PACY following their release from Cuban prison as result intervention Thelma King, Panamanian national assembly woman. HYFRACE-2 (Liaison) has said that they should not be trusted and labeled them opportunists saying they claim Panamanian or Cuban citizenship depending which most advantageous at moment. HYAMTEASE-1 suspicious of the brothers and RZP-5047 reported he believed they Castro agents. 2. Part of suspicion Jose and Roberto undoubtedly result brother, Jorge, still in Cuba. Of special interest is fact that in November 1963, according to ODTEST informant, Thelma King attempted to call Jorge via long distance but was unable to locate him. Purpose of the call according informant, was to inform Jorge that she was planning to travel Communist China and she wanted Jorge to relay the information to FNU Conil. 3. Conil is probably Gilberto Conill Iglesias, former Cuban Consul in Panama who was required leave country 1961 for meddling internal affairs. Conill believed subsequently assigned Peking and attempting get official invitation for King visit Communist China."