Cryptonym: HATHOR
CIA document: Research Aid: Cryptonyms and Terms in Declassified CIA Files Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Disclosure Acts: Page 31: ..."Term: HATHOR. Definition: OSS/SSU cryptonym for Paul Dickopf..."
05/25/48: Dispatch via Air Pouch from Acting COS, Karlsruhe, Germany to Chief, Foreign Branch "M": Subject: Operational Monthly Progress Report - HATHOR: "1. Since contact was re-established with HATHOR about three months ago, the case officer has seen him approximately once a week...HATHOR's past history is too well known to necessitate any further analysis of him, and it need only be pointed out that he gives the impression of a person unusually well-balanced politically, morally, and intellectually, and that it should be possible to develop him into an exceptionally trustworthy and useful agent...5. At the present time he is engaged on a lengthy and detailed study of the police in the Russian Zone, pursued with the help of his many close friends in police departments throughout Germany...It is expected that the report will be finished by the end of May. He can undertake similar studies of the Russian or other zones from time to time. 6. At the case officer's request, a letter from the War Department Detachment will be addressed to Mr. O'Steene, OMGH Public Safety Officer, requesting Military Government assistance in obtaining a Zusugagehmigung for HATHOR. The case officer will hold the letter until the proper time for presenting it. (REDACTION)."
05/27/48: Memo from Withheld to COS, Karlsruhe: Subject: HATHOR: "1. In regard to paragraph 5b of referenced document we are considerably puzzled by the statement that Subject's denazification has not yet been completed and that he cannot be employed in the police forces before this is accomplished. A letter of 5 February 1947 from (REDACTION) to Fletcher M. Knight states that Subject appeared before the Spruchkammer in Wiesbaden on 26 January 1947 and got off with the lightest sentence: the lowest classification, that of Mitlhufer. (REDACTION) continues with the information that 'this would be sufficient to incapacitate him in certain parts of Germany, but fortunately not in Greater Hesse. He can take public office and as all his old enemies were removed from office in early January, his chances of receiving a high post in the Kripo are excellent.' 2. In view of the above we should appreciate further clarification of Subject's present status."
06/30/48: Dispatch via Air Pouch from Acting COS, Karlsruhe, Germany to Chief, Foreign Branch "M": Subject: Specific - HATHOR: "1. According to our records, HATHOR was not (repeat not) denazified at the time (unintelligible)-A-113 was written on the 25 April 1948, although he was denazified during the first week in May 1948. Furthermore, comment that he was placed in the classification of Miltaufer is also incorrect. He was actually placed in the class 5 which (unintelligible) that he is not selected (nicht betroffen). The classification of Miltaufer is not the lowest classification and would not have been particularly favorable. The actual classification received is the best possible. 2. The above information as well as (unintelligible)-A-1205 dated 25 May 1948 describes the status of denazification proceedings on HATHOR. (REDACTION)."
07/31/48: Dispatch via Air Pouch from Acting COS, Karlsruhe, Germany to Chief, Foreign Branch "M": Subject: Operational Monthly Progress Report - HATHOR - June and July: "1. During June and July HATHOR continued preparation of a lengthy report on the history, organization, and functioning of the German Kriminalpolizei, including information on the police in Sovzone. To gather information on this subject, he made one trip to the British zone and contacted former acquaintances who had connections with Sovzone police personalities. 2. While in Hamburg, HATHOR contacted a high official of the British Zone Criminal Police (German) who has lately been offered a very responsible position in the Sovzone police and who may develop into a high level penetration agent under HATHOR's guidance. A separate project report on this matter is being forwarded. 3. A reorganization of the police system of Hesse is in the making and HATHOR intends to re-enter the criminal police as soon as the opportune moment arrives. Meanwhile he is being assisted by our organization in finding proper living accommodations in Wiesbaden, where the headquarters of the Hesse police will remain. HATHOR's wife, at present in the French Zone, will soon be expelled from that zone as an unauthorized refugee and will come to live in Wiesbaden. 4. HATHOR appears enthusiastic at the prospect of working with us in a police capacity to thwart Communist activity in the American zone. (REDACTION)."
12/23/48: Dispatch via Air Pouch from Acting COS, Karlsruhe, Germany to Chief, Foreign Branch "M": Subject: Operational HATHOR Monthly Progress Report for October, November, and December, 1948: ..."4. Our future plans for HATHOR depend largely on the steps now being taken by Allied authorities to permit the setting up of a tri-zonal criminal police office for Western Germany. After conferring with Graham L. Page of BOB, KOB has decided to delay a decision on HATHOR until the tri-zonal criminal police office begins to take shape. It is thought that he will be able on his own merit to secure a position in the new office, probably in the identification service. His whole usefulness is jeopardized, of course, by the fact that his war-time activity for the United States is known as a result of his denazification trial. Because of his high intelligence and cooperative attitude, however, it is felt that his retention is worthwhile. He makes no demands, accepts no salary, and exhibits very satisfactory idealistic motivation...6. HATHOR's financial situation has for some time given grounds for suspicion about his loyalty and orientation. He accepts no salary for us, has no job, and yet manages to live. When questioned on this matter, he explained that his father-in-law settled about 12,000 RM worth of securities on him in 1941. Since then he has gradually liquidated this capital...At (REDACTION) request, HATHOR is preparing a detailed report on his past and present financial resources, including numbers of security certificates, and receipts from book sales. 7. HATHOR admits an old Swiss attempt to recruit him when he left that country in 1947, but he firmly denies any present contact with the Swiss police. He denies all connection with the French as well...8...HATHOR has been asked to submit a proposal on the structure and organization of the new tri-zonal criminal police office. His report should be in (REDACTION) hands before the end of December. (REDACTION)."