Cryptonym: AMWAX-1
Furthermore, AMWAX-1 was used to monitor the activities of AMWORM-1 (Miguel Angel Leon, aka Miguel de Leon Rojas, aka "Cuco", former Cuban senator and aide to Manuel Artime).
Bryon Cameron was a sub source for AMWAX-1 for a cable in November of 1964.
A March 1965 cable stated that AMWAX-1 was a former student of AMLASH-1 (Rolando Cubela Secades).
07/12/64 WAVE cable to HQ: "AMWAX-1 (Oscar Fernandez Viega) and UOAMBER-2 (Miguel Guillermo Truyol-Gimeno) were independently interviewed by local FBI reps concerning plot to assassinate Castro. Both denied any knowledge of or participation in any plan to assassinate Castro. For HQs. FYI: 'Regarding AMWAX-1 and UOAMBER-2, WAVE wishes emphasize that both sources cleary understand they have no sanctions from WAVE to directly or indirectly promote, sponsor, or support such plan or any similar plans regardless of person against whom they directed...'"
104-10192-10222: CABLE: CIA FILE ON MDC.
09/30/64: Report Cover Sheet from JMWAVE: Reporting Officer: Stephen R. Manganello. Reports Officer: Margaret R. Nankall. Approving Officer: Andrew K. Reuteman: "Source: AMWAX-1..." - - - Page 74: CIA Field Information Report: COUNTRY: Cuba/Dominican Republic. PLACE & DATE ACQ.: United States, Miami (22 September 1964): Subject: 1. Shipment of a 23-Foot Viking Class Boat to the Dominican Republic for the MDC. 2. Efforts to Recruit a Crew for the DRE's M/V SUSAN ANN: SOURCE: A Cuban exile with excellent contacts in the Antillean Marine Shipping Corporation..."
104-10506-10021: BYRON CAMERON (NO 201) U.S. CITIZEN
11/19/64: WAVE 4993 (IN 26174): "Cameron was sub-source for shipping information provided to Agency by AMWAX-1. Said that cargo vessel 'SS New Providence' owned by Norbert Thompson of the Kel Farm Supply Company, was known to load merchandise in Miami, Fla., which was transshipped to Cuba."
02/27/65: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline RYBAT YOBITE TYPIC AMWORLD AMLASH: "1. 25 Feb AMWAX-1 reported FOLL of possible interest AMWORLD AMLASH: A. 24 Feb, AMWORM-1 held meeting with IDEN A (Teofilo Babun), 2 (Eliseo Gomez) and AMWAX-1 in IDEN 1 office WAVE area to determine if they cared accompany him Santo Domingo to meet unidentified individual whom AMWORM-1 described as agent sent by Cuban Government but who loyal to AMWORM-1. Double agent arriving Santo Domingo from Spain CA 5 Mar. IDEN-1 is friend AMWORM and frequent source funds for exile action groups. Although AMWORM-1 refused identify DA, stated IDEN-1 knew DA, could trust him, that DA formerly lived in home Carlos (Prio) Socarras and was member old Directorio (Handwritten note at margin: 'probably AMLASH/3 or /2?'). DA currently in Spain and planning fly Santo Domingo for meeting with AMWORM-1 and tour exile bases Dominican Republic. Since info provided by AMWORM-1 limited, IDENS and AMWAX-1 temporarily refused accompany but agreed meet following day..." - - - Page 6: ..."4. AMWORM-1 known distorter of facts and AMWAX-1 states he not certain what believe re validity AMWORM-1 comments. AMWAX-1 suggests best way clarify situation is for him travel D.R. with AMWORM-1 and meet so called D.S. AMWAX-1 instructed take no action until further notice. 5. AMWAX-1 reliable reporter and if HQs wishes clarify situation recommend we let him travel D.R. with AMWORM-1. Please advise."
03/01/65: Cable from JMWAVE to Director (Orig: Carl E. Jenkins, WH/C/CA/EA): Slugline RYBAT TYPIC YOBITE AMWORLD AMLASH: "1. No objection AMWAX-1 travel Dominican Republic to monitor AMWORM-1 (Miguel Angel Leon) activities. Please keep HQs advised any further reports this source. 2. AMBIDDY-1 (Manuel Artime Buesa) has reported he told by AMLASH-1 (Rolando Cubela Secades) that AMLASH-3 (IDEN) to be sent DOMREP by CIS to penetrate exile groups and monitor their activities. This tends confirm ref para 2 analysis. AMBIDDY-1 intended work op out with EMOTH-12 to allow AMLASH-3 (Alberto Blanco Ramirez) monitor and report to CIS on exile activities in return for his reporting on CIS assets and ops in DOMREP." After departure AMLASH-3 for Nicaragua (his next CIS target), DOMREP would roll up CIS nets. 3. Re para 3. AMWORLD has not revealed such a penetration. 4. AMBIDDY-1 and AMJAVA-4 (Rafael Quintero) describe AMWORM-1 as garrulous individual who everybody's friend but prone act on basis wishing will make it so. They have tried for past year dissociate him from AMWORLD but he always bobs up again with something useful to offer, such as initial contacts AMWORLD AMLASH groups. Based their descriptions, HQs equally uncertain what believe, but (REDACTION). Best estimate is AMWORM-1 story in ref is based about ten percent fact. Balance, such as 'GPLOGIC (Lyndon B. Johnson) personal rep and plans', probably wishful thinking and imagination. 5. Addee comments and further reports invited."
03/30/65: Cable from JMWAVE to Director (Info: SDOM): Slugline TYPIC AMWAX: CITE WAVE 0039: "1. Request HQs traces father (REDACTION) (DPOB 14 at Habana). (REDACTION) of Habana now attending Marianist Congress at SDOM. During late 1940's was teacher at (REDACTION) school Habana. 2. WAVE files have FOLL traces: A. Per CS-3/481, 124 DTD 19 Jul 61 he Jesuit priest reported loyal to Fidel Castro. B. UFG-257 DTD 24 March 61 states SUBJ Rector of (REDACTION) Church on Calle (REDACTION) Habana. Also states travelled Habana-Jamaica-Miami 17 March 61. Supplied info on Celia Sanchez Manduley and Pastroita Nunez, director of the National Institute of Savings. C. WAVE 5274 DTD 5 April 61 reports SUBJ travel to Miami 17 Mar 61 on KLM flight was source info on Soviets and Chinese returning to home countries from Cuba. 3. Local ODENVY (FBI) traces negative."
03/30/65: Cable from JMWAVE to Director (Info: SDOM): Slugline TYPIC AMWAX: CITE WAVE 0040: REF WAVE 0039 (IN 33412): "1. Request priority POA prior 2 Apr for AMWAX-1 recruit Subj ref as Habana KUTUBE and support agent depending on results A-1 assessment Subj upon contact. 2. During recent trip SDOM on AMLASH-1 case AMWAX-1, former student of Subj, told by Cuban exile priests SDOM that Subj attending Marianist Congress. Recalling that Subj had approved of Castro Revolution A-1 asked whether Subj still pro-Castro. Priests replied Subj had lost all enthusiasm for Castro cause and while not loudly anti-Castro, had made definitely anti-Castro anti-commie statements to friends at Congress. 3. Having discussed Subj lead with WAVE A-1 desires return and contact Subj for assessment and possible recruitment initially on unwitting basis with possible later conversion to witting status. Handwritten note: '*Requested HQs traces Father Fernando Azcarate, Jesuit (unintelligible) of Habana now attending Marianist Congress at Santo Domingo.'"