Cryptonym: AMTRIGON-8
A CIA document on the Unidad Revolucionaria (UR) in 1963 mentioned that the UR Military Coordinator in the U.S. proposed Miguel Delgado Martinez as a member of a commando team to be trained for action against Cuba. The document also mentioned that he was born at Las Martinas, Pinar del Rio Province, and was a former soldier.
08/11/62: Memorandum from Chief, PM, Stanley R. Zamka (David S. Morales) to A/COS (Attention: Chief, PW, Chief, Maritime, and Chief, Finance). Subject: HILDA ROSE CARBALLO MIRANDA, WIFE OF MIGUEL DELGADO MARTINEZ (AMTRIGON-8): 1. It is hereby requested that Hilda Rose Carballo Miranda, wife of Miguel Delgado Martinez (201-283995), who disembarked with the AMTRIGON-2 (probably Roberto Herrera) Team in Oriente Province on 13 May be authorized to receive the sum of $250.00 per month until further notice. Delgado is presumed dead as the result of action between the AMTRIGON-2 Team and a Militia Patrol. In addition to his wife Delgado left two children. 2. It is further requested that the monthly sum should be handled and mailed by AMBUD (Cuban Revolutionary Council - CRC) Organization through AMTIKI-1 (believed to be Juan A. Paula Baez, true name was Manuel F. Goudie) to Mrs. Delgado. It should be charged to the Hero and Martyr's Fund set up specifically for this purpose. 3. Mrs. Delgado is currently residing at 1448 N.W., 7th Court, Apartment 3, Miami, Florida. 4. In the event AMBUD-1 (Jose Miro Cardona) desires information regarding Delgado's death, he should be told that we have no details except that he was killed in action. No operational details should be revealed to him under any circumstances. 5. FYI: Delgado was a member of the Villaro Crew and clandestinely went aboard the infiltration rafts at the last minute to join the AMTRIGON Team. His absence was not discovered until the team had infiltrated and moved into its first position. APPROVED: A/COS. Stanley R. Zamka, C/PM."
04/16/63: CIA document: Page 95: "ATTACHMENT D: ..."65. DELGADO Martinez, Miguel (handwritten: 201-283995): Born Las Martinas, Pinar del Rio, Cuba, age ca. 32; ex-soldier; married, 4 sons; proposed by UR Military Coordinator PBPRIME (U.S.) as member Commando team to be trained for action against PBRUMEN (Cuba). (171)..."
12/31/63: CIA document: Subject: "ANALYSIS OF 'HEROES AND MARTYRS' PAYMENTS UP TO 31 DECEMBER 1963: Heroes and Martyrs: Delgado, Jesus. Dependants: Carballo, Hilda R. Address: 2930 N.W. 8 Ave. Apt. 4. Miami. Relationship: Widow. Since: Sep/62. Until: Dec/63. Monthly Number: 16. Payments Account: $250.00. Total: $4,000.00."
03/20/67: Memo: "The 'Heroes and Martyrs' cases were not considered under the same regulations as the dependents of the invaders of the Bay of Pigs. The persons supposed to receive payment were designated, in some cases by 'the Department' and in other cases by the C.R.C. through its executives. There are cases in which a written memorandum was given to us but there are others in which no memorandum was given. We were instructed to pay no more than $175.00 monthly to each, and as it can be seen, many cases are receiving lower amounts and never the amount of dependents was taking in consideration. There is only one case receiving a higher amount, Mrs. Hilda R. Carballo (widow of Jesus Delgado), who receives $250.00 because we were specially instructed to pay this amount..."
06/06/67: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Western Hemisphere Division. Subject: "ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION ON AMBUD DEPENDENCY CASES: References: A. UFGW-6440, 9 March 1967, B. UFGA-27425, 26 April 1967: 1. Reproductions of the legal-type documents requested by Headquarters under Reference A for the Hero & Martyr cases receiving AMBUD (CRC) dependency payment are being obtained by the AMTIKI facility as reported in Reference B. 2. We are forwarding as attachments, herewith, reproductions of the documents that have been received for the following cases. Reproductions of documents pertaining to the remaining cases will be forwarded as received: ...Attachment B: Three documents: Case #97: DELGADO, Miguel de los Santos (201-283995): a. Marriage certificate: 28 April (partially scored out) 19 March 1954 (handwritten in). Miguel de los Santos Delgado Martinez and Hilda Rosa Carballo Miranda. b. Birth certificate: Jose Miguel Delgado Carballo. DPOB: 16 December 1954 (partially scored out), 12 August 1954, Havana, Cuba (handwritten in). (Not previously reported). c. Birth certificate: Ana Maria Delgado Carballo. DPOB: 15 April 1954 (partially scored out), 21 March 1956 (handwritten in), Havana, Cuba. (Not previously reported)."
07/24/67: Dispatch from Chief, WHD to COS, JMWAVE. Subject: "DOCUMENTATION FOR AMBUD DEPENDENCY CASES: Page 2: Case #97: DELGADO, Miguel de los Santos (Attachment B) a. Correct marriage date is 19 March 1954. 28 April 1954 is the date marriage was recorded. b. Correct DOB of son, Jose Miguel Delgado Carballo, is 12 August 1954. 16 December 1954 is the date birth was recorded. c. Correct DOB of daughter, Ann Maria Delgado Carballo, is 21 March 1956. 15 April 1954 is the date birth was recorded."
05/10/68: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Western Hemisphere Division. Subject: "AMTRIGON-8 (201-283995), AMBUD CASE #97. 1. AMTRIGON-8 was a member of the Villaro crew. During May 1962 he clandestinely and without authorization boarded an infiltration craft moments before its departure on an operational mission. His absence was not discovered until the team had infiltrated and moved into its first position. 2. On 8 or 9 June 1962 the infiltration team, including AMTRIGON-8, became engaged in a firefight with a militia patrol. AMTRIGON-2 (probably Roberto Herrera,), the team leader, reported that AMTRIGON-8 had been wounded and that he assumed AMTRIGON-8 was killed or perhaps captured. However, no further word has been heard from AMTRIGON-8 and he is presumed to be dead. 3. Taking into consideration that the disposition of this case could have an affect on the morale of the other crew members and their attitude toward WOFIRM, it was decided to advise the widow of AMTRIGON-8 that he died a hero's death while fighting for the liberation of his country and to continue monthly payments to the widow and children for an indefinite period. Inclusion of Subject's name on AMBUD (Cuban Revolutionary Council - CRC) Hero & Martyr rolls was deemed to be the most suitable and expeditious manner in which to handle such payments. 4. The response to paragraph 2 of reference will be the subject of a separate dispatch. Raymond K. Panuses"
Undated: Page 46: ..."Case #97: 201-283995. (AMTRIGON-8) POA granted 13 February 1962 for use as seaman on WOFACT (CIA) vessel. On 11 August 1962 presumed dead and dependent payment of $250.00 month via Hero Martyr fund approved by COS. (Note: Subject on own volition infiltrated Cuba with a team which was being landed by Subject's vessel)."