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Cryptonym: AMTURVY-4

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Julio Salabarria Aquiar. His pseudonym or alias was Enrique Diaz Fernandez.

104-10506-10023: MEMO: REDACTION 201-725621 (AMTURVY-4)

1961-1963: "1. AMTURVY-4 (A-4) was part of the AMTURVY net which carried out spotting and sabotage operations. In October of 1963 the Agency managed to get a few pistols and sabotage items into the hands of AMTURVY-13 (201-738504) who was going to use these items in an assassination attempt against Fidel Castro. 2. A-1 was involved in this plan. One of A-4's close friends was one David UTIANSKY (AMFISH-1) 201-215877. UTIANSKY's file shows that the Agency considered him to be 'a Soviet or an Israeli agent, or both.' In 1950 UTIANSKY was believed to be not only a Communist, but an official delegate of the Russian Communist Party and was receiving his orders from the Soviet Charge in Havana, Dimitri ZAIKIN. Again in 1961 a request for Security Information (CIA) on UTIANSKY stated that the Havana files indicated that one DAVID UTIANSKY was/is a 'militant Communist.' In June 1963 WAVE 9575 (IN 56919) dated 11 June 1963, reported information from AMTURVY-4 and listed David UTIANSKY as the sub-source. In the cable UTIANSKY was described as 'old guard Communist funding agent of Cuban Communist Party in the 30's and 40's, NOW SUSPECTED KGB AGENT.' On 6 November (63?) a dispatch was sent from JMWAVE to the Chief, FID requesting traces on UTIANSKY (see attached copy). 3. UTIANSKY's close relationship with AMTURVY-4 presents problems in that the latter was deeply involved in the October 1963 plot to assassinate Fidel CASTRO. Whether or not AMTURVY-4 told UTIANSKY about the plan is pure conjecture at this late date. However, based on the files of AMTURVY-4, AMTURVY-13 (REDACTION) and AMFISH-1 (David UTIANSKY) it is more than likely that UTIANSKY was aware of the plan and could have passed the information to the Soviets and through them to Fidel CASTRO. Again, the files give no proof of this. 06/00/77, LAD/JFK Task Force.


11/07/61, Dispatch from Chief, Western Hemisphere Division to Chief of Base, JMWAVE: "1. In the course of Headquarters security analysis to determine the extent and nature of possible compromise of the KUTUBE Staybehind Net resulting from the arrest of AMCONCERT-1 on 6 October 1961 by Cuban Security, several significant reports were turned up which may have some direct bearing on AMCONCERT-1's subsequent apprehension. Three of these reports from Cuba were from the following individuals: Three of these reports from PBRUMEN were from the following individuals: (a) Cuquito (handwritten note: AMTURVY), brother of AMCONCERT-1, dated 15 August 1961; (b) AMCONCERT-1, dated 7 September 1961; and, AMSTUFF-1's report, which reached Headquarters 25 October. It is significant to note that all three reports accuse Jorge Nobregas (Coco) (aka AMOT-34) of treachery and double-dealing in his relations with AMCONCERT-1..."


Re: Summer, 1963. "SUBJECT: Julio SALABARRIA Aquiar (AMTURVY-4) 201-89013. 1. Brother of Mario SALABARRIA Aquiar. "Summer 1963: "At his first meeting with AMTURVY-1 (Arturo Varona), in the summer of 1963, Salabarria said he was a member of a group plotting Castro's death, and needed money and weapons in order to carry out the plan (AMCROAK-1 was also a member of this group). In return for this assistance, Salabarria offered to carry out minor sabotage operations for AMTURVY-1's 'American contacts' (how he knew of these contacts is unknown, unless AMTURVY-1 told him). 4. In October 1963, when the Agency was satisfied with Salabarria's bona fides 'we' (the Agency) managed to get a few pistols, revolvers, and sabotage materials into Salabarria's hands, through AMTURVY-4. At this time AMTURVY-4 was receiving materials from the Agency through the pouch of the Spanish Embassy in Havana. AMTURVY-4 was being assisted in this matter by QUANTUM-51. Whether or not the materials for Salabarria's assassination plan came through the Spanish pouch is unknown...6. By early 1964, however, the Agency had become dissatisfied with Salabarria and his proposed assassination plan, and had notified the AMTURVY net (in particular AMTURVY-1, AMTURVY-4, and AMCROAK-1) to cease working on the assassination idea..."


10/30/63, Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief KUDESK Division (Info: Chief, Special Affairs Staff): "1. Traces are requested on DAVID *UTIANSKY who presently resides in Habana, Cuba, Miramar Section, Calle 58 between 3rd and 5th Avenue. he is employed in the library of the Hebrew Community at Calle Linea and J Streets, Vedado. His present income is about 300 pesos per month from the GOC for an intervened factory he previously owned. 2. The source of this information, AMTURVY-4, has known UTIANSKY for 'many years' based on a business friendship. AMTURVY-4 believes that UTIANSKY, who claims to be a friend of the President of Israel, is working for the Israeli Government. 3. Station traces include the following: TKH-51, 12 Aug 47 provided identifying data, and described him as a fanatical Communist and intimate friend of Dimitri ZANIN, the former Russian Charge d'Affairs in Cuba. DBI-92613, 20 Oct 61 described him as a contact with leading Soviet agents in Cuba, and member of PSP. UFGW-3412, 12 Mar 62: Report by AMCONCERT-1 described him as an important man for international Communism."

104-10506-10031: MARIO SALABARRIA AGUTAR (AMTURVY-13) 201-738504

Oct 1963-Feb. 1964: "AMTURVY OPERATION: Page 2: .."Through his confidant, AMTURVY-4 (Enrique Diaz Fernandez) sought contact with AMTURVY-1 (Arturo Maria Jesus Varona Alonso)....4. In October 1963, when the Agency was satisfied with Salabarria's bona fides 'we' (the Agency) managed to get a few pistols, revolvers, and sabotage materials into Salabarria's hands, through AMTURVY-4. At this time AMTURVY-4 was receiving materials from the Agency through the pouch of the Spanish Embassy in Havana. AMTURVY-4 was being assisted in this matter by QUANTUM-51. (NOTE: possibly Jaime Caldevilla of the Spanish embassy in Havana). Whether or not the materials for Salabarria's assassination plan came through the Spanish pouch is unknown." Page 3: "6. By early 1964, however, the Agency had become dissatisfied with Salabarria and his proposed assassination plan, and had notified the AMTURVY net (in particular AMTURVY-1, AMTURVY-4, and AMCROAK-1) to cease working on the assassination idea. Salabarria's later attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro was not approved by the Agency, and he was in fact informed of the Agency's opposition to his plan..."06/00/77, CIA document:


08/24/65, Memo from Walter T. Cini, C/WH/C/MO, to Acting Deputy Chief, WHD for Cuba: "2....The Agency has known of Mario SALABARRIA's conspiratorial activities and personal dedication to his role as Fidel's murderer since the summer of 1963. At that time SALABARRIA was seeking weapons and funds for his mission. Through his confidant, AMTURVY-4, a barkeep on the Havana waterfront and a long time friend of QUANTUM-51, he sought contact with AMTURVY-1, then a minor GOC official. SALABARRIA had known AMTURVY-1's brother, AMCONCERT-1, for twenty years and he assumed that AMTURVY-1 was in touch with the Agency through AMCONCERT-1 in Miami. Accordingly at their first meeting in the summer of 1963 in AMTURVY-4's bar, SALABARRIA told AMTURVY-1 that he was a member of a group which was plotting CASTRO's death." Page 2: ..."A few months later in October 1963, when we were satisfied with SALABARRIA's bona fides, we managed to get a few pistols, revolvers and some sabotage materials into SALABARRIA's hands through AMTURVY-4. SALABARRIA responded with a plea for more, but denied that he could retrieve an arms cache from a site on the north coast. AMTURVY-1 became cynical about SALABARRIA's plans and then in response to our instructions he abandoned direct contact with SALABARRIA early in 1964. SALABARRIA, however, continued to see AMTURVY-4 who kept in touch with both AMTURVY-1 and QUANTUM-51....Following his return to Havana in January 1964, MILANES proved to be a fairly regular S/W corespondent, a source of some Order of Battle. While he repeatedly urged us to help him obtain the vehicles for his group, he never disclosed to us how deeply involved he, himself, was in the plot to kill CASTRO. We subsequently learned that he had informed SALABARRIA of his recruitment by CIA in Madrid and that he had tried to persuade SALABARRIA to work directly with him rather than with AMTURVY-4...."

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