Cryptonym: AMWORD-1
10/12/65 dispatch from Chief of Station, JMWAVE Philip Elmard to Chief, WH re AMSCROLL/Publication on Cuban Sugar Problems: "...Objective material similar to the attached should over a period of time enhance the reputation of the AMSCROLL economic section as a serious and objective outfit that seeks to discredit the Castro regime by publicizing the truth...a copy of the attached report has been mailed to Identity, currently in Geneva where he is representing his company at the sugar conference. This was done directly under the AMSCROLL economic section letterhead and via AMWORD-1's brother, an employee in the research department of Identity's company...(p. 81) The officials of Czarnikow-Rionda (the sugar brokers) are well-known to AMSCROLL, and we shall be interested in seeing what the firm develops for AMSCROLL."