Cryptonym: AVBUZZ-1
Moreover, a CRC memo on February 9, 1962 stated that "at my meeting with Dr. Miro Cardona, he brought me the attached memorandum which he said had been given to him in Montevideo by Victor Gutierrez Salmador, who works there under the orders of Francisco Ordonez. Both of these men apparently are Spaniards and are working in the anti-Castro cause in Uruguay. Dr. Miro said that he understood that Gutierrez Salmador had already presented this proposal in Montevideo at an earlier date to the United States representative." A report on Francisco Ordonez stated he was "contact or liaison man in Uruguay, between the American Intelligence or Information organizations and the different groups, organizations, individuals etc. that work against Communism":
AVBUZZ-1 was described in a cable on January 4, 1962, as the Montevideo's Station Principal CA Agent. Furthermore, AVBUZZ-1 worked with Frank Diaz, Hada Rosete (assigned the cryptonym AVBUZZ-1 in late October, 1963), AMCORE-2 (Luis Conte Aguero). In respect to AMCORE-2, AVBUZZ-1 recommended, with the agreement of the CIA Montevideo Station, that the former's visits to Montevideo should be removed from his itinerary, due to an apparent failure to pay his hotel bill and his long speeches, among other things.
12/07/61: Cable from Montevideo to Director: Slugline JMZIP KUCAGE: "AMCORE-2 (Luis Conte Aguero) book in hands of printer. Station KUCAGE (CIA Psychological and Paramilitary Operations Staff) PA AVBUZZ-1 assisted by local AMIRON (the Frente Revolucionario Democratico - FRD) rep Frank Diaz will proof draft. Expect have copies ready for pouching within three to four weeks. C/S Comment: *Requested status AMCORE-2 book."
01/04/62: Cable from Montevideo to Director: "1. AVBUZZ-1, Station's principal CA Agent, reports considerable resistance within local KUCAGE (CIA Psychological and Paramilitary Operations Staff) network to news that AMCORE-2 (Luis Conte Aguero) will again visit Montevideo. As previously reported, AMCORE-2 tends to monopolize local activities and his behaviour during MONT Congress June 61 such that he practically persona non grata even among his former admirers. His ribald night thinking, patronizing three hour speeches and general air of (unintelligible) now offensive to Uruguayan public and Station concurs with AVBUZZ-1 that his presence MONT during MFM might well be counterproductive. FYI AMCORE-2 left hotel bill unpaid on last visit, which forced Station to cover it. 2. Can HQs or WAVE take steps remove Montevideo from AMCORE-2 itinerary? CS Comment: *Gave Subject's itinerary."
01/10/62: Cable from Montevideo to JMWAVE: "1. Hada Rosete, FRD rep MONT, doing excellent job in media field. Has established good contacts with editors major newspapers who providing her space at reduced rates and has secured half hour weekly radio time from Radio Sarano; at cost. However in spite bargain prices such placement costs add up. Via AVBUZZ-1 Station has paid approx $500 U.S. for such costs in past month due complaint by Hada that FRD apparently unable pay such costs. 2. Since Station has received no JMZIP (Latin American Division routing indicator) funds during FY 1962 it is requested that Hada be provided funds for such legitimate expenses."
1994.06.18.10:34:30:500005: Reel 67, Folder K - AMBUD ((DELETION)) MEMOS.
02/09/62: Memo for record No. 199: SUBJECT: Proposal for Latin American Movement for the Liberation of Cuba: "1. At my meeting with Dr. Miro Cardona, he brought me the attached memorandum which he said had been given to him in Montevideo by Victor Gutierrez Salmador, who works there under the orders of Francisco Ordonez. Both of these men apparently are Spaniards and are working in the anti-Castro cause in Uruguay. Dr. Miro said that he understood that Gutierrez Salmador had already presented this proposal in Montevideo at an earlier date to the United States representative. However, he gave this to Dr. Miro with a view to getting the latter's interest in the proposal. Dr. Miro handled it to me and said it was something that I might want to look over when I had time to do so; that it was a very extensive plan and just in the propaganda aspects would cost about 15 million dollars. Following is a translation of this memorandum..."
02/16/62: Cable from Montevideo to JMWAVE: "1. AVBUZZ-1 has letter from Miro Cardona (AMBUD-1) offering name and give credentials to Maria de los Angeles de Gomez Antia as Uruguayan delegate of the Consejo Revolutionario de Cuba in Mont. This would assist breaking hold of Dr. Abella (President of Amigos de Cuba Libre) and may help stop bickering within various anti-Castro groups here. 2. We like Miro's offer partially. View good work being done by Doctora Rosete do not want alienate her from Gomez Antia. Therefore suggest Gomez Antia be named fraternal delegate of Consejo as great friend of Consejo in Mont with appropriate flourish and announcement of same thus not naming particular person as delegate yet indicating preference for Gomez Antia over Abella, who getting worse and more obstructionist every day. Recent meeting executive committee of Amigos de Cuba Libre called specifically iron out differences between two, Abella locked up meeting site and left. Making vague and insane statements that he will carry the fight against Castro alone. 3. AVBUZZ-1 discussed above with Miro during MFM here. All persons involved known to Miro." Handwritten note:
02/20/62: Cable from Montevideo to Director: JMZIP: "1. AVBUZZ-1 advised Station 19 Feb that local press carried statement that Luis Conte Aguero has been removed from FRD Council. Conte quoted as saying he would continue fight against Castro on own. This item not noted by Station. Request confirmation. 18 Feb El Diario reported Conte coming MONT to get married to young social worker 25 Feb. Following marriage which will be witnessed by NCC member Benito Nardone couple will travel Miami."
02/26/62: Dispatch from COS, Montevideo to Chief, WH: Subject: Miro Cardona letters to AVBUZZ-1 and AVBUZZ-4: "Forwarded under separate cover for addressees are copies of highly complimentary letter written by Miro to the Station's principal KUCAGE (CIA Psychological and Paramilitary Operations Staff) operations, praising them on their performances in supporting the (unintelligible) Movement at the Punta del Este Conference. Needless to say Miro's comments were greatly appreciated by AVBUZZ-1 and AVBUZZ-4, both of whom have the highest regard for Miro's leadership ability and dignified direction of the free Cuban cause. William C. Busweiler." - - - Page 2: Letter from Jose Miro Cardona to Victor Gutierrez Salmador (unredacted): "Don Paco" and "Rosete" have also been unredacted. See April 2018 release: - - - Page 3: Letter from Jose Miro Cardona to Francisco Ordonez (unredacted): "Don Paco" also unredacted. See April 2018 release:
03/31/62: Cable from Montevideo to Director: Slugline GYROSE KUCAGE: "1. AVBUZZ-1 advised Station 29 March that as result efforts local FRD rep Hada Rosette Uruguayan National Council of Government resolved send cable Fidel Castro Havana urging clemency for Playa Giron prisoners. Will cable text if and when available. 2. Via AVBUZZ-1 Montevideo Ateneo also cabled Castro reminding him of plea it sent on his behalf to Batista when he imprisoned following Moncada Barracks attack and urging similar mercy toward prisoners. 3. Statements demanding justice by DRE and other Cuban exile groups appearing in MONT press. Lead editorial appeared 'El Bien Publico' and 'El Dia' 29 March. (REDACTION) organization and its sister organizations instructed send cables." - - - 08/16/62: Cable from Montevideo to JMWAVE: "1. Alberto Espinosa Bravo, ex-Cuban diplomat arrived MONT early August claiming he new AMIRON (the Frente Revolucionario Democratico - FRD) rep. He collaborating with Hada Rosete and AVBUZZ-1 in local anti-Castro activity. On 15 (also received 12) Aug he called upon local ODACID (U.S. State Department) chief. 2. Station has received no official notification Espinosa assignment. Request confirmation and traces."
04/12/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: "Attachment Ref B is sole recent AMSPELL (DRE) declaration of anti-U.S. tone which has come to our attention. Because of Holy Week, JMWAVE efforts contact both AMSPELL leaders and AMHINT-8 (AMSPELL 'penetration') in order comply Ref A thus far unsuccessful. However, since AMSPELL usually dilatory in response our requests, suggest MONT ask REDACTION (AVBUZZ-1) obtain text from AMBARB-15. C/S Comment: *Requested text AMSPELL 'anti-American declaration.'"
10/18/63: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to COS, Montevideo: ..."2. The third report, however, is of perhaps more direct and current interest to Station Montevideo. The subject of same is Francisco Ordonez, whom Ledon describes as working for KUBARK (CIA) in Montevideo and as having aroused suspicious of anti-Communists circles in Montevideo due to his strange associations and activities. Ledon proceeds to point out several of the incidents which have aroused this suspicion. Ledon states that Ordonez is well known as being employed by KUBARK, has no cover for his activities and adds that his office is generally known as the extension of ODACID (U.S. State Department), Montevideo. 3. Station JMWAVE file traces which appear identifiable with the individuals mentioned in the report on Ordonez are also forwarded under separate cover. There are no Station traces on Ordonez."
10/29/63: Cable from Montevideo to Director and JMWAVE: Subject: DYVOUR/PBRUMEN/Operational Reports from Horacio Ledon Puig, former CRC Delegate in Montevideo Including His Report on Francisco Ordonez: "1. MONT files on IDEN incomplete. Have no record of circumstances original contact and recruitment and whether she ever granted clearance of any kind. 2. Since MONT has now assumed burden of control and financing this asset, and in view fact she has been for long time closely involved in Station KUWOLF (Psychological and Paramilitary Staff) ops against Cuba and other targets, request addees provide all possible background info on IDEN. If 201-file exists, request pouch complete copy. 3. For HQs: Request POA for Station contact. IDEN probably one of most able and active KUWOLF types we have and we wish divert some of this talent from Cuba to other Station targets and possibly use her in support capacity as courier-contact between Station and AVBUZZ with which she completely familiar. She presently being handled by (REDACTION)BUZZ-1. 4. Assigning IDEN crypt (REDACTION)BUZZ-11."
Philip Agee, Inside the Company: CIA Diary (Stonehill Publishing Company: 1975), page 529 of 572.
"Principal Montevideo station agent for propaganda operations. True name forgotten."