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Cryptonym: AMHINT-28

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Angel Alfredo Fontanills y Miguel. Number 28 was handwritten next to Fontanills' name on a cable, in September, 1961, on the training of AMHINT infiltrators.
AMHINT was probably the cryptonym for a branch of the DRE that conducted paramilitary and infiltration operations in Cuba. Their case officer was JMWAVE chief of operations David Morales.

A cable on August 25, 1962, stated that AMHINT-28 was among the DRE members who took part on the Blanquita raid.

A dispatch in October, 1962, mentioned that in September, Angel A. Fontanills was Trainee Number 5 of Militar infiltration ops training, with a salary of $225.00.

An entry for Fontanills in a DRE document stated that he had been a veterinary medicine student at the University of Havana, was born on August 10, 1936, in Santiago de Cuba, and stayed at 1944 NW 19 Avenue, Miami.

A cable on December 6, 1963, from JMWAVE (with the slug AMWORLD), included Angel A. Fontanills as being part of the DRE military section.

A FBI document stated that "on 6/17/64, REDACTION (protect identity) Covert CIA representative, Miami, Florida, identified Angel Alfredo Fontanills y Miguel (105-129278) as being connected with Manuel Artime and the MRR."

104-10074-10380: CABLE RE WAVE PLANS

9/5/61 memo from JMWAVE to Director: "WAVE plans start across board training AMHINT infils by 8 Sept as follows: AMHINT-26 (John Koch Gene)...Manuel del Valle Caral...AMHINT-27 Manuel Baro Esteva...Julio Jane Argudin...AMFAST-13 Vicente Vasquez Dominguez...AMHINT-28 Angel A. Fontanills y Miguel...Luis Cowan Fernandez...AMHINT-21, request POAs subjects A thru G and assignment AMHINT crypto upon completion training...(as matters progress) AMHINTs will require materiel support consisting agit/prop materials, small amounts demo and time devices, portable presses, commo equip, docs and funding..."


08/25/62: Cable from JMWAVE to Director (Action: TFW 10 (Mr Harvey, TFW, notified and copy slotted at 1740 25 Aug): Slugline GYROSE AMHINT: "1. AMHINT-2 (Juan Manuel Salvat Roque) reported at 1400 hours 25 Aug that AMSPELL (DRE) mission had shelled Havana north coast particularly Posita Horneda (now Sierra Maestra Hotel) and Blanquita theatre (not Chaplin theatre) at 2230 hours local on 24 Aug. Two vessels carried out this mission which was planned and directed by A-2. These vessels were Juanin 1, an AMSPELL owned vessel, and Susan Ann (formerly supported by JMWAVE). Total of 17 men, mostly AMSPELL members participated this op...Juanin 1 was commanded by AMHINT-30 (Albor Ruiz Salazar) with AMHINT-2 aboard directing operations. Crew members were Bernabe Pena Pallete, AMHINT-41, Enrique Torres Angulo, Carlos Hernandez Sanchez, and Jose Basulto Leon as gunners. 3. Susan Ann capt was Leslie Nobregas Heria with crew AMHINTs-28, 45, 46, 35 (plus numbers typed above: 7, 8, 9, 10) Ignacio Arjona Suri, Rodolfo Vidal Alvarez, Luis Camps Saura, and Lazaro Farinas Ruiz, and one unidentified individual, all AMSPELL members..."


10/09/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: Page 2 of DRE document titled: SALARY - 1-30 September, 1962: "MILITAR INFILTRATION OPS TRAINING...Angel A. Fontanils: Trainee # 5, US$ 225.00..." - - - Note that also on this list were Carlos DuQuesne: Trainee # 3 (AMHINT-8); John Koch: Trainee # 12 (AMHINT-26); Juan M. Salvat: Sec. Asuntos Militares (AMHINT-2); Albor Ruiz: Resp. Asuntos Navales (AMHINT-30); Francisco Blanco: Trainee # 15 (AMHINT-56); Julio Hernandez Rojo: In Cuba (his family) (AMHINT-40); Isidro Borja: Ast. Sec. Asuntos Militares (AMHINT-5).

1994.04.12.15:46:22:600005: Reel 26, Folder C - DRE.

DRE Document: Page 10 of Folder C: ..."21) Angel Fontanills Miguel: FUNCION (FUNCTION) - Trainee 5. PROFESION (PROFESSION) - Estudiante Medicina Veterinaria U.Habana (Veterinary medicine student University of Habana). FECHA, LUGAR NACIMIENTO (DATE, PLACE OF BIRTH) - Stgo. de Cuba (Santiago de Cuba). Agosto (August) 10/36. DIRECCION (DIRECTION) - 1944 NW 19 Ave., Miami..."

1993.08.04.16:38:02:870028: JMWAVE CABLES, WAVE 8600 - 8699.

12/06/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC YOBITE AMWORLD: REF: WAVE 86127: "IDEN members DRE MIL section known follow: 1. Bernabe Pena. 2. Gilberto Aleman. 3. Francisco Calvet. 4. Carlos Duquesne (AMHINT-8). 5. Juan M. Fiol. 6. Angel A. Fontanils. 7. Carlos Obregon. 8. Arnaldo Santa Cruz. 9. Ernesto Fernandez. 10. John Koch (AMHINT-26). 11. Lazaro Farinas. 12. Juan M. Salvat (AMHINT-2). 13. Albor Ruiz (AMHINT-30). 14. Luis Camps. 15. Julio Hernandez Rojo (AMHINT-40). 16. Isidro Borja (AMHINT-5). C/S Comment: *No record in cable (unintelligible) as of (unintelligible)-6 Dec 63."

124-10284-10081: [No Title]

FBI Correlation summary for Manuel Artime: "On 6/17/64, REDACTION (protect identity) Covert CIA representative, Miami, Florida, identified Angel Alfredo Fontanills y Miguel (105-129278) as being connected with Manuel Artime and the MRR."

Bill Simpich

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