Cryptonym: AMSTY-3
A cable on December 28, 1963, stated that Julio Calderon Justiz, Rafael Suarez More and Clodoaldo Gonzalez Carmenate (all with a Cuban Naval background) were friends of AMSTY-3 in Cuba. It appears as if one of the three friends of AMSTY-3 was a brother of AMTRUNK-12.
A cable on December 31, 1963, stated that "Julio Calderon Justiz 201-737471 and Clodoaldo Gonzales Carmenate 201-298399 are MHAPRON (worldwide program for the penetration of the power centers and armed forces of the Cuban regime) targets...Request AMSTY-3 provide all possible background and assessment data on three persons. Report all developments on MHAPRON leads to HDQs and request clearance pursue lead per Ref B."
10/31/63: Dispatch from COS, Mexico City to Chief of Base, Merida (Info: Chief, WHD; Chief, SAS): "1. The following information was received from AMSAIL-1 and AMSUPER-1 on 30 October 1963...4. A number of reports indicated that, in complicity with the local Mexican Immigration Chief, Joaquin Blanco (subject of reference), administrator of the Casa del Asilado Cubano in Merida, engaged in the sale of food and clothing intended for the refugees and stole funds sent from Mexico City. DFS agent (fnu) Gonzalez Rualas, sent from Mexico City to investigate political activities of the H-11 passengers, also reported on these irregularities. 5. AMSTY-3 was mentioned by refugees and by Gonzalez Rualas as involved in this racket, principally in an indirect manner in that he allowed Blanco to do his dirty work unhindered. 6. A veritable flood of accusations against Blanco has come from many different sources including other refugees not connected with the H-11 group. Accusations against AMSTY-3 are fewer and not supported by specific detail. AMSAIL-1, who has professed a high personal regard for AMSTY-3, is quite upset about indications that AMSTY-3 may be involved but, in view of the numerous accusations, is inclined to believe that there must be some element of truth in the charges. 7. It is suggested that the Merida Base bear these accusations in mind in future dealings, especially those involving the transfer of funds, with Blanco and AMSTY-3."
12/28/63: Cable from Mexico City to Director: Slugline DIR WAVE INFO MRID BY POUCH CITE MEXI 7548: "1. Request traces FOLL persons who friends AMSTY/3 in Cuba and candidates for mail recruitment. Info re their current jobs obtained Sept 63 from debriefing refugee Pedro Beltran Merida. A. Julio Calderon Justiz - Naval Commandante, Jefe del Sector Naval Habana Distrito de Occidente. Assigned to Morro Castle. Graduated from Naval Academy Basic 1942. B. Rafael Suarez More - Navy Captain currently chief hydrographic section, Regla, Habana. Graduate Mariel Naval Academy 1942. C. Clodoaldo Gonzalez Carmenate. Navy captain currently Jefe de Estado Mayor del Distrito Naval de Occidente based Cabanas. Pinar del Rio. 2. No MEXI trace index."
12/31/63: Cable from Director to Mexico City (Orig: Unintelligible, WH/3/Mexico): Slugline PBRUMEN MHAPRON: REFS A. MEXI 7548 (IN 88459)* B. DIR 84093** "1. Julio Calderon Justiz 201-737471 and Clodoaldo Gonzales Carmenate 201-298399 are MHAPRON (worldwide program for the penetration of the power centers and armed forces of the Cuban regime) targets. WAVE will note that Subject of paragraph 1B Ref A is brother of AMTRUNK-12 also MHAPRON target. 2. Request AMSTY-3 provide all possible background and assessment data on three persons. Report all developments on MHAPRON leads to HDQs and request clearance pursue lead per Ref B." WH Comment: *Request traces three friends AMSTY-3 inside Cuba, targets for mail recruitment. **All MHAPRON leads must be cleared with Hdqs to avoid duplication and proper support." Releasing Officer: W. Hood for J. C. King, C/WHD. Coordinating Officers: SAS/MOB: N. Sanchez (by phone). SAS/IOS: O. Williams (in draft). SAS/MOB: P. Maggio (in draft). Authenticating Officer: B. Reichhardt (probably Ken Crosby), AC/WH/3. - - - 2022 release:
104-10062-10227: DOCUMENT LISTINGS.
06/16/77: CIA document: Document Listings: Page 21: ..."HMMA-22414: Joaquin Blanco Perez and AMSTY-3, 201-0327270, 31/10/63..."