Cryptonym: AMLION-1
AMLION-1 was mentioned in a AMDENIM-1 (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) Progress Report dispatch in October of 1962. AMLION-1 had helped AMDENIM-1 develop fisherman leads which could be developed into ratlines for infiltrating agents and supplies. Also, AMLION-1 was assisting in the training of the AMSHATTER team fisherman as an interpreter. It is very probable that AMLION-1 had either his crypt or his name (or both) redacted in a previous AMDENIM-1 Progress Report.
A dispatch in August of 1962, stated that $200 was given to the redacted figure, until his clearance went through. Also, the role is very similar to AMLION-1's, and it was described in the August dispatch as being an "investigator of operational leads and an assistant to AMDENIM-1's in the handling of his fishermen and operational candidates." Also the $200 payment in the August dispatch to the redacted figure is consistent with AMLION-1's payment of the same amount in the October 1962 dispatch.
The dispatch in 1963 stated that AMLION-1's Operational Approval was cancelled on February 5, 1963. AMSHAG-1 (Alberto Delbusto Hernandez), AMSUM-2 (Antonio Ordonez Hernandez), and AMBARB-53 (Juan Manuel Chinea Verez) were also mentioned in the dispatch in 1963. AMSHAG-1 was captured in Cuba in early November, 1963, and was probably part of the Comandos Mambises.
In terms of AMLION-1, AMBARB-87 was very close in terms of 201 numbers, with AMBARB-87 having the 201 number of 201-328511.
08/20/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: Page 2: ..."6. Funds Expended: a. $200 was given to (REDACTION) as maintenance until his clearance comes through. It is intended that (REDACTION) will be an investigator of operational leads and an assistant to AMDENIM-1's (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) in the handling of his fishermen and operational candidates. b. $300 was given to AMDENIM-1 for passage to the widow of AMGLAD-1 (Ralph Diaz Hanscom). He is the channel for this payment until such time as HQs arrives at a settlement figure and this obligation can be disposed of."
104-10172-10141: AMDENIM-1 PROGRESS REPORT 30 SEPTEMBER 1962
10/17/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: Page 2: ..."4. In support of other Station interests AMDENIM-1 (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) has spent considerable time preparing a study of strategic places in eastern PBRUMEN (Cuba) where the blowing of approximately five bridges would serve to divide the country into two parts and prevent the troops in one part from rapidly coming to the aid of troops in the other part. These efforts have been forwarded to Intel Support for development. He has also been on the lookout for fisherman leads which could be developed into ratlines for infiltrating agents and materiel. Two such leads appear very worthwhile, one is being utilized by the SHATTER (a JMWAVE anti-Castro Cuban team originally connected to AMDENIM-1) Team and the other will probably be used by one of the Las Villas teams in preparation. He used AMLION-1 to good advantage in developing these leads and continues to look for others while AMLION-1 is assisting in the training of the SHATTER Team fisherman as interpretor..." - - - Page 3: ..."9. COSTS: 1) AMGLAD-1's (Ralph Diaz Hanscom) widow: $300.00. 2) AMLION-1: $200.00..."
03/21/63: Dispatch from Chief, Special Affairs Staff to COS, JMWAVE: "Action Required: FYI. The Operational Approvals on all of the below-listed individuals have been cancelled on the date indicated. ....Name: AMLION-1. 201-Number: 201-328507. Date Cancelled: 5 February 1963..."
07/09/67: Memorandum from Withheld, AC/WH/COG to DC/CI/R&A: ..."3. Listed below are the staff and agent personnel, in true name, who have been in contact with Subject and may be known to him by true name, alias or nickname...B) AGENTS... 14. 201-328507: Heriberto Sardina Del Campo..."