Cryptonym: AMGLAD-4
04/28/61: Dispatch from Chief of Base, JMWAVE to Chief, Western Hemisphere Division: "1. AMESCORT-1 and AMGLADs 2, 3, and 4 have been asked the following questions in the past two days. Their answers were in substantial agreement and are summarized following each question. AMESCORT-1 is an active member of the MRR and the AMGLADs are the local representatives of Unidad Revolucionaria...."
05/15/61: Cable from BELL to JMWAVE: Slugline JMZIP ZRPERUSAL: "1. Concur para 5 Ref A extreme caution used order not reveal special intel source and suitable cover story used. Advise HQs cover story used. No objection AMDIP-3 attempt recontacts inside Cuba but no KUBARK (CIA) assets to be committed which could be revealed if op rolled up. 2. View Ref E, C and D HQs confused as to IDENS Luis Andres and Jorge. Interested AMGLAD-4 ability identify group served by Peklok. 3. View HQs lack knowledge Peklok group association with Unidad Revolucionario would appreciate any info you have re this possibility and extent AMDIP-3 control of UR..."
06/23/61: Dispatch from Chief of Base, JMWAVE to Chief, WH: "1. The following paragraphs summarize the contacts which Robert D. Hubbell established and which will need to be continued in one form or another. 2. The AMGLAD group. This group consists of AMGLAD-2, AMGLAD-3, and AMGLAD-4, who are Identities A, B, and C, respectively. These people knew Hubbell as Identity D, and they have called him on the unlisted KUJUMP telephone and at his home. For the time being, Chester F. Mongoven (sp) will be their point of contact..." Page 4: "Reference: UFGA-1776. Identity A: Aureliano Fernandez. Can be reached at phone numbers (office) FR3-1003; (home) FR1-6393. Identity B: Luis Vega...Identity C: Hector Febles, aka 'Horacio'...Identity D: Pill Williams...(Signed) Stanley R. Zamka."
07/12/61: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: ..."2. WAVE in contact with Duque man Garcia on 7 July who informed WAVE that Duque out of town but did not volunteer where. 3. Re para 4 ref AMCHEER-1 (REDACTION) reports that Duque in contact with UR Hector Febles (Horacio) (201-292171) and Aurelio Fernandez (201-292172) treasurer this group..."
08/11/61: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline JMZIP KUTUBE: "1. Re AMGLAD KUTUBE potential, AMGLAD-4 has some link with Cuban underground thru diplomatic channels. He had been using woman formerly attached Brazilian Embassy HAVA named Naticanha (FNU) who recently transferred. He developing clerk at Brazilian Embassy Miami, Maria Conceicao de Niemeyer (phonetic), who expects be transferred to HAVA soon. Checking Niemeyer locally. A-4 has provided one candidate for SW training (see WAVE 7467) and willing arrange bring other candidates out legally for SW or radop training. Points out problem of getting seats on airline as obstacle legal travel. He also claims access to PACY and Italian Embassy pouches. Claims Salvador Garcia Oller, asylee Brazilian Embassy HAVA, in regular touch with AMGLAD underground including leader 'Justo', and that arrangements being made to continue contact after Garcia safeconduct. These prospects not dramatic and could prove fruitless, but in context hard overall KUTUBE problem confronting WAVE, should not be discharged without testing..." Page 2: ..."3. Had planned continue op temporarily at $1,500 a month with AMGLAD-3, 4 and AMGLAD-1 wife receiving $300 monthly each plus $600 for op expenses including travel and subsistence for agents coming in for training. We committed do this in August. No salary AMGALD-2 (sp) since he financially independent....CS Comment: *Unless able develop AMGLADS as KUTUBE asset HQs would like to terminate financial assistance."
08/18/61: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline JMZIP KUTUBE: "Andres Zayas AKA 'Justo', Unidad Revolucionaria (UR) leader Cuba, wrote AMGLAD-4 via diplomatic channel and has requested clandestine boat ex-infiltration to discuss UR activities there. Despite unfavorable comment re Justo from source ref, WAVE plans develop necessary op info and try exfiltrate. Would appear Justo not in asylum as suggested source ref. Zayas born Habana 1929 and owner hardware business. Only traces WAVE files HKHA-7285. Send any additional traces." - - - 08/30/61, Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline JMZIP KUTUBE: "1. On 20 August AMGLAD-3 and AMGLAD-4 showed up at meeting without 'Justo', AMGLAD leader who had just arrived from HAVA. Stated they did not know where 'Justo' had gone..." Page 2: ...3..."Studying possibility retaining A-4, but only if he willing submit entirely to CIA discipline and in effect work as controlled and paid bases asset...4...particularly A-3 who has vengeful streak..."
10/02/61: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, WHD: "Sketches of microwave installations throughout Cuba are enclosed. These sketches were obtained from an unidentified member of the Unidad Revolucionaria in Cuba and were delivered to us by AMGLAD-4."
CIA document: Pages 12-13: ..."A report by AMGLAD-4 in November 1961 stated that Sanchez, Zayas and Vicente Rodriguez of UR were dealing with Julio Garceran. A-4 said this group envisioned the UR role as that of an U.S. Government liaison element between AMBUD and Garceran's PGCC organization. In addition A-4 reported that Sanchez and Zayas had already received from Garceran contacts, money and weapons which had been sent to the UR in Cuba without the knowledge of U.S. Government or other members of UR, including their associate Alberto Fernandez. Delivery to Cuban reception points were said by A-4 to have been made in ships owned by Vicente Comas or Manolo Alonso, both allegedly in contact with Garceran. Sanchez was reported to have engaged in this support activity to the Cuban underground to counter CIA influence. He felt CIA was attempting to control the underground in Cuba. The support which he and Zayas were providing would strengthen their influence among resistance leaders in Cuba, thus placing them in a strong position with respect to U.S. Government. (103) Based on current developments, this move would appear not to have succeeded, at least so far as the UR is concerned; reasons for this failure are noted below. Another activity of Sanchez and Zayas of operational interest was reported by AMGLAD-4 in mid-December 1961. It concerned their connection with the clandestine operational group known as Celula Fantasma, said to be directed by Sergio Rojas Santamarina, former Cuban Ambassador to the UK, and Julio Garceran..."
CIA document: Pages 25-26: ...PART III: Status and Assets in Cuba..."There was little contact with 'delegates' in U.S. for months, as indicated by Garcia Oller's message to Hector Febles in November 1961 via Lazaro Rodriguez Moya, an asylee who left Cuba at that time. (201) Garcia was apparently unaware that Andres Zayas had taken over direction of UR in exile in August 1961. An exile source familiar with UR activity in U.S. reported in March 1962 that communications between internal and exile UR elements had been 'almost non-existent during the past several months.' (8) Though much of the direction of UR in Cuba after April 1961 came from asylees who were formerly its leaders, nominal members of the Ejecutive were reported by AMGLAD-4 in November 1961 as follows: (103) General Coordinator: Sergio Fuentefria Faxas. Territorial Coordinator: Bernardo Alvarez. Civil Coordinator: Vacant. Military Coordinator: Rafael Leon Alvarez. Communications: (fnu) Lugo (possibly Luco) and Vicente Rodriguez. Finance Coordinator: Gabino Valcarcel. Transportation: Vicente Socarras. Supply Coordinator: Rolando Basulto Jover. Action and Sabotage: 'Otto'. Coordinator, La Cabana: Miguel Lopez..." Page 69: ..."174. 'Leon' ('Comandante Leon'): Reported 9 Nov 61 by AMGLAD-4 as 'in charge of the mil aspect for UCAL, which is composed by the Rebel Army, Police and Navy'; this report included in description of UR nat'l leadership as of that date; possibly i/w Rafael Leon Alvarez (see Att. D.). (103).." Page 77: ..."257. Perez Montoya, (fnu): Former member of Resistencia Agramonte; reported by AMGLAD-4 in Nov 61 as a leading member of the UR Nat'l Exec in Cuba (103)..."
06/20/62: Memorandum from SAC, Miami to Director: Subject: Cuban Rebel Activities in Cuba; Internal Security - Cuba: Page 4: ..."Informants utilized in the preparation of this memorandum are as follows: Identity: MM T-1 is PSI Hector Febles; Location: 134-788-SubA-1 Instant memo, page 5..."
CIA document: Page 89: ..."8. Alonso, Manuel: UR contact; reported by AMGLAD-4 in Nov 61 that subj may be involved in clandestine shipment arms to Cuban resistance; said to have provided a ship to Zayas of UR; also suspected that Garceran may be involved this activity; subj said to have 'some interests' in the newspaper POPULAR, (103)." Page 94: ..."55. Comas, Vicente: UR contact: re clandestine shipment equip to Cuban resistance Nov 61, AMGLAD-4 reported subj provided ships to Zayas; said that Garceran also involved in these shipments. (103)..." Page 119: ..."276. Vega Moreno, Luis Ramon (201-292173): DPOB: 2 Sept, 17, Camaguey; connected with UR since founding; prominent lawyer, expert in labor law; one of UR delegates in U.S. cover org prior Playa Giron; pro-U.S.; contact of Prio Socarras; described as capable, honorable; Mar 62 appointed Asst Secy, Econ Sector, UR in U.S.; considered Aug 62 for post as future delegate of UR to AMBUD; contact of AMGLAD-4; active member UR in exile (Rodriguez Espada faction). (5; 8; 38; 86; 103; 148; 177; 194)..."
Undated CIA document: Page 156: Payroll:...."Hector Febles Barreto: Check No. 1094. Total: $250.00..."