Cryptonym: GPFLOOR
ARRB Final Report p.52: Final Report of the Assassinations Records Review Board
"GPFLOOR was the crypt that CIA gave Lee Harvey Oswald during its post-assassination investigation."
David Robarge, Studies in Intelligence, September 2013:
Robarge, the CIA's historian, states in the first footnote on page 4 states: "The cable slug used for Oswald-related traffic was GPFLOOR."
This document contains a listing of crypts which appear frequently in Oswald's 201 file and the JFK Collection. GPFLOOR is identified as "Oswald".
Oswald 201 File, Vol 2, Folder 6
11/24/63: The redacted slugline on this document does not say GPFLOOR, but LIENVOY (see 104-10125-10142). 11/24/63 cable DIR 84920, C/WH/3 Jack Whitten writes a note in response to MEXI 6702: "...One important question still puzzles us. When Lee Oswald was in Mexico City in late September and early October to get a Soviet visa and a Cuban transit visa, did he want to travel to Cuba right away, alone, or have his wife join him there and then leave for Cuba, or did he plan to return to the States first and then leave later...please restudy the (LIENVOY) material and give us your opinion, and also have Mexicans question Silvia Duran very carefully on this point." Page 18: Upon receipt, the marginalia includes a handwritten note from Ann Goodpasture to Win Scott: "COS (Chief of Station), my suggestion on this is to do nothing with it here yet ("yet" is underlined). So tell HQ and ask them for reading on these people. We might consider giving Government of Mexico (GOM) the dope on Mexican plates observed at her house in 1961, unless you feel this is a thing we should investigate first. She doesn't seem to have any target potential now, if she ever did, with all the confusion surrounding her. In fact, it would surprise me to see her lose her job. AP." At page 96, Scott writes: "Echevarria said (Duran) was arrested with 'seven others including her husband...' They were having a fiesta and Echevarria had just had a meeting with the President (of Mexico) who apparently said 'Proceed' and interrogate forcefully. S."
11/25/63 insert by Dallas FBI agent "HRD": Dallas police officer Arthur Hammatt contacted by Ray Carnay aka Carney, news director, station KBEA, Kansas. During the Cuban Revolution, Carney got a call "requesting that he fly in a 'flying tiger type harassment'". Carney believed it was Lee Harvey Oswald. (Note: the QDBIAS crypt describes the men who worked with William Pawley/QDDALE, who had helped Gen. Claire Chenault form the "Flying Tigers": HSCA Report X, p. 87 of 210) After Diaz defected in June 1959, "he was the unofficial leader of a group of his friends who included Fiorini, Jose Marcos Diaz Lanz (QDCHAR), brother of Luis and former inspector general of the FAR, Ricardo Lorie Valls (QDCOVE), former underground leader of the July 26 movement, and Carlos Echegoyen, formerly attached to the FAR Attache's office in Miami. These individuals lived in Miami and were in constant association with each other. They formed the nucleus of alleged operations against the Castro regime involving training of exiles; acquisition of boats and aircraft; and leaflet and bombing raids against Cuba...(104-10226-10290: see p. 33 of 44) "While he was news director for station KBOX in Dallas, Texas, during 1960 and 1961, he was contacted by an anti-Castro Cuban General, name not recalled, who attempted to recruit him as a pilot for an attack on Cuba and also sought his assistance in raising funds and publicity for the venture. As a result of this contact, he received considerable publicity and was later contacted by numerous pilots who desired to volunteer their services in an anti-Castro force. CARNEY stated that he had furnished the names of these individuals to the Cuban (sic) and also to the FBI in Dallas." Subsequently, he was contacted by a man calling himself Oswald "in late 1960 or early 1961" who was pro-Castro and tried to find out the names of the volunteers. Carney refused, telling the caller that he had been in Havana's jails in Dec. 1959.
Christopher Courtwright, "The Strange Allegations of Raymond Carnay", Kennedy Assassination Chronicles, Volume 2, Issue 3, p. 19.
Carnay's odyssey began when he received a call from Charlie Waters, who described himself as "vice-commander of the anti-Castro revolutionary forces in the Western Hemisphere" and that he was in Dallas "recruiting pilots" for "flying harassment raids over Cuba". He met with the Oswald-type character in person three times over 7-9 days and several follow-up phone calls. "How could the Oswald impostor have known in the first place that Carnay had turned a list of names and other information over to the FBI? Was someone in intelligence circles testing Carnay's loyalties by sending in a straw man to pose as a Castro advocate? A similar story to Carnay's is told to Jim Garrison by William Galzell, the head of Friends of Democratic Cuba in New Orleans. In 1961, Jim Moore was purchasing trucks for the FDC and documents were signed by Moore and a man called Lee Oswald. When asked before the grand jury, Galzell said that "Colonel" Charles Watters was working with Joseph Moore and he could tell Garrison all about Moore. Waters treated the group as a "hangout for arms and ammunition". See 124-10288-10389: Like Carnay, Dalzell describes Waters to the FBI as a "lieutenant colonel in the Western Hemisphere". See 124-10288-10389, p. 47 of 59: Dalzell was not a marginalized character - in the 50s he worked for DOD as a cryptographer.
12/5/63 cable from C/WH/3 Jack Whitten stating, "Pls slug all traffic on assassination RYBAT GPFLOOR."
Oswald 201 File, Vol 3, Att 1 & 2, Part 1
12/5/63 - this FBI attachment is entitled "The Assassination of President Kennedy", with an index at page 5 of 184. The very first article, at page 7, is the 12/6/63 New York Times by Joseph A. Loftus on crime scene reconstruction, saying the question is "how the President could have received a bullet in the front of the throat from a rifle at the Texas School Book Depository after his car had passed the building and was turning a gentle curve away from it."
12/11/63 memo from C/WH/3 Jack Whitten to Deputy Director of Plans Richard Helms: He wanted to make sure the LIENVOY was not publicly exposed through the release of certain FBI reports. He suggested providing the Warren Commission with verbatim reports of the telephone calls. He offered to do it himself, and asked if he could be relieved from his duties as C/WH/3 if he was to stay on the Oswald project.
4/1/64 memo from SAC, Dallas to Director FBI: Minutemen information obtained during Warren Commission investigation. On 2/11/64 Frank Ellsworth, ATTU reported that John Thomas Masen was arrested on 11/20/63 in Dallas for Firearms Act violations, knew "elite group" of patriots arming themselves for defense of country. Irving patrolman Preston Snoga was source on Masen. (Masen was one of several "lookalikes" of Oswald.) Jim Hosty's Minutemen source said all was very quiet on that front since 11/22/63. Reinterview suggested of Jerry Brooks re background on William Henry Johnson or Earl Johnson of Dallas, who may be Minutemen.
7/23/62 cable OUT 57734 from TFW/CI Richard Tansing x 5874 to Director of FBI, DIA, Dept. of State Security, ACSI, ONI, OSI...reference is made to OUT 55026, dated 7/16/62, "reference reported that subject, according to a fairly reliable source who has been involved in previous leaflet operations against Cuba has scheduled his next overflight for 26 July 1962. This same source has reported additional information as follows on subject's recent activities. (Marginalia then states "CARDED". On 6/21/62 subject delivered to Pedro Diaz Lanz an quantity of weapons including 57 mm recoilless rifles several automatic weapons and a considerable amount of ammunition." Authenticating officer CI/LIA Cal Tenney; Releasing officer William Harvey.
5/27/64 memo from DDP Richard Helms to WC general counsel H. Lee Rankin: Helms wrote in this memo that Washington Post columnist Drew Pearson let it be known that Premier Nikita Khrushchev and his wife did not accept the official version of the JFK assassination that Oswald acted alone. Nothing could be said to change their minds. 8/7/64: Reel 2, Folder H, p. 244: Note this discussion when Bernard Barker lost his US citizenship, like Oswald almost did: "To protect the US citizenship of an individual who engages in activities which would ordinarily expatriate himself requires prior agreement between this Agency and the Department of State."