Cryptonym: AMMOP-1
A dispatch on AMMOP-1 in December, 1967, cited 201-767219 to cross reference.
A CIA document in September, 1974, indicated that associates of Jose Ignacio Rasco Rodriguez (mentioned above and who was AMPALM-5) included Guido Ernesto Rodriguez Diaz and Jesus Angulo Clemente (AMCRIB-1).
There are several references to AMCRIB-1 and AMMOP-1 in the documents below. For instance, a dispatch in March, 1966, stated that the youth wing of the AMMOP group was headed by AMCRIB-1.
01/26/65: Cable from Director to JMWAVE (Orig: M. Simmons, Unit: WH/SA/IOS): Slugline TYPIC: REF: UFGA 19403* "1. POA granted SUBJS ref 26 Jan 65. Assigned 201 (REDACTION) and 767219 respectively. 2. Please forward PRQ Part I on Rodriguez. WH/SA/Comment: *Requested POA on Jose Ignacio Rasco Rodriguez and Guido Ernesto Rodriguez Diaz."
03/09/65: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Deputy Chief, WH/SA: Subject: TYPIC/OPERATIONAL/AMSPELL/REDUCTION OF KUBARK SUBSIDY TO AMSPELL: Page 2: ..."2...More recently we asked AMHINT-2 (Juan Manuel Salvat Roque) to obtain the cooperation of the local Christian Democrat group/MDC in the operation described in Refs E and F. AMHINT-2 told us that the MDC had decided not to participate. AMMOP-1 said that this was not true and he would be happy to participate with AMHINT-2. This could possibly be the result of a misunderstanding, but on the basis of the facts known so far it appears that AMHINT-2 was deliberately lying to his case officer. It may also be a reaction to the Ref A incident..."
104-10192-10222: CIA FILE ON MDC.
03/13/65: Cable from JMWAVE (Inghurst Acting): Slugline TYPIC AMSPELL: REFS: A. WAVE 8224 (IN 79915). B. (REDACTION) (IN 59284). "1. Re para 5 Ref A, AMHINT-2 (Juan Manuel Salvat Roque) has resisted discreet WAVE pressure join with rep from AMMOP-1 group (IDEN Ref A) for Chile trip, claiming group believes participation not desirable due strained relations with Frei. This denied by AMMOP-1. AMHINT-2 had two hour lunch 10 March with AMMOP-1 but did not bring up subject trip and AMMOP-1 could not initiate discussion without compromising CIA connection. Prior AMMOP-1 lunch meeting, AMHINT-2 told case officer all his dealings this subject with IDEN whom AMHINT-2 considers controlling figure in group due large financial contribution. WAVE told AMHINT-2 IDEN not acceptable for trip due reputation as hotheaded and controversial. Despite fact AMHINT-2 told trip not worthwhile without someone with stature for organization such as AMMOP group, AMHINT-2 persisted his stand..."
104-10192-10110: CIA FILE ON MDC FEB 66-MAR 67.
03/31/66: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, WH (Info: COS, Withheld): Subject: AMMOP/Operational/AMMOP Circular Letter to Identity A Leaders and Organizations: REF: WAVE 9754: "1. As indicated in reference, the AMMOP organization on 15 March 1966 sent a circular letter based on Fidel Castro's 13 March speech to Identity A individuals and organizations. The letter, which was signed and composed by AMMOP-1 and which was accompanied by transcripts of the speech, condemned Castro's attack on Chilean President Eduardo Frei; requested support for Frei's position; and asked the recipients to join the struggle maintained by the Cuban people to overthrow Fidel Castro and prepare for the freedom of Cuba from Communism. 2. The youth wing of the AMMOP group, headed by AMCRIB/1 (Jesus Angulo Clemente), mailed a letter to its Identity A youth contacts based on the 13 and 20 March speeches by Fidel Castro along the lines cited above. Included in this letter were the strong anti-Castro statements made by Identity B. Copies of both letters are forwarded under separate cover. 3. According to AMMOP/1, his letter was replayed by FUSEE and was the basis for an article in a Santiago newspaper by Identity C." - - - Page 48: "Identities: A. Christian Democratic Party. B. Alfredo Lorca. C. Jorge Roman."
104-10192-10110: CIA FILE ON MDC FEB 66-MAR 67
04/04/66: Cable from JMWAVE (Inghurst Acting - probably Robert Moore): Slugline TYPIC AMMOP: REF: A. DIR 75895. B. WAVE 9034 (IN 51776). "1. AMCRIB-1 (Jesus Angulo Clemente) advised by IDEN A that ref A Lima conference scheduled for 23-26 April, preceded by youth seminar 15-22 April. 2. AMCRIB-1 hopes obtain ticket thru efforts of IDEN B. If not successful, Station plans finance AMCRIB-1 trip to attend both meetings unless advised contrary. 3. AMMOP invited IDEN C, 201-749991, former WAVE asset working in Quito, attend ref conference as member AMMOP delegation. If IDEN C attends, will pay own way. 4. PLS note AMCRIB-10 of ref B should be AMCRIB-1. *World Christian Democratic Congress scheduled Lima 4-14 March." - - - Page 54: "IDEN A: ULJDC. IDEN B: Julio Moneagatta, JUDCA secy, Gen. IDEN C: Jose M. Illan."
104-10192-10110: CIA FILE ON MDC FEB 66-MAR 67.
04/21/66: Cable from JMWAVE: Slugline TYPIC AMMOP: REF A: WAVE 0031 (IN 89790)* B. DIR 75895. "AMMOP-1, IDEN, departing Miami 0200 hrs 21 April on Peruvian airline flight 55 to attend ref conference." - - - Page 39: "IDEN: Ernesto Rodriguez Diaz, MDC Secretary for International Relations." - - - See 2022 release, page 39, for unredacted IDEN:
104-10192-10110: CIA FILE ON MDC FEB 66-MAR 67.
12/01/67: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, WH Division: Subject: AKULE/MHSPAWN/AMMOP/Plans for ODCA Mid-April Congress: "REF: JMWAVE 0180. 1. The purpose of this dispatch is to report the comments of AMMOP-1 on 30 November regarding the forthcoming Organizacion Democrata Cristiana de America (ODCA) Congress. AMMOP-1 said that the precise date of the Congress is yet to be set though it is still scheduled for mid-April. He new feels that he will have a copy of the formal agenda by the end of December which is a full month earlier than reported in the reference. While AMMOP-1 is not a member of the committee preparing the agenda, he said that he is being kept generally informed of developments and that once the agenda is prepared he should be in a position to influence the revision of the agenda in the event that there are no items concerning Cuba or that the items listed are not satisfactory. He said that the principal person with whom he is in contact on this matter is Rafael Caldera and that it will be through Caldera that he would hope to make his influence felt. AMMOP-1 also said that he has been assured by Caldera that the Cuban case will be prominent in the agenda. 2. We will continue to keep Headquarters informed of developments on this end. (Signature) Roger E. Marchbank. Cross Reference to 201-767219."
06/28/68: Cable: Slugline TYPIC MHSPAWN: ..."F. AMMOP-1 informed 27 June his case officer being transferred and that he will be contacted in July (pending arrival his JMCOBRA case officer)..."
1993.07.21.16:25:29:530280: RASCO, IGNACIO JOSE - OS/SAG FILES FOR HSCA
09/10/74: CIA document: Page 8: "RODRIGUEZ (Diaz), Guido Ernesto. ANGULO, (Clemente), Jesus - C - 228271 - Associate. PEREZ, Humberto - Associate: *0-363002-25, Serial 175: A memorandum dated 28 February 1963 reflects that recording to information dated 4 June 1962 from an untested source, the name of one Humberto Perez, who may or may not be identical to Subject's associate, appeared on a list of Communists and fellow travelers. He was assistant administrator of the community center, probably in Cienfuegos, Las Villas Province, Cuba. The name of one Humberto Perez, manager of the newspaper Correspodencia, also appeared on the same list. RASCO, Jose Ignacio - C- 214485 - Friend."