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Cryptonym: EMFENCE-2

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Amadeo Barletta, Jr., manager of General Motors in Santo Domingo, and was formerly manager of Ambar Motors in Havana.
Two cables on July 29, 1970, stated that EMFENCE-2 was Amadeo Barletta, Jr, and was formerly AMBLOW-1.

A cable on 27 November 1963, stated that AMBLOW-1 was pleased with the results of his Miami visit, and was now in contact with top officials of AREC. AMBLOW-1 was put in contact with AMGABE-1 (Julio Gaspar Hubert Rico), and met the JMWAVE Case Officer, who used the name "Charles Kaprall." AMBLOW-1 was apparently returning to Santo Domingo on 28 November, 1963.

In terms of the AREC (Asociacion para la Reconstruccion Economica Cubana - Association for the Economic Reconstruction of Cuba), an entry for the group in the Cuban Counterrevolutionary Handbook, in June, 1963, stated that it was "a group of wealthy, conservative businessmen dedicated to the overthrow of Castro and to the restoration of the free enterprise system and rebuilding of the Cuban economy. AREC is politically to the right of the other major business group in exile, the CEC." Its leading personalities included Abel Mestre y Espinosa (President), Roberto Suero Bernal (Vice-President), Alfonso Fanjul, Raul Pujol, Ignacio Pedro Cancio Gomez, Dr. Manuel Remedios, and Jaime Pons Domenech. It is unlikely that its leading figures changed too much in less than six months, when AMBLOW was in contact with them.

A cable in May 1964, referred to a meeting between Carlos Prio Socarras and AMBLOW-1 during that month. Prio allegedly told AMBLOW-1 he was receiving no assistance from the United States Government. However, the U.S. Government/CIA was providing Manuel Ray Rivero (AMBANG-1) with a good amount of equipment (but no money). The U.S. Government/CIA was providing AMBIDDY-1's (Manuel Artime Buesa) group with a lot of money and equipment. CIA would not control AMBIDDY-1, but did have a good deal of control over a number of A-1's leaders.


06/00/63: Cuban Counterrevolutionary Handbook entry for AREC (Asociacion para la Reconstruccion Economica Cubana - Association for the Economic Reconstruction of Cuba): ..."D. Political Alignment and Basic Principles: AREC is a group of wealthy, conservative businessmen dedicated to the overthrow of Castro and to the restoration of the free enterprise system and rebuilding of the Cuban economy. AREC is politically to the right of the other major business group in exile, the CEC. Supports 1940 Constitution. E. Leading Personalities: Abel Mestre y Espinosa - President. Roberto Suero Bernal - Vice-President. Alfonso Fanjul - Treasurer. Raul Pujol - Vice Treasurer. Ignacio Pedro Cancio Gomez - Secretary. Dr. Manuel Remedios - External Relations. Jaime Pons Domenech - Political and Liberation Committee..."


11/27/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline DYVOUR JMPALM: "1. Station CO met AMBLOW-1 25 Nov, using name Charles Kaprall, in order offer assistance and review his visit. FYI he was put in contact AMGABE-1 (Julio Gaspar Hubert Rico) on arrival and activities monitored by several other Station assets. 2. AMBLOW-1 stated plesed results Miami visit and now in contact top officials AREC. Requested no assistance. Returning SDOM 28 Nov. C/S Comment: *Ref RYBAT."


04/16/64: Memo from Justin E. Gleichauf, Chief, Miami Field Office to Acting Chief, Contact Division (ATTN: Support Branch): "1. This contact was effected by Luis C. Rodriguez in order to determine the sources of information of AREC regarding economic conditions in Cuba. During the ensuing conversation, Mr. Cancio advised that the main source of their information is the monitoring of Cuban broadcast by the Association of Cuban Stenographers in Exile. AREC also obtains information from other exile groups such as the Sugar Cane Planters, Cattle Association and similar organizations. 2. AREC has been also holding public meetings at the Everglades Hotel in Miami and inviting as guest speakers leading personalities of the exile colony. Mr. Cancio pointed out that some of the speakers have been rather controversial figures like Antonio M. de Varona, Manuel Artime, Aureliano Sanchez Arango and Eusebio Mujal. The purpose for inviting these individuals is that they may have the opportunity to expound their views publicly before an audience composed by a cross section of the Cuban colony. 3. Mr. Cancio was a corporation lawyer in Cuba and among his clients were several U.S. companies. He has been in the U.S. since 1959. He offered to furnish this office information pertaining to economic conditions in Cuba as it becomes available."


05/27/64: Dispatch from COS, Santo Domingo to Chief, Western Hemisphere Division (Info: COS, JMWAVE): "1. On 24 May 1964, AMBLOW-1 said a few days earlier he had talked with former President of Cuba, Carlos Prio Socarras, who was visiting the Dominican Republic, and that Prio had told him: a) That he (Prio) was receiving no help of any kind from U.S. Government, but that some confiscated property (not clearly specified but perhaps a large boat and other property) had been returned to him recently; b) ODYOKE/KUBARK (U.S. Government/CIA) was not providing Manolo Ray money, but was providing him with a good deal of equipment. c) ODYOKE/KUBARK was providing AMBIDDY-1's (Manuel Artime Buesa) group with a lot of money and equipment: KUBARK would not control AMBIDDY-1, but did have a good deal of control over a number of AMBIDDY-1's leaders; that AMBIDDY-1 was not aware of the plans for the raid which was carried out about 10 May, and was extremely angry when he (unintelligible - extremely faint print)..."

104-10225-10012: CIA FILE ON ( )SHELL-5

07/29/70: Cable from Santo Domingo to WH/Miami (Info: Director): CITE SANTO DOMINGO 9642: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMCHALK: REFS A. SANTO DOMINGO 8946 (IN 045580) B. WH/Miami 8435 (IN 131863). "1. EMFENCE-2 (IDENTITY), formerly was AMBLOW-1. Previous connections with Torrientes not known, although he did attend March 1970 meeting Cuban exiles reported Ref A at which Torrientes spoke. 2. File 201-044791. GP-1." - - - June 27, 2023 release: https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2023/104-10225-10012.pdf

104-10225-10012: CIA FILE ON ( )SHELL-5

07/29/70: Cable from Santo Domingo to WH/Miami (Info: Director): CITE SANTO DOMINGO 9643: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMCHALK: REF: SANTO DOMINGO 9642 (IN 132156): "IDENTITY: Amadeo Barletta, Jr., manager General Motors Santo Domingo. Formerly manager Ambar Motors Habana." - - - June 27, 2023 release: https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2023/104-10225-10012.pdf

Gavin McDonald

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