Cryptonym: AMILIAD
A cable on December 6, 1963, noted that the AMILIAD operation was terminated due to AMHINT-27's (Manuel Baro Esteva) prior association with AMSTRUT-2 (Juana de la Caridad Castro Ruz) and QUANTUM-51 in Cuba. The cable also stated that the fact AMYUM-19 (Cesar Baro Esteva) was the brother of AMHINT-27 was also a contributing factor, and that a dispatch would follow regarding the future utilization of individual members of the AMILIAD team.
11/30/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline IMMEDIATE ACTION: RYBAT TYPIC YOBITE: SITREP 29 NOVEMBER 1963: Page 3: ..."2. AMILIAD team received refresher training with live fire weapons 29 Nov."
12/01/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: "1. SUBJ refs came WAVE attention as potential coastal guide for PM AMILIAD ops. 2. During normal processing SUBJ allegations surfaced that he: A. Told various persons he KUBARK (CIA): B. Deeply involved marijuana traffic PBRUMEN (Cuba) and WAVE; C. Possible CIS infiltree in DRE (he SVCD for confirmation). 3. FLUTTER (polygraph - "lie detector" - testing, sometimes referred to simply as "FLUTTER") examinations 15 and 16 Nov confirmed above allegations. SUBJ admitted some marijuana trafficking and use but denied any CIS connection. 4. After intensive round clock four day debriefing WAVE S/H under pretext sensitive op being planned for him SUBJ admitted para 2 allegation plus: A. Involvement extensive marijuana trafficking PBRUMEN and smuggling marijuana cigs WAVE area. However FLUTTER still indicates SUBJ more deeply involved drugs than has admitted. B. Plotting with DRE members WAVE for armed infiltration PBRUMEN and arms training WAVE area connection with same. C. Having been contacted once in Oct or Dec 61 by CIS in SACU to report suspicious activities fishermen but claims never cooperated or submitted reports. 5. Repeated FLUTTER exams showed SUBJ withholding info re CIS connections and commo with GOC (Government of Cuba) probably via third country. Debriefing revealed and WAVE traces confirmed SUBJ brother (IDEN) currently MEXI. SUBJ reluctantly admitted had written IDEN's wife MEXI since arrival PBPRIME (U.S.)..."
12/06/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline TYPIC AMILIAD: "1. ILIAD Operation terminated due AMHINT/27 (Manuel Baro Esteva) prior association AMSTRUT/2 (Juana de la Caridad Castro Ruz) and QUANTUM/51 in PBRUMEN (Cuba). Fact AMYUM/19 (Cesar Baro Esteva) brother of AMHINT/27 also contributing factor. 2. Dispatch will follow re future utilization individual members ILIAD team."