Cryptonym: ER

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Digraph for operations and assets in Nicaragua.
Other cryptonyms related to Nicaragua were ERACERB-1, ERACORN-1, ERGOO-1, ERLOOP-1, ERYTHROID-1, 3 and 12.

04/02/54: Dispatch via Air Pouch from Withheld to LINCOLN: Subject: General - Operational. Specific - Assignment of Cryptonyms: Ref: HULA 278, 24 March 1954: "1. There is enclosed herewith a list of twenty-five cryptonyms of the 'ER' digraph series which were issued by (REDACTION) from a block furnished it by headquarters. 2. Identities for these cryptonyms will be forwarded under separate cover. Identities and cryptonyms are tied together by corresponding numbers on the two lists. (REDACTION) Francis D. Magoffin." - - - Page 2: ATTACHMENT TO (REDACTION) 258, 2 April 1954: "Cryptonyms: 1. ERADIATOR. 2. ERANIST. 3. ERASER. 4. ERBIA. 5. ERECTILE. 6. ERECTOR. 7. EREMITE. 8. EREMOPHYTE. 9. EREPSIN. 10. ERETHESIA. 11. ERGAMINE. 12. ERGASTERION. 13. ERGATES. 14. ERGATOID. 15. ERGMETER. 16. ERGOPHILE. 17. ERGOTININE. 18. ERGUSIA. 19. ERICAL. 20. ERICETAL. 21. ERICOID. 22. ERINOSE. 23. ERIOPHYLLOUS. 24. ERISTIC. 25. ERIZO."

104-10163-10176: ARTIME BUESA, MANUEL, (VOL XIV).

01/27/66: Cable from Managua to WAVE (Info: Director): Slugline TYPIC AMTABBY-27 AMLITAINT-1 AMWORLD: REF: WAVE 8529 (IN 36540): "1. Station has no info re attempt to obtain ERACORN-1 permission to reopen Monkey Point camp. However AMBIDDY-1 (Manuel Artime Buesa) arrived MANA 17 Jan via Lanica from Miami. 2. ERACORN-1 left MANA for PBPRIME (U.S.) via Lanica. According local press personal business is purpose of visit. ERFACT-1 says reason is medical recheck."


07/10/69: Dispatch from COS, Managua to COS, Panama City (Info: Chief, WH Division): ..."2. There are numerous traces on I. Irving Davidson. One card shows that he announced the new location of his offices at 1612 K. Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. on 1 April 1959. Among those he represented at that time were the Nicaraguan Government and Israeli Military Industries...3. Station contact ERWIG-1 knows Davidson well and classifies him as an unprincipled opportunist. At one time when Nicaragua was arranging to purchase a quantity of Staghound armored cars from Israel, Davidson made use of a Nicaraguan passport to travel from France to Israel since American citizens were at that time enjoined from travelling to the Mid-East. ERWIG-1 was shown this passport by then - French Ambassador to Nicaragua, Raymond Pons. ERWIG-1 told the American Military Attaché about this unauthorized travel. The MA told the American Ambassador who, in turn, told Davidson that ERWIG-1 had squealed on him. Relations between ERWIG-1 and Davidson were strained after that. This took place about 1956. 4. ERWIG-1 says that Davidson made about $50,000 (U.S.) on the Staghound deal which he invested locally in Plywood de Nicaragua to avoid paying U.S. income tax. He latter sold the interest in this plywood firm...Lawrence F. Barker (Robert Shaw."

Gavin McDonald • Bill Simpich

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