Cryptonym: AMRAIL-1
A memo in February, 1961, by Jake Esterline, Chief of JMATE (the Bay of Pigs project, as well as Cuban operations overall), noted that among the material which had been received by QDDALE (William Pawley), was a memo submitted by Antonio Mendoza and Enrique Carrillo, to persons in Washington when they attended the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy. The Enrique Carrillo mentioned in this memo was probably AMRAIL-1.
03/04/60: Dispatch from COS, Habana to Chief, WHD (Attention: Anthony R. Ponchay): Page 6: Left hand column under QDDALE: "Rubio Padillo, Jose Ignacio Rivero, Silvio Cardenas, Garcia Rayneri?. Jamie Gomila, Enrique Carrillo..." The last two names have arrow to HAVA 3681 and then directed back to Rubio Padilla.
02/14/61: Memorandum from Jacob D. Esterline, C/JMATE to C/WH/4/FI: "1. The following material has been received from QDDALE: a. Biography on Aureliano Sanchez Arango. b. Memo submitted by Antonio Mendoza and Enrique Carrillo to persons in Washington when they attended the Inauguration. c. Statement of the Cuban Judiciary. d. Confidential (REDACTION) letter. e. Miscellaneous publications (please pass on to WH/4/PROP when you have finished with them). 2. Please pass the above material on to any interested parties after it has served your purpose."
06/23/61: Dispatch from Chief of Base, JMWAVE to Chief, WH: "1. The following paragraphs summarize the contacts which Robert D. Hubbell established and which will need to be continued in one form or another...4. AMRAIL-1. He is Identity F. He has known Hubbell by his true name and has used the same telephone numbers mentioned in paragraph 2. Payment to AMRAIL-1 is made indirectly by means of a monthly check for $300.00, sent through Identity C to AMRAIL-1's wife. This payment is made by KUJUMP, and Mongoven is familiar with the arrangement. AMRAIL-1 was suggested as a contact by the Chief KUDOVE, who was a college classmate of AMRAIL-1. Latter has done a translation into Spanish of Rostow's book, The Stages of Economic Growth, which might be used as a powerful piece of propaganda. AMRAIL-1 is also known by Mongoven (sp)..." - - - Page 4: ..."Identity C: Hector Febles, aka 'Horacio'...Identity F: Enrique Carrillo...(Signed) Stanley R. Zamka."