Cryptonym: AMSEED-3
A cable on March 15, 1966, stated that AMBASS-1 (Anis Felaifel) had noted some inaccuracies in AMHAM-1's (Juan Felaifel Canahan) statements during the trial of Rolando Cubela Secades (AMLASH). One example was that AMHAM-1 stated AMSEED-3 was involved in the CIA operation in the Baracoa area of Oriente. AMBASS-1 stated AMHAM-1 knew the target area of this operation was the Sagua de Tanamo area not Baracoa. A Havana radio transcript the following day quoted Juan Felaifel as saying that "during my three years as a CIA agent, I learned countless things about (trings) which were operating in various parts of Cuba, such as the Dionisio Pastrana (tring) operating in Oriente in the Baracoa area." AMSEED-3 worked with Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria (AMDENIM-1) in 1964. Also A-3 worked for the U.S. Army, and had previously worked with UR members.
A CIA document in November of 1964 described AMSEED-3 as "a prominent exile activist who formerly participated in yachting activities in the Habana area." This was the exact same description of AMTOBY-13 (see AMTOBY-13 crypt) in a cable in November of 1963 as "a prominent exile activist who formerly participated in yachting activities in the Habana area..."
A cable in November of 1965 also described AMTOBY-13 as "a prominent émigré activist who was formerly a Havana yachtsman. AMSEED-3 was put in charge of the AMSPARK Team in 1964. AMSEED-3 also worked with AMBIG-3 (Ricardo Adelis Cobos).
11/23/61: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline JMZIP PM COMMO: REF UFGA 2067: "Request priority POA on Dionisio Pastrana Moreno for training as ANDENIM' radio operator. Subject DPOB 9 October 1939 Pinar del Rio Cuba. Living at 828 NW 2nd Street Miami Florida. Single. Father Jose Pastrana Bustamente DPOB 1897 San Juan y Martinez Pinar del Rio. Mother Eufrosina Moreno Montesino DPOB 1902 Rio Feo San Luis Pinar del Rio. Request crypt. WAVE (Miami) and local ODENVY (FBI) traces negative."
03/08/62: Cable from Director to JMWAVE: JMZIP: Handwritten at top: PM: Note handwritten names next to Refs A and B: "LCFLUTTER reports requested by refs were handcarried to WAVE by LCFLUTTER team now in place, except Hector (Febles) Barreto which not located and reports on Dionisio (Pastrana) Moreno...and Alberto (Fernandez de Castro) Chaple...which sent WAVE by UFGW-753...Hector Feebles, Rafael Quintero Ibarbia, Jorge Sonville Lezama, Jose Agustin Diego Dorrego, Dionisio Pastrana Moreno, Alberto Guillermo Fernandez De Castro Chaple, Evelio Duque Miyar..."
04/16/63: CIA document: Attachment C: Page 54: ..."33. BERARD, Manolo: AMSEED-3 stated he used subj as cutout ca. Jun 61 for delivery of intel reports to Manolo Villamanache of UR resistance in Cuba. (56)..." - - - Page 101: ..."128. HUARTE, Tellechea, Juan...criticized by AMDENIM-1 (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) as responsible for walking out of Dionisio Pastrana, trained radop who refused take part in infil op at last minute..." - - - Page 109: ..."193. PASTRANA Moreno, Dionisio (handwritten: 201-311140)...DPOB: 9 Oct 39, P. del Rio, member UR resistance in PBRUMEN (Cuba) in '61; previously with Rescate, IPC; and team leader for UR Team #1 but turned down infil assignment (see UFGA-4648 of 9 Jul 62); in PBRUMEN submitted reports to Manolo Villamanach via cut-out (Manolo Berard); knows Prov of P. del Rio, familiar with Shell and S.O. refineries, Havana; left PBRUMEN by boat from South coast P. del Rio, arr PBPRIME (U.S.) 24 Jul 61; in PBPRIME worked with Juan Huarte, AMDENIM-1; UR Team #1 disbanded foll suspicion of Reinal do Guillen Linares as G-2 agent; subj does not believe Guillen is a penetration by G-2; AMDENIM-1 believes subject's operational potential was undermined by Huarte. (54) (56)..."
02/11/64: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: "SUPDATA: AMDENIM-1 (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) on 10 Feb 64 as received from AMSEED-3 whose informant is a relative of one of the infiltrees...SUBJ: Infiltration attempt by Cuban exiles sponsored by Carlos Prio Socarras...SOURCE: A prominent Cuban exile leader, formerly of ministerial rank, source has demonstrated the ability to report and evaluate accurately information on economic matters and on exile affairs. This information was obtained from a Cuban exile who is a trained reporter, from a relative of one of the infiltrees."
104-10172-10086: DISPATCH: PROGRESS REPORT ON AMDENIM-1 - PERIOD 1 OCT 63 - 31 MAY 1964
06/30/64: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Deputy Chief, WH/SA: ..."2...The results of the effort were reported as successful by Subject himself wherein he relayed letters he had received from contacts who advised that customers of the U.S. company were actually stopping orders. A further indication of his continued involvement on a full-time basis was his suggestion that AMSEED-3 be contacted at his duty post with ODIBEX (U.S. Army) and advised of our desirability of putting him into the target area as soon as possible. This was done and upon his separation AMSEED-3 was put in charge of the AMSPARK Team. - - - Page 3: ..."9. With the AMSPARK area now fully alerted it became necessary to locate a guide for a different entry point in Oriente. Subject was provided with a number of leads among fishermen refugees and quickly sorted them out and came up with AMBIG-3 (Ricardo Adelis Cobos) who had previously been cleared and then not used due to the press of other business. The new guide was quickly recleared and put with AMSEED-3 and for the most part kept busy with training and other preparations..."
104-10173-10196: DISPATCH: AMDENIM-1 PROGRESS REPORT 1-31 JULY 1964
08/17/64: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Deputy Chief, WH/SA: Page 2: "b...His efforts to keep track of the IGNITE Team's plans and retain some semblance of control over the Team have been further disrupted by the presence of the three MDC (Movimiento Democracia Cristiano) members who were exfiltrated with the IGNITE Team. It has been agreed that it would not be advisable for them to be aware of his association with the 'company' thus he has been cut out of debriefing where they were present and now is unable to see AMSEED/3 in his safehouse because one of the MDC people has been recruited and developed to accompany AMSEED/3 on the next IGNITE operation as guide."
09/24/64: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Deputy Chief, WH/SA: Page 2: ..."The irony of the situation was that the infiltree team leader, AMSEED-3, had requested AMDENIM-1 (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) be cut out because he was 'primarily interested in his own welfare and not Cuba.' The Case Officer didn't particularly agree with AMSEED-3 and recognized the old Cuban game of stick your buddy if it will help yourself, but saw an opportunity to make the handling of both AMDENIM-1 and the people he recruited much easier after the Case Officer's departure...3...Responsibility for not having him at the final briefing for the IGNITE Team was taken completely by the Case Officer, with no mention of AMSEED-3's sentiments, which should remain the case. This shove in a direction he was unwilling to go voluntarily, along with no word about his claim, was undoubtedly the low spot in the month..."
11/10/64: Report Cover Sheet from JMWAVE: Reporting Officer: Charles W. Gneiting (Thomas Hewitt). Reports Officer: Margaret R. Nankall. Approving Officer: Andrew K. Reuteman (Theodore Shackley): "Source: AMSEED-3 from AMBIG-3 (Ricardo Adelis Cobos) who is the exile mentioned in the report. Please protect AMBIG-3..." - - - Page 3: CIA Information Report: Country: Cuba. Place & Date Acq.: United States, Miami (6 November 1964): SOURCE: A prominent exile activist who formerly participated in yachting activities in the Habana area. This information was obtained from close associates of members of JURE. As of 30 October 1964 Manuel Ray Rivero, leader of the Junta Revolucionaria Cubana (JURE, Cuban Revolutionary Junta), had requested a meeting with a well known exile who has been active in illegal forays against Cuba which were mounted from Miami. Ray is reported to have paid the exile's fare from New York to Puerto Rico and return in order to talk with him. The exile is very knowledgeable on the environs of Nicaro, on the north coast of Oriente Province."
03/15/66: Cable from JMWAVE: Page 2:..."B. AMBASS-1 (Anis Felaifel) noted various inaccuracies in AMHAM-1 (Juan Felaifel Canahan) statements. Example AMHAM-1 said knew of assassination plot against Castro for two and one half months: Actually AMBASS-1 mentioned matter to AMHAM-1 in January 1965. AMHAM-1 stated AMSEED-3 involved in CIA op in Baracoa area of Oriente: AMBASS-1 stated AMHAM-1 knew target area of this op was Sagua de Tanamo area not Baracoa..." - - - 03/16/66: Havana radio transcript of trial of Rolando Cubela Secades (AMLASH): Page 8: ..."PROSECUTOR: In your three years for the CIA, you must have learned many things. Can you tell the court about some things you learned about in the past? FELAIFEL: During my three years as a CIA agent, I learned countless things about (trings) which were operating in various parts of Cuba, such as the Dionisio Pastrana (tring) operating in Oriente in the Baracoa area..."
104-10178-10050: MEMORANDUM; AMCLEVE/15
07/20/66: Memorandum from Pete to Chip: "The RECE, Commando L, 30 of November Movement, and The 2506 Brigade have signed an agreement...All of the groups, together, are planning to infiltrate people and to perform commando attacks...The groups are making a collective military Junta for planning and executing all the missions. The Junta will be Ramon Font (Commando L), Tony Iglesias (former chief of the Artime camps at Nicaragua), Rojas (former Company captain). They also want me for the Junta. If I accept, they will give me $325.00 for paying my expenses. They are also planning to bring in Dionisio Pastrana (former Company team leader) like an advisor. Some former Company people are going to join them..."
06/23/69: FBI report from Miami: Titled: Lazaro Eddy Espinosa Bonet: Internal Security - Cuba: Page 5: ..."Dionisio Pastrano (handwritten: 201-311140): Source reported that he believed Pastrano to be living in New York at the present time..."
02/10/72: FBI report from Miami: Titled: Cuban Intelligence Activities in the United States: Internal Security - Cuba: Pages 24-25: ..."Names of several Cubans known to have resided in the Miami area and believed to have been operated by CIA were mentioned to source with negative results. These names are as follows...Dionisio Pastrana..."