Cryptonym: AMSUM
CIA document: ATTACHMENT B: Pages 3-5: ..."C. AMSUM (General): Development of the AMSUM Group began in May 1962 with the arrival in U.S. of AMSUM-2, whose debriefing disclosed the existence of a naval resistance group associated with UR in Cuba. Further details on this group were learned in debriefing AMSUM-1/Juan Castellvi. The naval resistance group was depicted as a largely passive element which devoted itself to intelligence collection and indoctrination of its members against communism (see Attachment A, Part III)...The general objectives of JMWAVE in attempting to develop an intelligence net based on exploitation of the UR naval resistance group are: 1. Establish a KUTUBE collection mechanism within the naval resistance group. 2. Exploit this mechanism to collect order of battle on the Cuban Navy, on its communications and cipher system, and related information based on JMWAVE current requirements. 3. Obtain all possible information on the 'defection plan' of the naval resistance group for possible operational exploitation by JMWAVE... "...AMSUM-2: Agent served in the resistance in Cuba as the liaison contact between UR and the naval resistance group. DPOB: 24 August 1916, Pijirigua; graduate of the American International College, Springfield, Mass. (1937-39); brother in law of AMSUM-1/Juan Castellvi; debriefing of AMSUM-2 provided first definitive information on the naval resistance group..."