Cryptonym: AMPAID-4
In addition, AMPAID-4 was a former lecturer/tutor at the University of Havana. A friend and former student of his was Dr. Evelio Corzo Izaguirre, a fingerprint expert, and a member of the AFAEC in 1963.
Two documents in December of 1962 stated that AMPAID-4's 201 number was 201-269689. Also, AMPAID-4 reported on Jorge Alonso Pujol-Bermudez in January of 1963.
CIA document on Eusebio Azcue: Page 39: "Att. No. 49 to UFGA-21693: Subject: Mendez, Placido aka 'El Gallego': ...3. JMWAVE Traces...c. Placido Mendez, member of the MDM was taken prisoner (AMPAID/4 Production, 31 October 1962)."
11/26/62: Dispatch from Chief, Task Force W to COS, JMWAVE: ..."4. Reference A is of obvious interest and the proposal which it forwarded is being reviewed in connection with KUBARK's (CIA's) own plans. At headquarters no mention of the reference has been made to AMBUD/1 in order to protect AMPAID/4 and in view of AMBUD/1's failure to raise the matter with KUBARK..."
11/30/62: Memo for the record from Lewis D. Nicklas (signature at bottom of page): "1. In order to clarify AMPAID-4's position and connection with the Committee of the Revolutionary Council of Cuba (CRC), this is to inform that according to AMPAID-4 he is a member of the Public Order Committee, which is a unit within the Military Committee of the CRC. A Mr. Rolando Novoa Salcines is the President of the Public Order Committee. All CRC matters concerning Police or Public Order are handled by the Public Order Committee. 2. Following a meeting held on 21 February 1962, Novoa and AMPAID-4 were appointed by the Military Committee to prepare an organizational plan for the future rural Police Force in Cuba. This task was completed and the completed plan was submitted to the Military Committee, who in turn submitted the completed plan to the CRC (Dr. Miro Cardona). According to AMPAID-4, Dr. Miro Cardona took the proposed plan to Washington about three months ago and delivered it to some unidentified U.S. authorities in Washington. (AMPAID-4 does not know who the recipient was, but he believes that it may have been the Department of State). AMPAID-4 further states that he is knowledgeable of the fact that the rural Police Project was returned to the CRC with some minor changes and suggestions and that the project was deemed acceptable."
12/03/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: "1. On 27 November 1962, AMPAID-4 advised that AMBUD-1's organization is planning to submit a request to ODACID for assistance in obtaining the cooperation of ODENVY (FBI) in training ten to fifteen PBRUMENers (Cubans) at the ODENVY school at Quantico, Virginia, or any other training school ODENVY may have elsewhere. According to AMPAID-4 the individuals selected for this training would be persons with some previous experience in police matters and sufficient education and capabilities to fill supervisory positions in the future PBRUMEN Police organizations. 2. AMPAID-4 has been requested to provide the names of the individuals selected for the above mentioned training and to keep the case officer abreast of developments concerning this matter." CI: Lewis D. Nicklas. AC/CI: Neil T. Pickworth. ESEC: Dudley R. Willings. C/PW: Robert K. Trouchard. - - - 12/10/62 - 104-10232-10119 -Dispatch from Chief, Task Force W to COS, JMWAVE: "1. Attached herewith are five additional chapters of the untranslated copy of the proposal for the establishment of a Cuban Urban Police. 2. AMPAID-4 expects to submit the completed document on or about 12 December 1962. AMPAID-4's typist has been ill, which is the reason why the complete document has not been typed in final form as yet. The remaining portion of this document will be forwarded Headquarters as soon as it is received from AMPAID-4." Bottom of page: 201-269689. CI: Lewis D. Nicklas jlh. AC/CI: Winfield F. Jimerson. C/PW: Robert K. Trouchard. ESRC: Dudley R. Willings. (Note: One of these five chapters can be seen at 104-10530-10160 - page 2.
12/22/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: "1. Attached herewith are the final three chapters, XI through XIII, of the untranslated copy of the proposal for the establishment of a Cuban Urban Police, as furnished by AMPAID-4. 2. On this date, 19 December 1962, AMPAID-4 advised that the Military Committee of AMBUD-1's organization plans to deliver the completed paper to AMBUD-1 during the current week." Headquarters File Number: 201-269689.
1/16/63 FBI letterhead memo. The informant was MM T-1, PSI Bernardo Martinez (as seen in introduction to letterhead memo, 124-90074-10008). The letterhead memo was referring to activities of Ramon Hernandez Cabrera. Vice-Treasurer of EL. States that Jorge Alonso Pujol is a member of EL (Army of Liberation).
01/22/63: MFR from Lewis D. Nicklas: "1. On 22 January 1963, at 1055 hours, AMPAID/4 was picked up at a parking lot located on West Avenue between Lincoln Road and 16th Street, Miami Beach. AMPAID-4 was taken to a safesite located alongside the river on MacArthur Causeway, where the meeting was held in the case officer's car. After the meeting, at 1140 hours AMPAID-4 was taken back to the corner of West Avenue and 17th Street, Miami Beach. 2. On the morning of 21 January 1963, Jose Miro Cardona requested AMPAID/4's presence at a meeting to prepare a budget to cover the required funds to be expended on the proposed project for the Urban Police in Cuba. AMPAID/4 is of the opinion that Miro Cardona is waiting for the State Department to open its new office in the Miami area and at that time he will present the Urban Police project to the State Department officials. AMPAID/4 will submit a copy of the budget he is preparing for Miro Cardona when it is completed. He mentioned the fact that it will be difficult for him to prepare this budget since he never had anything to do with preparing budgets in the past. He stated that he would obtain catalogs from concerns engaged in the sale of small arms and other weapons and use their prices as a guide. He said he would do the same with uniforms, cars etc. 3. Subject will be met again on 30 or 31 January 1963. In the meantime he has been instructed to continue his efforts in identifying G-2 and other intelligence agents in the area, reporting on any events of interest he may obtain from local asylees who correspond with relatives or friends in Cuba, and to be alert to any information concerning the arrival of Soviet ships in Cuba, their arrival, freight unloaded, etc. 4. There were no signs of surveillance during the course of the meeting with the agent, nor at the time he was picked up and later left at the corner of West Avenue and 17th Street, Miami Beach."
Undated CIA document: ..."Alonso Pujol-Bermudez, Jorge: Sex M DOB? CIT: Cuba. OCC? Re fact that SUBJ of 201-269689 furnished information on SUBJ during month of January 63. Member of Brigade 2506. SUBJ is member of the EL (Army of Liberation).(DBA-31948, 16 January 1963). Arrived Mexico from Habana 20 Apr 62. PP 01683 (Att. to DAT-3307, 4 October 1962). 201-269689, UFGA-07696, 15 Feb 63, PI..." Note that the probabe 1/16/63 document is referred to above.
11/06/63: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Special Affairs Staff: Page 3:...."p. Cesar Augusto Vega Pelegrino is 201-284804; in addition to SAS/CE carding, carding from ODIBEX Report DUJ 315 of 29 December 1961 gives similar background information and states Vega was first jailed in Panama, deported to Venezuela, jailed there for dealing in narcotics, and currently living in Paris, France; he is also mentioned in HZPA-12119 of 15 March 1962 and SANJ-5043 and described in UFGA-10548 of 13 August 1963 as a former narcotics trafficker in Cuba living in the Miami area as of July 1963, according to AMPAID-4."
1993.08.05.10:41:34:710005: CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY HANDBOOK
03/15/64: CR Handbook - Part II: FIJC (Federacion de Instituciones Juridicas Cubanas - Federation of Cuban Juridical Institutions): "II: HISTORY...B: Principal Activities to Date: July 1963: Five organizations signed a Constitution forming the FIJC. The signers were:...Page 2: Jose M. Suarez Solis, Evelio Corzo Izaguirre, Arturo Menendez Reyling, Enrique Landa Williams: for, Asociacion de Funcionarios y Auxiliares Electorales y Censales (AFAEC)..."
06/08/64: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Page 3: ..."J. AMPAID-4 repeat AMPAID-4: Ray has lost support..."
05/31/67: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Western Hemisphere Division: ..."3. a. An AMPAID-4 report dated 28 June 1962 describes the following person who is probably identical with the uncle: Corzo Izaguirre, Evelio (Dr.). Lawyer and fingerprint technician formerly employed at the Electoral Supreme Tribune and the Electoral Census of Havana. Friend and a former student of AMPAID-4, at the University of Havana. Resides at 9290 S.W. 4th Terrace, Miami. b. An I&NS SM-180 card contains the following data on the uncle: *Corzo Izaguirre, Ricardo Evelio A 12490487 DPOB: 7 February 1926, Havana, Cuba. Present address: 9290 S.W. 4th Terrace, Miami, Florida. Foreign address: Calle 38 #120, Havana, Cuba. Place of Entry: Miami, Florida. Date of Entry: 14 September 1961. Manner: PAA-#422. Nationality: Cuban. Occupation in Cuba: Fingerprint expert. Foreign Military Service: None. Visa Type: B 1 and 2. Issued: Havana, 20 October 1960. Marital Status: Married to Lilia Tous Gonzalez."