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Cryptonym: CAJEEP-2

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Rolland C. Swanson. A cable on April 10, 1961, stated that CAJEEP-2 was IDEN. A cable the same day stated that IDEN was Rolland C. Swanson.
The first cable mentioned above stated that CAJEEP-2 was presently in Leopoldville negotiating a contract to supply non-U.S. pilots and mechanics for the Congolese airforce school in Congo.

104-10182-10052: CIA FILE ON WIROGUE.

04/10/61: Cable from Director to FROB and Leopoldville (Info: Frankfurt): (Orig: Daniel Niesciur, Unit: AF/W/2): Slugline WIROGUE RYBAT ZIBET: CITE DIR 34146: "1. CAJEEP/2 (IDEN) presently LEOP negotiating contract to supply non-PBPRIME (U.S.) pilots and mechanics for Congolese airforce school in Congo. LEOP station posing as interested TPELIDE officials in contact C/2 who not formally aware but probably suspects KUBARK (CIA) involvement, no objection making C-2 witting KUBARK interest. 2. Request prob contact C-2 upon return Wiesbaden mid April to obtain names and bio data on candidates for Congo jobs with object in some cases of their recruitment as KUBARK agents. If lead time sufficient would prefer recruitments be made by FROB prior to their departure for LEOP. Extent of C/2 involvement should be kept minimum. 3. For LEOP: Inform C/2 contact will be made Wiesbaden. C/2 granted OA 12 Feb '60 for such contacts."

104-10182-10052: CIA FILE ON WIROGUE.

04/10/61: Cable from Director to FROB and Leopoldville (Info: Frankfurt): (Orig: Daniel Niesciur, Unit: AF/W/2): Slugline WIROGUE RYBAT ZIBET: REF: DIR 34146 (OUT 94186): "IDEN Rolland C. Swanson." Releasing Officer: Bronson Tweedy, C/AF. Authenticating Officer: Lester C. Houck, C/AP/W.

104-10182-10052: CIA FILE ON WIROGUE

05/02/61: Cable from Director to FROB and Leopoldville (Info: Frankfurt): (Orig: Daniel Niesciur, Unit: AF/W/2): Slugline RYBAT WIROGUE ZIBET: "1. Regret delay. Fluid situation Congo may preclude injection KUBARK (CIA) assets in Congolese air force. GOC stalling on CAJEEP/2 contract since no one wants assume responsibility. 2. KUBARK interest having C/2 supply instructors two fold (a) prevent Belgians filling jobs and (b) intel penetration, if possible, still hoping accomplish but prospects dim. In event contract is signed suggest FROB consider following criteria: A. All six instructors C/2 agreed furnish to be non-Belgian French speakers. B. Attempt recruit from this group one or two who look good operationally as KUTUBE (Note: Foreign Intelligence (FI) division of CIA) assets. If recruited authorize up to 800 DM per month agent salary while in Congo. This in addition to normal salary instructors to receive under contract from CAF. C. C/2 involvement be kept at minimum. D. Contact instructions and specific operational guidance to be furnished by LEOP. C/S Comment: *Re CAJEEP/2 contract being drafted but not signed."

Gavin McDonald

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