Cryptonym: AMGORILLA-1
Rafael Guas Inclan is the most likely candidate. He was an attorney who became vice president under Batista as a compromise candidate. He was at the meetings in April 1963 and the only one described as a Batistiano - see 104-10228-10050, p. 4. See 104-10298-10123, p. 3, he is described as a "Rightist". The initial post describes him as the editor of the Cuba Libre newspaper.
Cuban Counterrevolutionary Handbook, Section on the AFMC (Association of Family Members of Cuban Martyrs). The group was originally created for the purpose of uniting family members of the martyrs of the Castro regime. The group's president was Isabel Becquer Alvarado, widow of Vicente Leon Leon, ex-Colonel of the Cuban Army and member of Brigade 2506, who died at the Bay of Pigs. The group's legal advisor was Rafael Guas Inclan, vice president of Cuba 1954-1958; leader of the Liberal Party in Cuba; Director of the newspaper 'Cuba Libre'; President of the National Association of Cuban Lawyers in Exile."
04/25/62, dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: Page 8: "19.....Also, according to AMGORRILLA-1, SANCHEZ Arango was planning to go to New York on about 5 April, but primarily for medical reasons (SANCHEZ Arango told him in strictest confidence that he has cancer of the neck and that that was the main purpose of his trip)."
03/15/63, cable from JMWAVE to Director: "SUPDATA: AMGORILLA-1 from Jose Miro Carlona. Passavoy from Miro that Ydigoras expressed same views on probable ineffectiveness of meetings."
04/13/63, cable from JMWAVE to Director: Sluglines INTEL TYPIC: "SUPDATA: Paras 1-9 AMGORILLA-1 from leaders as indicated"... Page 3: "SOURCES: Paras 1-9 rightist Cuban exile (C) who was an official in the Batista regime with paras 1-4 from Manuel Antonio de Varona Loredo, paras 5-6 from Orlando Cuervo Galano, 7 and 8 from various followers of Manolo Ray and Fulgencio Batista, para 9 Marquez Sterling; paras 10-12; competent American observer (B) from Eduardo Garcia Molina."
1994.08.11.15:56:36:070028: Reel 62, Folder I - CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY COUNCIL (CRC) - ORGANIZATION.
Paragraphs 1-9 cited above based on AMGORILLA's report are summarized. Paragraphs 1-4 on Varona: "(Varona) privately believes that Jose Miro Cardona, president of the CRC, has gone too hard and fast in his dispute with the Kennedy Administration...Varona is opposed to the publication of Miro's resignation...prejudicial to the Cuban cause...Varona said the position taken by the Kennedy Administration on the matter of Cuban exile raids is not wholly unjustified...the US government must now take the initiative in the great pessimism that now prevails... Paragraphs 5-6: 5. Cuervo found Miro totally pessimistic and beaten and no way to appease him...6. Baro and Artime made it known that the MRR support Miro fully. Paragraph 7: Manuel Ray was pleased by the split between the US and the CRC. Paragraph 8: Batista's followers were delighted by Miro's difficulties. Paragraph 9: Marquez Sterling thought a more representative body or council could be formed if Miro was deposed.
04/20/63, Cable: "6. AMGORILLA-1 reports morale of Cuban exiles at all time low but this does not preclude political leaders from maneuvering and trying obtain new importance. He reported on 17 Apr Tony Varona for first time in several years sought him (AMGORILLA-1) out and asked his opinions re imminent breakup of CRC. Since then others, such as Marquez Sterling and Ovidio Manalich, aide to Sanchez Arango, have also sought advice and comments. AMGORILLA-1 said his advice is that U.S. their only ally and if they break with us the Cuban exiles left on their own. A-1 says this good advice but it wearing thin. 7. AMGORILLA-1 reports he receiving telephone calls from Cuban exiles all over U.S. expressing and disappointment recent developments one call from Cuban doctor group in Oklahoma reported western U.S. newspapers critical administration handling of CRC affair and news reporters querying exiles for comments."
Date of Distribution 4/20/63, Report TDCS BD-3/654,277, source competent American observer with paragraphs 5-7 from a rightist Cuban exile who was an official in the Batista regime..."5. In the wake of Miro's resignation Aureliano Sanchez Arango (AMEER-1) trying to convoke a patriotic meeting of a wide spectrum of political parties and movements...according to Sanchez's plan in the meeting to be held, participants will pledge unity and adopt a strong pro-US position. 6. The morale of the Cuban exiles is at an all-time low, but this does not preclude political leaders from maneuvering and trying to obtain new importance. 7. Cuban exiles all over the US are expressing alarm and disappointment concerning recent developments. A group of Cuban physicians in Oklahoma reported that western US newspapers are critical of the Administration's handling of the CRC affair and that news reporters are querying exiles for comments."
4/23/63 cable from JMWAVE to Director: "Supdata: AMGORILLA-1 from (Tony) Varona...Opinions and Activities of (Tony Varona aka AMHAWK-1)...Source: Rightist Cuban exile who was an official in the Batista government from (Tony Varona)."
4/24/63 report to the Attorney General, Eyes Only; Thomas Hughes of State, and the White House Situation Room: Jose Antonio Hernandez suggested at the meeting that the CRC had fulfilled its function and should disband. Tony Varona disagreed, and many officers agreed with him. See 104-10227-10397: The information was supplied by AMOT-20, an officer fiduciary responsibilities with an anti-Castro organization in exile, obtained from Jose Antonio Hernandez, vice-president of FORDC.
10/1/63 memo from JMWAVE/Miami to CIA, slugline DYVOUR JMPALM: "FYI on 28 Sept AMGORILLA-1 phoned Manuel Garcia Busto in New York for additional information re opinions new junta Dominican Republic. Garcia turned phone over to Rolando Masferrer (201-42669) who paying impromptu visit to Garcia offices. Masferrer told AMGORILLA-1 that Joaquin Balaguer (201-87429) not satisfied military coup outing Bosch; viewed fact that Balaguer and General Rodriguez Echevarria were involved plans to oust Bosch, but they not participants in recent coup...AMGORILLA-1 talking Balaguer again 30 Sept in effort prompt details re his connection Rodriguez. Will report UFG when additional details available."
12/09/63, cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline: INTEL DYVOUR JMPALM: "SUPDATA: ZRWAHOO. AMGORILLA-1 from exile Venezuelan military officers residing WAVE who invited AMGORILLA-1 to return CARA for govt post after military takeover occurs....Country: Venezuela/Spain"... Page 3: "Source: Former high-level Latin American government official who has traveled frequently throughout the Caribbean and Central America where he maintains close friendships with a wide range of military and political leaders. Source is a rightist, a trained reporter, and his information has been reliable in the past."
A meeting in March 1965 led to the creation of an "Organizing Committee" within a group of anti-Castro exiles called together by Carlos Prio. The purpose was to form a Cuban Government in Exile. The Organizing Commission included Prio, Isabel Becquer, Juan Salvat, Huertas, Carlos Marquez, Oscar Gans, Ramon Martin, and Alfredo Gonzalez. (Marginalia says "this group is of interest because so many of the AMLASH-1 complex and old Prioites. G.W. Roberts (Grace Roberts)." 124-10286-10453, p. 15: Alfredo Gonzalez Duran was the president of the Brigade 2506 group.