Cryptonym: AMTRUNK-14
10/18/63, Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Special Affairs Staff: Page 4: "4. PROJECTED PLANS: During the month of October, it is planned to process and debrief the two new candidates for infiltration, AMTRUNK-13 and -14, to prepare them to begin FI and tradecraft training during the latter part of the month...."
10/31/63, Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMTRUNK: ..."At this point AMICE-27 decided he had to precipitate new crisis. First act in his scenario took place 26 Oct at meeting between WAVE reps and AMICE-27, AMICE-14, AMTRUNK-13 and AMTRUNK-14. AMICE-27 at this meet brought up formation exile political group which would control all AMTRUNK agents inside and outside Cuba. This political group would have its own radio program etc. WAVE reps listened AMICE-27 presentation and then outlined rebel army radio concept and fact AMICE-27 had been offered key role in program but had refused..." Page 3: ..."C. AMTRUNK-13 and -14 would start scheuled training on 29 Oct with explicit understanding that formation of political group will be initiated prior to their infiltration into Cuba...5..AMICE-14 believed future participation AMTRUNK-14 in op was doubtful since he under influence AMICE-27..."
11/27/63: Cable: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMTRUNK: "1. Refs A and B imply AMTRUNK-14 no longer participating in op. PLS advise if this correct inference. 2. Re Ref B ISR check negative. Expediting POA. Will advise. 3. Re Ref C Parmers will arrive 2 Dec and report about noon. C/S Comment: *Req Andrew S. Parmers return to train AMTRUNKS in FI/tradecraft."
12/02/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMTRUNK: "As reported UFGA-12501, AMTRUNK-14 withdrew from operation late October. C/S Comment: *Re Refs A and B imply AMTRUNK-14 no longer participating in op. Please advise if this correct."
12/17/63, Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Special Affairs Staff: "1. OPERATIONAL ACTIVITY: As mentioned in the previous month's progress report, in late October AMICE-27 and AMTRUNK-14 made their decision that they could not continue in the AMTRUNK operation under the guidelines followed up to the present, i.e. that all recruiting and planning for the fulfillment of the MHAPRON objectives of the AMTRUNK operation within Cuba would remain on a person-to-person or agent-to-agent basis and could not at this time be conducted under the aegis of the political organization as conceived by AMICE-27. Efforts to winnow AMICE-27 away from the clandestine mechanism of the AMTRUNK operation culminated on 19 November when Andrew K. Reuteman and Irving N. Peggins held a discussion with AMICE-27 in which AMICE-27 agreed to participate in and confine his activities to the radio program which had begun transmission to Cuba on 22 October..."