Cryptonym: AMFAUNA-4
07/23/62, Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief of Task Force W: Page 2: AMFAUNA-1 is said to have five cutouts: AMFAUNA-2, AMFAUNA-3, AMFAUNA-4, AMBOA-1, and AMFAUNA-5, who maintain contact for AMFAUNA-1 with most if not all of his sub-agents. Page 3: Marginalia describes AMFAUNA-3 as "Hortensia" and AMFAUNA-4 as "Gonzales"...(During) Feb. 1962, an important officer of the Cuban Army (AMFAUNA-4), allegedly desirous of defecting, was introduced by Identity-13 to AMCOG-2/Leopoldina Grau Alsina, and a matter of deep concern that AMCOG-2 passed the lead on to AMFAUNA-1 who accepted it without doing any checking...reports and sub-sources offered by AMFAUNA-4 are absorbing an increasing amount of AMFAUNA-1's time. The military manuals and documents turned over by AMFAUNA-4 and sent to Headquarters via the QUANTUMS and the Madrid Station have not yet been seen by JMWAVE, so it is not yet known whether AMFAUNA-4's production can be given a sufficiently high evaluation to allay the doubts raised by the manner of his recruitment. Headquarters is asked to advise on this as soon as possible, and to provide traces on AMFAUNA-4."