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Cryptonym: AMSHAG-1

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Alberto Delbusto Hernandez. A dispatch in March, 1963, stated that AMSHAG-1's 201 number was 201-313128, which matches Alberto Delbusto Hernandez's 201 number in documents in 1979-1980.
The dispatch in March, 1963, mentioned above, also stated that AMSHAG-1 was among those who had had their Operational Approvals cancelled.

There was also a mention of Armando del Busto Hernandez (201-731350) in the documents in 1979 and 1980, and who may have been a relative of AMSHAG-1's, a brother perhaps.

Alberto Delbusto Hernandez was named as team leader by Clemente Inclan Werner (AMSIGH-2) in an 11/3/63 interview in Cuba following their capture in a Comando Mambises raid of 10/21/63.

A cable on November 21, 1963, stated that AMSHAG-1 was in hospital in Havana, having sustained four bullet wounds. The slug AMGLOSSY identified the raid as being one carried out by the Comandos Mambises. This cable also mentioned that AMSHAG-1 was apparently moved from Pinar to Havana Hospital, implying that the alleged raid took place somewhere off the coast of Pinar del Rio Province.

According to an AMWORLD Contact Report in April, 1964, AMSHAG-1 requested that Aldo Vera Serafin join the AMYUM (MRR - Revolutionary Recovery Movement). group.


03/21/63, Dispatch from Chief, Special Affairs Staff to COS, JMWAVE: "The Operational Approvals on all of the below-listed individuals have been cancelled on the date indicated: ....Name: AMSHAG-1. 201-Number: 201-313128. Date Cancelled: 5 February 1963...AMSHAG-2: 201-289362: 5 February 1963..."


Late 1963: ..."The Rex was harbored at West Palm Beach and the Leda at Port Everglades. Captains of the vessels were brothers Alejandro Brooks (Rex) and Gaspar Brooks (Leda). Both flew the flag of Nicaragua, had radar and electronic gear, were registered under names of companies the author feels were CIA fronts, and came in and out of harbor without any interference from the INS. Turner goes into detail about the raid in which four of the Rex crewmen were captured by Castro - briefly mentioned in the previous section, Commandos Mambises. Those captured were: Alberto del Busto, Luis Montero Carranzana, Dr. Clemente Inclan Werner and one not identified by name..."12/22/77, HSCA document, p. 87.

124-10203-10322: FBI MEMO

11/18/63, FBI memo from L.E. Short to W.S. Tavel: Subject: Christian Democratic Movement: Interview of Captured CIA Agents on 5 November 1963: Page 8: ..."INTERROGATOR: Very interesting. Well then in October you were recruited. The CIA offered you a job and what did you do? INCLAN: Well they then took me to work with the group of Alberto del Busto to serve as an interpreter for Hank and the other instructors who were giving classes and to take care of the house because these boys are always kept in what they call a 'safe house' which are houses rented by the CIA outside the cities and they cannot leave. It is necessary to bring them food and all that is needed for the house and it must be supplied constantly...INTERROGATOR: Who participated with you in that group for demolition instructions? INCLAN: Well, at that time, the group included Alberto del Busto, Jose Antonio Colmenares, Abelardo Perez, Alberto Miranda, Jesus Gonzalez, and Hautey Infante. Those are the ones who went to take the course there in the north...Jesus Gonzalez had a disagreement with Del Busto and they put him to one side. But that was the group that went to take the training there. INTERROGATOR: At the beginning of the interview you said that you had been appointed by the CIA to be in charge of a group devoted to infiltration, which was given instruction in demolition, sabotage, firing, the proper procedures of the espionage profession, and so forth. That is the same group with which you would later go to carry out various incursions? INCLAN:...the first infiltration was carried out by only three members of the group...Alberto del Busto, Colmenares, and the radio operator, Hatuey Infante...." (CONTINUED BELOW).

124-10203-10322: FBI MEMO

11/18/63, FBI memo from L.E. Short to W.S. Tavel: Subject: Christian Democratic Movement: Interview of Captured CIA Agents: Page 10: ..."INTERROGATOR: Would you do me the favor of describing them for me one by one? INCLAN:..The first mission (on the Rex) was made at the end of March of this year and was for the purpose of infiltrating..Alberto del Busto, Jose Antonio Colmenar, and Hautey Infante. On that trip they were going to infiltrate through a place called Los Cocos which is located off the cliffs between Cape Frances and Cape Corrientes..." Page 21: ..."INCLAN: Well, we will select the second trip, because I already told about the first, how it failed...INTERROGATOR: Who was the team leader? INCLAN: Alberto del Busto. INTERROGATOR: Alberto del Busto. The same team leader as this time? INCLAN: Yes, he has always been the leader. So then he puts in his request...if there are arms, the arms are tested. And then he himself would pack them in sacks with double nylon lining to make them waterproof..." Page 23: ..."INTERROGATOR: This time you are speaking of, you said that two launches had also come, that frogmen had landed, and also an infiltration group. INCLAN: Yes, the Busto, Colmenares, and Infante groups landed: the same three. INTERROGATOR: And this attack failed? INCLAN: Yes, it failed. INTERROGATOR: And that time, what did those who landed do? Did they start their mission or stay ashore? INCLAN: Yes, they stayed ashore for about 50 days..." Page 24: ..."INTERROGATOR: Trained the team - Senor Inclan, this information from the Busto team chief, was it correct? INCLAN: ..He said that he had gotten it from a son of Ramon Puentes, a friend of his who was a militiaman, but Colmenares told me that it was incorrect, that this militiaman had not given any information, that the information had been obtained by Ramon from rumors and had been passed on as correct information but that it was not...."

104-10075-10118: JMWAVE CABLE RE CAPTURE

11/21/63, Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC YOBITE AMGLOSSY: Ref WAVE 7912 (IN 65180) "1. AMSHAG-1's wife reported late telecon 20 Nov 63 from AMSHAG-1's mother HAVA who stated AMSHAG-6 captured 20 Nov by GOC. Also reported AMSHAG-1's condition now improving despite four bullet wounds. He has been moved from Pinar to HAVA Hospital. 2. Phone calls from AMSHAG-6's brother JMWAVE area to mother 21 Nov confirms mother saw A-6 and A-1 in Havana. Mother now believes A-6 arrested on 16 Nov."


12/13/63, Cable from JMWAVE to Director: "SUPDATA: AMWARM-1 SW dated 1 Dec received 9 Dec...COUNTRY: Cuba. SUBJ: Cuban Cabinet Changes. DOI: 20 Nov to 1 Dec 63. PADA: United States, Miami (9 Dec 63)...SOURCE: Civil aviation expert who is affiliated with the Ministry of Transportation and who has been trained for intelligence work." Pages 3-4: Information Report Telegram: "1. Omar (Fernandez) Canizares, Minister of Transportation, has been replaced by Faure (Chomon) Mediavilla, Minister of Communications. The reason for Fernandez' removal was said to be his effort to obtain the release from prison of Alberto del (Busto) Hernandez, Fernandez' brother-in-law, who was captured in an attempted raid on Cuba. This effort incurred the wrath of Fidel (Castro) Ruz. 2. Field Comment: Fernandez and his wife, Carmen del Busto, sister of Alberto, have asked Fidel Castro for clemency for Alberto. This information was from Alberto del Busto's wife in Miami who said that she had heard it from Alberto's mother in Cuba..."

104-10163-10041: ARTIME BUESA, MANUAL (VOL XII).

04/17/64, Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Special Affairs Staff: CONTACT REPORT # 55: Operation: AMWORLD. Contact: AMYUM-19. Time and Place: 1800-1630 Hrs., 6 Apr 64, S/W. Date typed: 7 Apr 64: SUMMARY:..."2. Aldo Vera Serafin (201-326634). This Subject is a former member of the DTI, recently considered for use in an attempt to defect a GOC official in Madrid. The AMYUMS consider him a good action type and sought him out with the intention of infiltrating him and his group into Habana Province. He is presently receiving special training for the job. Vera's file generally substantiates A-19's evaluation of the man. However, local traces do contain unsubstantiated accusations that he is a G-2 and that he maintains contacts with alleged G-2 agents and informers. An FBI report in 1963 said that Vera was engaged in transmitting and receiving messages by radio with Cuba. The Case Officer informed A-19 that while he had nothing definite to offer by way of proof he had some doubts about Vera and cited the above. A-19 says that Vera does have radio contact with friends in Habana (voice) and that he offered his radio facilities to AMYUM. Assuming that Vera himself is clean, A-19 was cautioned to have all internal contacts checked out and to obtain a complete report on Vera's plans before making any commitments. The undersigned continues to have some reservations, but Vera was requested by AMSHAG-1, and A-19 likes him so far. Guertler will pursue the matter further at a later resting."


06/13/79, Memorandum from Deputy Director for Operations to FBI: Page 3: "Attachment to CIR 316/02232-79: Alberto del Busto Hernandez (201-313128); Armando del Busto Hernandez (201-731350)..."


02/21/80, Cable from Director to LA/Miami: "1. Below is a status report on contacts with ex-prisoners being contacted in relation to the (REDACTION) activity:...B. Those are expected to be contacted for payment during the week of 11 February:...Alberto Delbusto Hernandez: 201-313128..." A relative - Armando Delbusto Hernandez, 201-731350 - is described as "paid off with no further claims".

Gavin McDonald • Bill Simpich

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