Cryptonym: AMEAT-1
AMEAT-1 was involved in an AMTABBY cache team in December 1963, and was due to take part in the CHALICE-V operation.
06/27/63: Report Cover Sheet from JMWAVE: Reporting Officer: Emory D. Premselor. Reports Officer: Oliver K. Papock. Approving Officer: Andrew K. Reuteman (Theodore Shackley): "Source: AMEAT-1 from personal observations and experience. No previous description EAT. Source comments not passed State. RID: Please index all names. Indexing should include names attached to cover sheet and info in Source Comments." - - - Page 3: Field Information Report: Date of Info: 1961 to October 1962. Place & Date Acq.: United States (April 1963). "SOURCE: A small scale farmer from Habana Province who from early 1961 to September 1962 was engaged in clandestine counterrevolutionary activity, while still operating his farm. In September 1962 source went into hiding because Cuban authorities were after him; he fled Cuba in November 1962. This information is based on personal experience and knowledge." - - - Pages 8-11: List of members of FCDL (possibly meant to be FCL - Commando Liberation Front) AMEAT-1 considered reliable as of late 1962: Eustaguio Garcia; Omelio Hernandez Diaz; Sergio Batista Gil; Pablo Gil Roque; Agustin Perez del Busto; 'Macho' Barroso; Alfredo Gutierrez; Irio Martinez; Elio Gil Gil; Manuel Herrera; (fnu) Herrera (brother of Manuel); German Hernandez; Candelario Olivia; Armando Perez; Pedro Dominguez; Eloy Diaz Hernandez; Lucas Roque Menenses; 'Felino' Barroso.
12/11/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC YOBITE CHALICE V: "A. AMTABBY (a major paramilitary operation consisting of numerous sabotage operations against on-island targets). B. Cache Team: AMTABBY-7, AMJOKE-4, AMTABBY-43, AMJOKE-2, AMTABBY-54, AMSCRUB-1, AMTYKE-2, AMTYKE-4, AMTABBY-61, AMJILT-1, AMEAT-1."