Cryptonym: BECOMPLEX
A cable from Director on October 3, 1963, citing as reference MEXI 6322, stated that "per para 3 ref SUBJ assigned crypt BECOMPLEX. EE/P Comment: *Requests crypt for Lichocki." Therefore BECOMPLEX was Ryszard Lichocki.
10/01/63: Cable from Mexico City to Director: CITE MEXI 6322: Slugline RYBAT BEDOX BEVISION: REF HMMA 22043: "1. Mail coverage produced letter dated 19 September to Ryszard Lichocki from Chester AKA Czeslaw Mochorowski, 151 West 74 Street, New York 23, telephone EN 2-8312. Above apparently business and home address. Business is carpentry and furniture repair. 2. Letter indicates there has been long break in correspondence and asks when Lichocki will come to U.S. Mentions Anulka, who has just returned from Israel. Thanks Lichocki for a gift. Sender apparently Jewish, as sends greetings for Jewish new year. 3. No station traces Mochorowski. Request HQs and ODENVY (FBI) traces. PLS assign crypt Lichocki. 4. Index to P-6335."
10/03/63: Cable from Director to Mexico City (Orig: Gerald L. Engle, EE/Poland): Slugline RYBAT BEDOX BECOMPLEX: RE MEXI 6322 (IN 30131)*: "Per para 3 ref SUBJ assigned crypt BECOMPLEX. EE/P Comment: *Requests crypt for Lichocki."
10/24/63: Cable from Mexico City to Director: Slugline BEDOX BECOMPLEX: REF HMMW 11969: "1. On chance BECOMPLEX not illegal described by BEVISION request HQs have special ZODIAC (internal CIA system for processing travel information regarding all Soviet satellite nationals that travel into or from the United States) sort made on Poles traveling from Italy to Mexico during 1957 and Poles traveling to and from Mexico to Europe late 58 early 59. Assuming illegal traveled on regular passport, may be possible determine by search of pun whether BECOMPLEX or other Pole traveled during these times. 2. PLS check ODURGE (U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service - INS) records determine whether Wegrzyn entered U.S. circa Nov 59...27 Jan 60)."
104-10529-10057: POLISH OPS LEADS
10/28/63: Cable from Director to Mexico City (Orig: Gerald L. Engle, EE/Poland): DYXIS BECOMPLEX: "1. ZODIAC (internal CIA system for processing travel information regarding all Soviet satellite nationals that travel into or from the United States) records incomplete for period 57-59 and Poles falling into categories (unintelligible) Ref B check out as bona fide officials. ODURGE (U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service - INS) not able check Wegrzyn without first name. Has MEXI visa section been checked? 2. Mochorowski best lead yet. No HQs traces except NY phone book which gives same data as Ref A, plus AKA Chester Morris. Queried ODENVY (FBI), will advise when received. EE/P Comment: *(Unintelligible) contact between BECOMPLEX and Mochorowski. **Requests ZODIAC check."
11/14/63: Dispatch from COS, Mexico City to Chief, EE Division (Info: Chief, WH Division): Subject: BEDOX/BEVISION/BECOMPLEX/Operational - Status Report on Investigation of Ryszard Lichocki: "1. Since the preparation of reference C, the Station has instituted telephone coverage of Subject, intercepted his mail, made inquiries about possible leads trips outside of Mexico by Subject since his arrival, and pursued other leads which are described in more detail below. All of this detailed investigative effort has not thus far developed concrete proof of any clandestine activity on the part of Subject, although it is certainly possible that open code messages are being passed by mail or by phone. The one possible exception is described in paragraph 6c - a faint indication that he may have left the country in mid-1959. Wegrzyn was rechecked in HBFINCH (U.S. Embassy) files, but there is still no record of him..."
104-10097-10245: TRACE REQUEST
11/15/63: Cable from Mexico City to Director: CITE MEXI 6911: Slugline DYXIS BEDOX BECOMPLEX: RE: DIR 79031 (NOT SENT MELB): "1. Request addressee and liaison traces Leszek Wegrzyn born 7 Nov 60 LUGW Poland, Australian passport E162169. Resides 13 North Cote Road, Linfield, N.S.W., Australia. In MEXI circa November 1959. 2. MELB: SUBJ believed to have contacted suspected Polish IS agent MEXI Nov 59. Most interested learn if SUBJ real person, or possibly Polish type travelling under false documentation, therefore PLS explain this possibility to liaison. 3. DIR: Local ODURGE (U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service - INS) checked their HQs and came up with above Wegrzyn who undoubtedly IDEN SUBJ para 1 ref. 4. Index to 201-728291 (P-6335)." - - - This redacted version of the same cable has clearer print:
104-10098-10263: REVIEW OF PERFORMANCE
11/21/63: Dispatch from COS, Mexico City to Chief, EE Division (Info: Chief, WH Division): Subject: BEDOX/OKROW - Woodrow D. Gabbott - Review of Performances: ..."2. Evaluation of Specific Duties: a. LIFEAT monitoring and processing: For the past year Gabbott has continued performing his main function, that of listening to, transcribing and typing the take from LIFEAT coverage of various BEDOX (East Europe, Czechoslovakia, and Poland) targets. This has included LIFEAT/LITMUS - an average of three tapes a day, plus sporadic coverage of targets of operational interest such as BECOMPLEX and individual BEDOX officials' homes...C. Contact with BECOMPLEX and Family: Gabbott has been used in a minor role in the investigation of BECOMPLEX, a possible BEDOX illegal agent in Mexico City. Gabbott has known BECOMPLEX slightly for several years. He has been able to provide us with background information on BECOMPLEX, his present whereabouts and activities, and leads to others in the local community that know more about BECOMPLEX's past and present..."
11/21/63: Dispatch from Chief, WH to COS, Mexico City: Subject: BECOMPLEX/Operational Trace Response: "1. Transmitted herewith are two reports dealing with (Unintelligible) and one report on Chester Mochorowski. 2. Headquarters' files contain no additional information on Mochorowski. 3. The attached reports present the highlights of (Unintelligible) activities which are pertinent to our current interests; however, the following item of information lends credence to the supposition that (Unintelligible) has had connections with U.S.: A report dated 4 August 1959 from an official British Service states that (Unintelligible), then Charge d'Affaires at the Polish Legation in (Unintelligible), was known to have made a 'recruitment' approach while on a trip to Kabul, Afghanistan, in mid-1959. Nathaniel (Unintelligible). Oliver G. Galbond (J. C. King)."