Cryptonym: CIHUMP-1
09/20/65: Cable from JMWAVE: Sluglines JMDEVIL AMICE: ..."2. AMICE-31 (Reinaldo Pico Ramon) JMDEVIL contacts include CIHAZEL-1 and CIHUMP-1 (IDENTITY B), both of whom recently transited JMWAVE." - - - Page 76: ..."IDENTITY B. Jose de Jesus Planas."
01/09/59: Information Report: Place Acquired: Havana, Cuba. Date of Information: 8 January 1959. Page 2: ..."2. (Headquarters Comment. TDCS 3/383, 329 described David Salvador as one of the new leaders of the CTC. Salvador has been previously reported as national director of the FON, and as working closely with Jose de Jesus Planas, one of the founders of the Juventud Obrera Catholica (JOC, Catholic Youth Workers), to prevent Communist penetration of the FON. cf. CS 3/242, 829 and CS 3/342,828)." - - - Pages 3-4: ..."5. The following members of the Juventud Obrera Catholica (JOC, Catholic Youth Workers) have been appointed to important positions in the new Cuban labor movement: a. Jose de Jesus Planas was appointed by Provisional President Urrutia to the post of Assistant Secretary of Labor; b. Reinol Gonzalez Moure will be temporary secretary-general of the Transport Workers' Union. He will later head the Bank Workers' Union; c. Reinaldo Pico will replace Reinol Gonzalez Moure as secretary-general of the Transport Workers' Union; d. Humberto Escandon has been made secretary-general of the Retail Clerks' Union; e. Alberto Marchante has been named secretary-general of the Cement Workers' Union; and f. Fernando Mena has been made an officer in the Pharmaceutical Workers' Union. In addition to these appointments, Eduardo Garcia is expected to be made an officer in the Retail Clerks' Union, and Emilio Mayor may be named an officer in the Textile Workers' Union. Both of these persons are members of the JOC. (Headquarters Comment. Reinol Gonzalez Moure mentioned in this paragraph is presumed to be identical with Reinol Gonzalez Gonzalez, an officer of the JOC, and former director of 26 of July Revolutionary Movement propaganda in Caracas. cf. TDCS 3/383,329)."
10/01/62: Report Cover Sheet from JMWAVE: Reporting Officer: Henry J. Sloman (probably Tony Sforza). Reports Officer: Oliver K. Papock. Approving Officer: Andrew K. Reuteman (Theodore Shackley): ..."Probable full names for the individuals mentioned in this report are Justo Asencio Carrillo Hernandez, (Jose de Jesus) Planas (del Paso)..." - - - Page 3: Field Information Report: "1. On Saturday, 18 August, a meeting of eighteen individuals was held in the Biscayne Terrace Hotel; they included Justo Carrillo, Planas (fnu), Angel del Cerro. Thirty-five had been expected. The purpose of the meeting was to gather support for Manolo Ray Rivero's attempt to form the Junta Revolucionaria (JURE - Revolutionary Junta). 2. Using Planes as intermediary, Carrillo tried to get Enrique Huertas to lend the premises of the Medical Association for this meeting, and at the same time to see whether or not Huertas would participate in the meeting. Huertas did not accede to this request; he said that the premises of the Medical Association could not be used for any sectarian political meetings..."
Page 93: ..."The Destruction of Civil Society: In November 1959, a confrontation between democratic and Communist revolutionaries took place at the Tenth Congress of the Federation of Cuban Workers. There were 3000 delegates, and less than 300 of them were Communists. Fidel's rallying cry, which he transmitted to the '26th of July' leader David Salvador, was 'Unity with the Communists', he planned to bring them into the governing apparatus at any cost, but the labor leaders rejected that. Fidel was obliged to attend in person, to try to salvage the situation. Reinol Gonzalez, Jose de Jesus Planas and Eduardo Garcia-Moure, three young labor leaders who had risen through the Catholic ranks, stood out for their passionate defense of democracy. Roberto Simeon was also staunch in that stance, from an aprista position. After gross manipulation, a compromise was reached. This was, however, the only defeat that the government suffered, and even this one was only temporary. But soon, the Communists managed to reverse the situation and take control of the labor apparatus. It took them a little time, but they achieved it. Reinol took the road of conspiracy, and would spend many years suffering in particularly severe prisons. Garcia Moure and Planas were compelled to go into exile in Venezuela after they were forced to seek diplomatic protection in that country's embassy, in Havana. They were joined by Roberto Fontanillas-Roig who, years later, would become the most respected leader of the Cuban exile community in that country.",+cuban+exile&source=bl&ots=8b6DPpHUmX&sig=ACfU3U3d-WX2Smj4HpLW61Ot-YA_hcPrpQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuwYnY5crgAhUcShUIHXCDAxYQ6AEwAHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=Jose%20de%20Jesus%20Planas%2C%20cuban%20exile&f=false