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Cryptonym: GPOTHER

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Unknown identity. A cable in November of 1961 from Leopoldville mentioned that GPOTHER was going to be informed of the contents of the cable, in case he wished to pass it on to the United Nations (UN).
GPOTHER may have been a U.S. State Department principal officer, or ambassador, or consul general, in Leopoldville.

104-10182-10052: CIA FILE ON WIROGUE.

11/07/61: Cable from Leopoldville to Director (Beitelheim Acting): Slugline RYBAT WIROGUE: "1. WIROGUE (W) came TPELIDE (note: to the embassy) late afternoon 7 Nov. Since Aira, assistant air gone, called Salvack. Said GOC wishes purchase 10 to 12 light fighter planes, hire mercenary pilots and mechanics. One prospective pilot already interviewed. (W forgot name naturally). Asked guidance what type plane GOC (Government of Congo) should buy. WIZARD-4 wants answer morning 8 Nov. Salvack only answered he not air officer and W should talk with acting Aira, Stogner. W said GOC has 100 million BCF to spend on planes pilots mechanics. 2. WICLAM reported GOC general staff impressed efficiency Katanga army and discussing hiring mercenaries themselves. 3. Defer HQs for dissemination of above. Informing GPOTHER in case he wishes pass UN."

See Also:
Gavin McDonald

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