Cryptonym: AMHINT-49
A dispatch in October, 1962, mentioned that in September, Carlos Obregon was Trainee Number 8 (Tele) of Militar (Military) infiltration ops training, with a salary of $170.00. The "Tele" in brackets may have indicated that Obregon was involved in telecommunications, and hence may have been a radio operator.
A cable on June 5, 1963, stated that AMHINT-49 was the radio operator for the AMSPRAG team. The AMSPRAG operation took place at around the same time as operation TILT.
The Cuban Counterrevolutionary Handbook entry for the DRE in 1964 stated that "in July 1963 DRE began a daily training school for radio operators at DRE headquarters with Abraham Arber Dewis as instructor." In a DRE document the entry for Mario Arber Gewisz stated he was a radio and TV technician, and was born in Havana. It is unclear if this was a relation of Abraham Arber Dewis.
06/23/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: Pages 3-4: ..."4). Development and Plans: During the next month of June, AMHINT (probably a branch of the DRE that conducted paramilitary and infiltration operations in Cuba. Their case officer was JMWAVE chief of operations David Morales) planning calls for the exfiltration of AMHINT-53 (Luis Fernandez-Rocha), infiltration of radio operator AMHINT-52 with a small shipment of arms processing and training of radio operators AMHINT-31 and 49, and the selection and assessment of the CEDAR team of four to be sent to ISOLATION (CIA's Camp Peary, also known as "The Farm") for training and subsequent infiltration. During the forthcoming 90 days the normal timetable calls for AMHINT-52 as radio operator in Havana Province, AMHINT-49 in Oriente Province and AMHINT-41 in Pinar del Rio Province. (Unintelligible) no unusual delays are encountered, this is not am ambitious program. The CEDAR team should be operating in their assigned region and the subsequent team about to infiltrate, by the end of this period..."
07/20/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: Page 2: ..."4. Development and Plans...The CEDAR team has been postponed since the May report, and will now depart for ISOLATION (CIA's Camp Peary, also known as "The Farm") on 3 August. Plans for the next 90 days have been changed since radio operator AMHINT-52 has been removed from the project (WAVE-5372). Radio operator AMHINT-31 has also been unfavorably assessed and transferred to another assignment. Although other operators can be recruited and trained, this may delay processing of the second AMHINT team for ISOLATION. B. AMHINTS: General: AMHINT activities during June were concentrated on the processing of CEDAR members for their original commitment to ISOLATION on 6 July 1962. AMHINT-36, 38, 47 and 48 were assessed in LCFLUTTER (polygraph - "lie detector" - testing, sometimes referred to simply as "FLUTTER") and psychological, measured for clothing and equipment, examined physically and scheduled for SW. Their radio operator, AMHINT-49, was attending communications school to complete his training in time for infiltration with the team. Concurrent to this processing, AMHINT-53 (Luis Fernandez-Rocha) who had infiltrated PBRUMEN (Cuba) on 20 May began requesting his exfiltration operation..."
09/14/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: Subject: Operational/GYROSE/KUWOLF AMSPELL Progress Report for August 1962: Pages 2-3: ..."The meeting was not successful. Behind these activities, and concurrent to them, JMWAVE continued processing of 1) the PM CEDAR team: 2) organization of an AMSPELL (the Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil, or DRE - Cuban Student Directorate) intelligence section and training of an intelligence team (DAMSON) consisting of a radio operator and two agents...4. Development and Plans...Meanwhile, however, in the developmental stage is the organization and training of an AMSPELL Intelligence Section, to function independent of AMSPELL normal operations and directly in contact with JMWAVE. This will consist of two officers and two secretaries, who will process information gained from debriefing male and female refugee arrivals as well as AMSPELL operational returning personnel. Combined with this effort, is the DAMSON intelligence team, which will be formed around radio operator AMHINT-52 who has returned to operational status. The target date for infiltration of the DAMSON team is 15 October 1962. (See Attachment A). Also, the CEDAR team, a PM team destined for Oriente Province returned from ISOLATION (CIA's Camp Peary, also known as "The Farm") training and are awaiting infiltration. (See Reference G)...c. AMSPELL...AMHINT-49 Radop for processing CEDAR team. AMHINT-52 Radop for processing DAMSON team..."
10/09/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: Page 2 of DRE document titled: SALARY - 1-30 September, 1962: "MILITAR INFILTRATION OPS TRAINING...Carlos Obregon: Trainee # 8 (Tele): US$ 170.00..." - - - This other DRE document also has Carlos Obregon Diaz has Trainee # 8:
06/05/63: Cable from JMWAVE to KOLA (Orig: M. Tarters): Slugline OOLONG ZRPERUSAL PBRUMEN TILT AMSPRAG CHALICE-3: "FOLL assigned MV/Leda for Operations TILT, AMSPRAG, and CHALICE-3: A. Signal plans FLOATER/199 (5101) and AJIROP-75. B. Crypto: Base Encode K/8398. Decode K/8397. ZIMAHI edition No. 60. C. AMHINT/49, radop for AMSPRAG team, issued BYKUXE sigplan TETNIT." Authenticating Officer: Norman L. Melnecke. Releasing Officer: John F. Sunderland.
1994.04.12.15:46:22:600005: Reel 26, Folder C - DRE.
DRE Document: Page 8 of Folder C: ..."8) Mario Arber Gewisz. FUNCION (FUNCTION) - Tecnico operacion TV, radio (technician operation TV, radio). PROFESION (PROFESSION) - Tecnico de Radio y TV (radio and TV technician). FECHA, LUGAR NACIMIENTO (DATE, PLACE OF BIRTH) - Habana. October 10, 1928. DIRECCION (DIRECTION) - 710 93 Street, Miami B. ..."
05/01/64: CR Handbook - Part II: DRE: Page 7: ..."15. In March 1963, four DRE leaders were served with notice of prevention of departure from Dade County by U.S. authorities. A 'DRE Declaration' was issued in April 1963 reiterating that raids would continue against Cuba despite U.S. restrictions. One such raid was attempted on the 27th of April, but was frustrated by rough waters encountered 30 miles off the Cuban coast. In June 1963, DRE mounted an exfiltration operation which was successful in removing three persons from Cuba. In July 1963 DRE began a daily training school for radio operators at DRE headquarters with Abraham Arber Dewis as instructor..."