Cryptonym: CIRASH
HSCA Report, Volume X Current Section: III. Antonio Veciana Blanch
1961-1973: "(Luis Posada) was a member of Brigade 2506, but he did not take part in the Bay of Pigs landing. In 1963, he joined the US Army and was commissioned a first lieutenant. He resigned his commission in 1964. He went to Venezuela in 1967 and shortly after joined the Venezuelan secret police, called DISIP, the Direccion de la Servicios de Inteligencia y Prevencion. From 1971 to 1973, he was chief of operations of the General Provision of Security for DISIP, which included counterintelligence. He resigned from DISIP in 1973 and went to Washington D.C. to take training from what he termed 'a private company' in the field of lie detection."
104-10178-10002: POSADA, LUIS CLEMENTE.
1967-1972: "8/28/67 - (Luis Posada) returned to Miami obtain proper visa enable him work in Venezuela. Said he obtained job with DIGEPOL through Rafael Tremols Gustavo Ortiz Faez...10/28/67 - (Posada) picked up as unilateral penetration of CIRASH and CIRASH-4/(Erasto Fernandez Betancourt - the new director of DIGEPOL). 11/1/67 - (Posada) began working for DIGEPOL...4/14/71 - (Posada) sent by CIFENCE service to assemble bomb to be sent to former Venezuelan dictator Perez Jiminez. (Posada) requested REDACTED help in mission. REDACTED recommended against it." April 1972 - (Posada) placed in charge of another CIRASH Division with more responsibility and importance..."
104-10220-10128: LUIS CLEMENTE POSADA.
1/24/68 cable from JMWAVE to Director: "...At meeting AMCLEVE-15 (Luis Posada) turned over for station copying several valuable documents from CIRASH proving ops leads for key terrorists." See page 95: "It evident (AMCLEVE-15) completely willing (to) work with station as penetration CIRASH." See page 86: "We have no objection to continued contact as a source of information on activities of CIRASH and REDACTED organizations available to him thru the normal course of his official duties, and no objection to payments for info received."
Wikipedia entry for DISIP:
1969: DISIP (General Sectoral Directorate of Intelligence and Prevention Services) was an intelligence and counter-intelligence agency inside and outside of Venezuela between 1969 and 2009 when SEBIN was created by former President Hugo Chavez. DISIP was established in March 1969 by then-president Rafael Caldera, replacing the Directorate General of Police (DIGEPOL).
104-10178-10002: Posada, Luis Clemente
April 1972: "Subject (Posada) placed in charge of another CIRASH division with more responsibility and importance. Initiated extensive investigation of Prensa Latina and its Caracas Director and the kidnapping of Venezuelan industrialist Carlos Dominguez."