Cryptonym: DMLET
A dispatch from Chief, EE, in October, 1963, referred to "the DMLET target." In addition, a cable from Mexico City on November 14, 1963, in reference to Esperanza Semadeni Vernis, Mexican secretary of the Yugoslav Embassy in that city, stated "no indication she has Communist sympathies, apparently job at DMLET installation not based political reliability."
02/05/63: Dispatch from COS, Mexico City: Page 2: ..."e. LIEMPTY/LIENTRAP (umbrella surveillance project in Mexico City) has provided photos of interest to KUTUBE/D (CIA "Staff D" responsible for SIGINT - Signals Intelligence - electronic intercepts, where the ZR/RIFLE "executive action" - assassination - program was housed) of the LIMERICK (Soviet Embassy in Mexico City) installation and is presently working on similar coverage of the DMLET installation..."
10/24/63: Dispatch from Chief, EE to COS, Mexico City (Via: Chief, WHD): Subject: DMLET/Operational Notification of POA: "1. POA was granted to Subject of reference effective 11 October 1963. No derogatory information has been obtained from other ODYOKE (U.S. Government) departments to date, but investigations will continue in order to obtain an OA. 2. Please forward PRQ Part II if Subject is willing to work against the DMLET target for us."
104-10097-10203: TRACE REQUEST
11/13/63: Cable from Mexico City to Director: Slugline NYXIS DMLET: REF: MEXI 6880 (IN 60165): "1. Request traces Esperanza Semadeni Vernis, born 26 Oct 29 Mexico, D. F. present address Cerrada Valllarta 7/2. Secretary to ambassador Vlahov of Yugoslav embassy. 2. Only trace is U.S. visa request 1939, granted, latest revalidation good until 13 July 61. Application stated purpose was pleasure trips. Physical description: Brown hair, grey eyes, height 5 feet 6 inches, weight 173 pounds. Address as of 59 was Retorno 49 Lote 24 Manzana K. Colonia Abante, Mexico D. F. As of 59 was secretary at Banco Nacional del Credito Ecidal, Mexico. 3. No index." - - - June 2023 release:
104-10097-10204: TRACE REQUEST
11/14/63: Cable from Mexico City to Director: Slugline NYXIS DMLET: REF MEXI 6879 (IN 60157): "1. Request priority POA for recruiting SUBJ ref. 2. LIFEAT coverage indicates SUBJ heavily in debt, unable make payments. No indication she has Communist sympathies, apparently job at DMLET installation not based political reliability. 3. Plan approach as PBPRIME (U.S.) businessman interested in interviewing her for part time bilingual secretarial job. If some positive assessment made, plan recruiting attempt offering up to 100 dollars per month for reports on embassy and personnel. 4. Timing this attempt important due current financial status SUBJ. CS Comment: Requested traces on Esperanza Semadeni Vernis." - - - June 2023 release:
104-10101-10165: CABLE: POA GRANTED SUBJ REF.
12/09/63: Cable from Director to Mexico City: Slugline NYXIS DMLET: REF: DIR 83585*: "POA granted SUBJ ref. *No Hqs info Esperanza Semadeni Vernis, Secretary to Yugoslav Ambassador. Mexi priority POA requested." - - - June 2023 release:
104-10098-10388: OPS CABLE - DEBRIEFING
12/20/63: Cable from Mexico City to Director: Slugline NYXIS DMLET: "1. Based telecon 18 Dec to SUBJ ref she met by CO on 19 Dec. During short conversation during which CO stuck to commercial cover, SUBJ claimed she not commie, had spent several years in United States, feared her employ at Yug emb might make getting visa difficult. Also explained how got job at Yug emb, story appears plausible and does not indicate any commie ties. 2. After this info obtained and based added positive feature of SUBJ's concern for PBPRIME (U.S.) visa, CO admitted he actually ODYOKE (U.S. Government) official, wanted her cooperate with him providing info on Yug emb activities and personnel. 3. Before CO had chance mention finances SUBJ indicated complete willingness cooperate. When money offered, SUBJ stated she would work for nothing, but when CO reiterated offer, she accepted. At end of meet she took 1000 pesos and signed receipt in true name. 4. During hour debriefing. SUBJ generally described her duties which include all Spanish correspondence for amb, help in preparing bulletin and setting up appointments for amb and others in amb...9. Next meet set for 23 Dec during which time will obtain full PRQ Part I and commence full debriefing re topics interest. Plan weekly meets and possible turn over to Obold in January if SUBJ appears fully recruited and if op appears viable. 10. PLS assign crypt. Pouching full report. C/S Comment: POA granted Esperanza Semadeni Vernis." - - - June 2023 release: