Cryptonym: AMRUM-1
06/17/60, CIA document, from Chief of Base, JMASH to Chief, WHD. Raw Report from AMCLATTER-1: ..."2. On request of information regarding Augusto Valdes Miranda, I wish to inform you the following: (source of information J.C.). The subject was a member of Student's Directory of 1930. He is approximately 50 years old. Between 1946 and 1948 he was Administrator of the 'Comision Nacional de Fomento.' At present he administrates the Hatuey Brewery in Manacas, Cuba. He is one of Pepin Bosch's right hand men. He is ideologically anti-Communist, with a Revolutionary background. My personal impression is 'superior', he is a man of immaculate honesty. He administrated Autobuses Moderros upon Bill Pawley's retirement and turned down a $70,000.00 present. He knows Rubio Padilla very well and considers Padilla is wrong (handwritten note: referring to way of thinking). He is known as Polo Miranda..."
1994.06.18.10:28:32:470005: Reel 67, Folder D - AMBUD POLICY.
07/16/62, Memorandum for the Record No. Subject: Operation "Mongo": "1. At my _ Dr. Miro Cardona on Friday, 13 July he brought me the attached two plans for operations. One titled Operation 'Mongo' and the other titled Operation 'Pepe.' He said that these plans were prepared by Dr. Augusto Valdes Miranda, commonly known as Dr. Polo Miranda. He said that Dr. Miranda is a lawyer in Cuba but works in a garage here in Miami. However, Dr. Miranda is following other Cubans exiles and Dr. Miro considers he might be able to conduct operations effectively."
05/05/63, Cable from JMWAVE to Director: "SUPDATA: AMCLATTER-1, with paras 1-3 from Fiorini and source comment para 4 from Bosch..." Telegram Information Report: Page 5: ..."4. Source Comment: This operation has no connection with the air strike reportedly being planned by Jose 'Pepin' Bosch, head of the Bacardi Rum Co. (Field Comment: TDCSDB-3/654, 062, received from a usually reliable source, reports that Bosch has a B-26 based in San Jose, Costa Rica, which he hopes to use to bomb the Texaco Oil refinery at Santiago de Cuba. On 2 May Bosch said that Laureano Batista Falla, head of one faction of the Movimiento Democrata Cristiano (MDC, Christian Democrat Movement), and Alex Rorke had stolen his thunder in their strike on Cuba, and that now Bosch's only hope of raising money was from Batistiano channels)."
6/28/63 cable from JMWAVE to Director: "...WAVE now able to answer AMWORLD traffic...(a listing of) AMBIDDY-1's maritime requirements (for AMWORLD)..."Mother ship repeat mother ship. Believe AKL or LCI would make ideal mother ship as this type vessel blends into Caribbean traffic can be foreign flag registry and has ample reason be in port like Puerta Cabezas, Nicaragua. This connection believe Olga Patricia which AKL under bare boat charter to AMRUM Corporation would be ideal mother ship..."
11/26/63, Cable from Director to San Jose: Slugline ZRKNICK: "1. Per ref, Costa Rican deputy Julio Sunol Leal (ZRKNICK suspect, Communist fellow traveller and pro-Castro propagandist) planned depart 24 Nov to attend peace conference in Poland. 2. (REDACTION) RUM-1 reports Sunol delayed departure and now planning leave San Jose by air for Poland 26 Nov. Sunol now plans stop en route in Texas repeat Texas. Then will travel on to Poland. (Evaluation Info: B-2). 3. Station suspects Sunol will attempt gather data in Texas for use in pro-Communist/Castro propaganda re assassination Kennedy. Sunol is travelling with diplomatic passport. 4. San Jose Airport advises Sunol departed 0930 hours for Mexico City on Taca Flight Number 701. 5. Sunol is about thirty years old, slender build, about five feet nine inches tall, long nose, black slightly curly hair, black rimmed eye glasses."
06/25/64, Cable from Director to JMWAVE (Orig: A. Horn, Unit: WH/SA/CI): REFS A. UFGA 15954* B. WAVE 7129 (IN 93714)** C. CSDB-3/661,653***(previously pouched WAVE). "1. Ref A and B plus additional info available HQs from other sources dissemed as Ref C to Special Group and other key officials. Special Group concerned about matter and referred it to Dept Justice as a matter of law enforcement. 2. As result above FBI 25 June informed HQs it plans investigate soonest including contacting people named such as AMRUM-1, etc. This for your info and to alert you possible flash back from your sources. One possible reply to them should be that story not as tightly held as they might think and U.S. picked it up several places (which true) plus obvious fact that U.S. could not permit them assume silence means consent. WH/SA Comment: *Provided info on assassination plot against AMTHUG-1 et al. **Provided info on assassination plot against AMTHUG-1 et al. ***Disseminated info on the plans of Cuban exiles to assassinate selected Cuban government leaders."
09/11/64, Memo from COS, JMWAVE for the record: "1...b. Operation TILT. QDDALE stated that he had recently been contacted by Polo Meranda, who is a friend of AMRUM-1's and was the former Interventor of the Havana Bus Company. Meranda brought one Roberto Pujol Fernandez, who is employed in the legal department of Bacardi International in Miami, to QDDALE's office. In the course of the discussion which followed, Meranda asked if QDDALE knew anything about the individuals who had participated in Operation TILT. QDDALE admits that he made an indiscretion in the discussion with Meranda by stating that he knew one or two of the participants in Operation TILT and had contributed funds toward the implementation of Operation TILT. Once QDDALE had made this admission, Meranda stated that Pujol was the uncle of one of the wives of the men who had departed on Operation TILT but had never returned. Pujol then took the lead in the conversation and asked if QDDALE had fronted for this operation for CIA or some other U.S. entity. Pujol made it clear that if QDDALE had fronted for such an operation, Pujol was going to advise his niece to ask for material from U.S. or QDDALE because this operation had deprived the niece of the income-earning power of her husband. QDDALE states he became furious at this juncture and told Meranda and Pujol in no uncertain terms that he had not fronted for CIA of any other U.S. entity....Reuteman asked QDDALE to keep him informed if there were any further developments on this topic, and at the same time emphasized the point that under any and all circumstances CIA's involvement in Operation TILT could not be exposed. QDDALE indicated that he understood this point explicitly."
07/24/65, Cable from JMWAVE to WH/8: "1. AM (REDACTION)-15 reports 22 July 65 he completed two 10-pound limpet-type bombs, each consisting eight pounds pentolite to be activated by two one-hour delay time pencils, and equipped with magnets for attachment to metal surface...A-15 working directly with Jorge Mas Canosa and Ernesto Freyre Varona of RECE in connection op cited Ref A. Exact date op not yet decided. Plan includes RECE providing A-15 and Ramon Escaeda Rubio with fake Cuban passports and fake exit visa stamps indicating they just left country....Polo Miranda, friend of AMRUM-1 and former RECE paramilitary chief, not informed of op plan. After op successfully accomplished, RECE will acknowledge participation..."
08/13/65, Intelligence Information Cable: "1. On 29 July 1965 the Representacion Cubana El El Exilio (RECE, Cuban Representation in Exile) had a 25-foot boat, which was equipped with two 150-horsepower mercury engines at the docks at 280 NW North River Drive, Miami, Florida. The boat was painted dark green, carried Florida registration FL-8477-F, and was almost ready for use in operations against Cuba. Carlos Zarraga Martinez and Augusto 'Polo' Valdes Miranda were understood to be visiting the site daily. (Source Comment: Valdes formerly managed the Hatuey Brewery in Manacas, Las Villas Province, a firm owned by Josh M. Bosch Lamarque, of the Bacardi industry, and the Bacardi family. 2. During one of the visits to the docks Zarraga and Valdes allegedly were heard saying, 'We are going to fool the 'gringos' because they do not even dream that we are ready to fight for Cuba.' Zarraga and Valdes were also said to have made the following statement in the presence of the dock manager and of the crew of the FL-8477-F: 'We give notice to those who are connected with the 'gringos' that some day we shall make war on Castro from Central America.' 3. (Field Comment: Another source reported that on 10 August Orlando Bosch Avila, head of the Movimiento Insurreccional de Recuperacion Revolucionaria (MIRR, Insurrectional Movement for Revolutionary Recovery), was making plans to sink an unidentified merchant vessel in Jacksonville, Florida, on 24 or 25 August and that his group had been granted permission to use a boat belonging to Augusto 'Polo' Valdes Miranda. Valdes was believed to be involved in the operation)."
04/02/66, FBI airtel from SAC, Miami to Director: Page 3: ..."MM 639-S obtained the license number 1W-47512 (1966 Fla.) of 'Guajiro's' station wagon. Car is registered to Jose Antonio Mulet, 201 NW 35th Ave., Miami, who is the subject of a closed file entitled, 'Jose Antonio Mulet Gonzalez, aka., 'Guajiro', IS-Cuba,' Bufile 105-121159, Miami file 105-7736. This file reflects that Mulet is a former employee and confidant of Jose 'Pepin' Bosch, head of the Bacardi Rum Company, who has reportedly financed several previous raids, or attempted raids. On the night of March 31, 1966, 'Guajiro' pulled a roll of bills from his pocket and gave MM 639-S a $50.00 bill, upon instructions of Orlando Bosch, for his preliminary services. 'Guajiro' also paid for the expenses of the trip to Marathon. It, therefore, appears that 'Jose Pepin' Bosch may be the financial backer of the MIRR in this plan..."