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Cryptonym: AMDAMP-3

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Francisco Botifoll. AMDAMP-3 was executed sometime between December 1963 and December 1965. A cable and Field Information Report in July 1963 described A-3 as a "Cuban professional man in Camaguey who travelled frequently to Habana."
A cable from Mexico City on October, 30, 1963, stated that "AMSAIL-1 (Carlos Fernandez Trujillo) gave memo from AMSUPER-1 (probably Dimas Domingo Figueredo Fernandez) to case officer night 28 October concerning commo with AMDAMP-3." This cable has a significant amount of redactions so it is difficult to get a clear picture of the persons involved, although (presumably Carlos Prio) Socarras has been unredacted.

A cable from JMWAVE on November 21, 1963, mentioned that "one S. message received from AMTUAUP-5 (note: probably a reference to AMTAUP-5), AMDAMP-3 and AMFOX-1 (probably Juan Falcon Tamar)."

A cable on November 30, 1963, stated that AMDAMP-3's fiancé was Marta Lafonte Jimenez (pseudo or true name). In addition, a friend of AMDAMP-3's was Florentino Trabanco Cardenas. The cable also noted that "Calle 11, number 113 Bajos is inside accommodation address AMDAMP-3." This was the same address assigned to Francisco Botifoll Borrera earlier in the cable.

A dispatch on December 21, 1965, stated that AMDAMP-3 had been executed, although the exact date appears not to have been disclosed.

Maria Delys Cruz Palenzuela, "March 10th, in the way of the Cuban Revolution" https://www.adelante.cu/index.php/en/history/2973-march-10th-in-the-way-of-the-cuban-revolution

When Batista took over the Cuban government in 1952: "The so-called "living classes" represented by senator Arturo Hernández Tellaeche, leader of the ¨autenticismo¨ here, Gerardo Alvarado, representative of the Orthodox Party and Francisco Botifoll of Acción Cívica Camagüeyana met with the unsteady colonel José Acosta de la Fuente, without defining an energetic opposition to the coup."

104-10236-10182: DISPATCH: PARA 1: IN AN INTERVIEW ON 10

07/05/63, Cable from JMWAVE: Reporting Officer: Lewis D. Nicklas. Henry J. Sloman (probably Tony Sforza), Peter J. Di Gerveno (Emilio Americo Rodriguez), Alice B. Caponong (probably Evalena S. Vidal). Reports Officer: Norma R. Cardascio. Approving Officer: Andrew K. Reuteman (Theodore Shackley): "Source: ...Para 2: AMDAMP-3, in SW MSG from Habana dated 10 April 1963 and received 24 April 1963..." - - - Page 3: Field Information Report: SOURCE: ...Para 2: Cuban Professional man (F) in Camaguey who travelled frequently to Habana...2. As of 10 April 1963 there was a Soviet base in a key near Playa Cajio. (1)..." - - - Page 4: "Field Comments: 1. There are probably different sites, as the key base would presumably be southwest of Cajio in Cayos las Cayamas, not to the east between Cajio and Batabano..."


10/30/63, Cable from Mexico City to Director: Slugline TYPIC AMDAMP-3 COMMO: "1. AMSAIL-1 (Carlos Fernandez Trujillo) gave memo from AMSUPER-1 (probably Dimas Domingo Figueredo Fernandez) to case officer night 28 October concerning commo with AMDAMP-3. Following summary: (REDACTION) Perez (Subj UFGA 8557) is close trusted friend AMSUPER-1. Some time ago while in Mexico AMDAMP-3 asked (REDACTION) serve as letter drop for SW mail to be received from Cuba, mail to appear as innocent love letters. Upon receipt these letters (REDACTION) was to mail them to (REDACTION) Socarras (REDACTION), Miami Beach, Florida. (REDACTION) received several letters and sent them on as agreed. Letters ceased coming but recently (REDACTION) received an envelope (mailed 3 Oct) from (REDACTION) Puerto Rico...2. In conversation with AMSUPER-1 (REDACTION) indicated that AMDAMP-3 had told him he was going to United States. When AMSUPER-1 informed him AMDAMP-3 in Cuba (REDACTION) became suspicious and revealed above story asking that AMSUPER-1 check into matter to determine if (REDACTION) by serving as AMDAMP-3 commo link is involved in anti-Castro or pro-Castro operation..."


11/21/63, Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Page 3: ..."II. OPERATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS: A. FI. 1. Two SW messages received from AMCOVE-1 (Alejandra Sanchez): One S. message received from AMTUAUP-5, AMDAMP-3 and AMFOX-1 (probably Juan Falcon Tamar)..."


11/23/63, Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Page 2: ...."II. OPERATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS: A. FI:..2. SW message received from AMDAMP-3..."


11/30/63, Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMKHAN: Pages 3-4: ..."Francisco Botifoll Borrera, Calle C, No. 1...Calle 11, No. 113 Bajos...2. 3600 SW 17 Terrace former accommodation address of AMDAMP-3. Marta Perez 560 Jann Ave, Opalocka is AMDAMP-3 new accommodation address assigned July 63. Florentino Trabanco Cardenas is friend AMDAMP-3. Marta Lafonte Jimenez is fiancé AMDAMP-3. Calle 11, number 113 Bajos is inside accommodation address AMDAMP-3. Marcelino Martinez Tapia is IDEN A. dropped Oct 63. Dr. Augusto Gallardo is IDEN B. Preparing dispatch analysis significance these addresses on DSE list. 8300 SW 29 St., Miami is former WAVE accommodation address used Feb to Sept 62 when discontinued. Issued AMBRINY-1 and AMGLEN-9 (probably Emilio Cardenas Pinera) during this period...in cable message 27 November AMKHAN-2 (Carlos Martin Ahrens Temple) stated, 'First list gave you other day with addresses from Miami there might be some Castro agents involved in it.' WAVE plans query AMKHAN-2 next about? why he believes Castro agents may be involved."


12/21/65, Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, WH (Info: COS, Mexico City): Page 6: ..."m. Delia Abazola: Social contact of AMSPICE-1 (Geraldine Shamma de Carrera) in Mexico. Wealthy, anti-GOC Cuban. JMWAVE traces: Delia S. de Abasola, residing at Versailles No. 21, Depto 201, Colonia Juarez, Mexico, D.F., is the recipient of mail for accommodation address serviced by AMTRIBE-1, indicator name is Delia Arazolo per UFGA 12728, 6 December 1963. AMDAMP-3, who utilized this accommodation address, was executed and the address and Arazolo's involvement is considered compromised to the CUIS..."

Gavin McDonald • Bill Simpich

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