Cryptonym: AMPAL-2
In addition, the same cable stated that Jose de la Paz Rodriguez's 201 number was 201-320039. A dispatch in May, 1967, stated that AMCRUMP-4's 201 number was 201-320030, very close to this.
AMPAL-1 was Alec Resnick.
08/13/60: Cable from Havana to Director: "AMPAL-2 reports Ralph Diaz Hanscom (AMGLAD-1) member AMBIDDY (Manuel Artime Buesa) internal group arriving Miami via KLM 917 12 Aug. Diaz supposed to have control 100 men in Oriente Province and being sent specifically check ODYOKE (U.S. Government) support to AMBIDDY internal group. Would like to be contacted at Hotel Mardi Gras, Biscayne Ave by member AMBIDDY complex."
07/13/65: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: "1. While AMRUG-5 (Victor Paneque Batista) on vacation May 65 he met Jose de la Paz Rodriguez 201-320039 (SUBJ) at Central Hospital Summerville, Mass. A-5 had assisted SUBJ in obtaining this job 1963 after first meeting SUBJ 60 when latter defected from Cuban Consulate. During conversation SUBJ said able get info from two unnamed friends who members GOC delegation, N.Y. SUBJ also stated he willing have friends assist him return Cuba if it would help liberate Cuba. 2. A-5 saw several letters from SUBJ mother who still working for GOC. Letters were anti-Fidel. 3. WAVE traces: Received POA 19 Sept 62 for use as independent infiltree. PRQ no longer available WAVE. AMPAL-2 reported 15 April 63 SUBJ allegedly left Miami 22 Dec 62 with eight other persons for Cuba on Cuban exile mission but as of date of report was Miami. ODENVY (FBI) traces 28 Dec 61 and 27 Feb 62 contained no derog info. UFGW-159 DTD 27 Dec 60 forwarded info WAVE concerning SUBJ. DTD 13 Feb 61 are no longer available WAVE. As SUBJ left WAVE area 63 local FBI traces possibly not complete. AMOT traces contain no derog info. Caution HQs not confuse SUBJ with Jose de la Nova. 4. Interesting note that SUBJ informed AMOT-152 early 64 that his mother and her husband were still Castro supporters, yet letters cited para 2 above indicate change of position. 5. SUBJ can be reached C/O Central Hospital, 34 Central St. Summerville, Mass. Tel 623-9397. 6. Plan send WAVE CO to debrief and assess. Please renew POA."
104-10225-10009: CIA FILE ON ( )SHELL-5.
05/25/67: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, WOBONE: Subject: Transmittal of SGSWIRL Reports: "1. Forwarded herewith are JMWAVE SGSWIRL reports with below list of IRD numbers, 201 numbers and cryptonyms where available. IRD NUMBERS: (#55089). 201 NUMBERS: (-320030). CRYPTS: (AMCRUMP-4)..."