Cryptonym: AMTAUP
11/29/63 cable WAVE 8268: From C/SAS/MOB A. A. Maloney to JMWAVE, slugline RYBAT TYPIC YOBITE AMTAUP: AMTAUP-10 is being fluttered..."AMTAUP case discussed with Secretary ODOATH/Navy who agreed let (CIA) continue op. Details of agreement being worked out will advise."
May 1964 memo by Al Rodriguez to JMWAVE: "To fully utilize useable reporting, request non-operational reporting (about) JURE be prepared and forwarded as intelligence disseminations normally by dispatch. Long look AMTAUP material leaves impression much of his reporting result (of) deception practices by (Manuel Ray/AMBANG-1) and Cisneros. In addition, much of conspiratorial talk surrounding the activities in WAVE area is for internal JURE consumption. Purpose being protect (the) myth of JURE independence and basic hostility to (CIA)." Redacted version at 1994.03.17.10:47:51:060005 Reel 15, Folder O - MANUEL RAY - p. 159.