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Cryptonym: AMCORE-1

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Abel Mestre, former owner of television and radio station "Circuito CMQ" in Cuba.
A Department of State document in August, 1960, stated that on March 31, 1960, "Abel Mestre, who together with his brother Goar Mestre, headed CMQ, insisted on the right of free expression in an unusual telecast on his own program Ante la Prensa...as a result, Channel 4, 65% of which was owned by the Mestre combine, was intervened on the same date and the Government froze the personal assets of the two Mestres."

A memo on November 22, 1961, from Ralph K. Sliffman stated that "Mestre's prop activities in our behalf are closely interlocked with certain hemispheric activities and facilities operated by ICEFALL. Some of Mestre's efforts in this field touch on Cuba, but this is merely part of his production. In addition, Mestre acts as front man for certain ICEFALL projects of a hemispheric nature based outside the United States."

An entry in June of 1963 for the Asociacion para la Reconstruccion Economica Cubana - Association for the Economic Reconstruction of Cuba - (AREC), in the Cuban Counterrevolutionary Handbook, stated that Abel Mestre Espinosa was the AREC President.

A FBI report from Miami in November of 1965 noted that "MM T-4 stated that Bosch and (Marcelino) Garcia (note: Evelio Duque Miyar) expressed their dislike for Abel Mestre Espinosa, President of AREC, saying that they believed he had 'sold out' to the United States government."

104-10165-10185: ROUTING RECORD SHEET

This 1975 memo about Louis Conte Aguero notes that Aguerro was "working for an Agency asset AMCORE 1 (ABEL MESTRE) 'on propaganda for the FRD'."

124-80041-10128: Jose Ignancio Rasco Bermudez file

Circuito CMQ, an 8-station network, was confiscated by the Ministerio de Recuperacion de Bienes Malversados (Ministry of Misappropriated Assets) and became operated by a bureau of the Ministry of the Treasury...the next page explains how Luis Conte Aguero angered Fidel in March 1960 and was forced to seek asylum in the Argentina embassy. On 3/31 "Abel Mestre, who together with his brother Goar Mestre, headed CMQ, insisted on the right of free expression in an unusual telecast on his own program Ante la Prensa...as a result, Channel 4, 65% of which was owned by the Mestre combine, was intervened on the same date and the Government froze the personal assets of the two Mestres." This was the first time the government had seized the assets of a media corporation not allied with the forces of former President Batista.


08/31/60: Cable from JMASH to Director: NO NIACT ACTION: JMNET: "1. As HQs aware MASH (Forward operating base - CIA, Miami) last few days trying resolve problem AMRASP (FRD - Democratic Revolutionary Front) JMHOPE (probably a radio station within range of Havana, probably Radio Swan, based on one of the Swan Islands near Cuba and off the coast of Honduras) program resulting from Sosa insistence that AMRASP sponsorship of program should be mentioned and Luis Conte Aguero objections to same. Mestre had apparently been caught in middle, though appeared be favoring Conte position that program should be open to all anti-Fidel Castro groups and not exclusive property AMRASP. 2. After several talks Choaden (David Phillips) and Gupton (William Kent), Choaden and Mestre, Gupton and Sosa, Gupton and Huertas, Sosa and Mestre, Huertas and Mestre, and finally, under instructions from Mestre, a talk between Huertas and Conte, problem seems to have been solved. AMRASP prop commission to continue use services Conte Aguero and made mention AMRASP sponsorship of program. Further, Conte Agero will not use his time on program for purpose partisan politics. Huertas will report these developments to Mestre afternoon 31 Aug and hopefully matter will be dead issue."


11/22/61: Memorandum from Ralph K. Sliffman to Herbert Keppard: CHIPWOOD: ..."b. Mestre's prop activities in our behalf are closely interlocked with certain hemispheric activities and facilities operated by ICEFALL. Some of Mestre's efforts in this field touch on Cuba, but this is merely part of his production. In addition, Mestre acts as front man for certain ICEFALL projects of a hemispheric nature based outside the United States..." - - - This cable on November 6, 1961, by Sliffman also mentioned ICEFALL: ..."suggested that Identity 2 (note: Mr. Herbert) might talk to Identity 1 (note: Mr. Bissell) of ICEFALL as a possible source of support..." https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=108764#relPageId=2

104-10227-10403: REPORT COVER SHEET

04/18/63: Report Cover Sheet from JMWAVE: Reporting Officer: Gordon R. Hawlott. Reports Officer: Margaret R. Nankall. Approving Officer: Andrew K. Reuteman (Theodore Shackley): "Source: AMGABE-1 (Julio Gaspar Hubert Rico) on 4 April who was briefed on meeting and movement 1 April by Jose Alvarez Diaz, Abel Mestre, Jaime Pons Domenech and others with para 6 from Robert Michael Hobbes, AMGABE-1 employee who being tutored by Jose Alvarez Diaz. Forwarded for possible background use."


06/00/63: Entry for the Asociacion para la Reconstruccion Economica Cubana - Association for the Economic Reconstruction of Cuba - (AREC) in the Cuban Counterrevolutionary Handbook: ..."D. Political Alignment and Basic Principles: AREC is a group of wealthy, conservative businessmen dedicated to the overthrow of Castro and to the restoration of the free enterprise system and rebuilding of the Cuban economy. AREC is politically to the right of the other major business group in exile, the CEC. Supports the 1940 Constitution. E. Leading Personalities: Abel Mestre y Espinosa - President...In mid-March 1963, the AREC agreed to collect monthly dues from each member. The amount to be paid ranged from two to fifty dollars depending on the member's financial status. AREC President Abel Mestre felt that this assessment would produce two thousand dollars monthly for the organization...On 17 March 1963 a conference was held at the Palm Beach home of wealthy Cuban exile and AREC member Alfonso Fanjul. Those in attendance included Alfonso Fanjul Sr., and Jr.; Ernesto Mendoza; Norberto Azqueta; Santiago Rey Pernas, Alliance for Liberation of Cuba member and former Cuban senator; Abel Mestre Espinosa, AREC President; and Jaime Pons Domenech, leader of AREC Political and Liberation Committee. They discussed methods of raising 200 mullion dollars to be used as a war chest for a proposed Cuban liberation movement. During the discussions they referred to the fund-raising proposal as 'Plan PUJOL'..."


05/01/64: Memo for the record from E. I. Harrison, C/WH/BA/MOB/PA/PROP: ..."Mr. Abel Mestre has fired me from 'CMQ in Exile' and by this I have lost $300 a month which I used for expenses of my home. I did a good in CMQ. I worked well and was placed there by the Agency through my first contact, Mr. Garcia. Mestre claims administrative economy, in spite of having tripled the personnel he had before. Several days ago I spoke with Mestre and he told me that he did not hear the program; he read the written material that was sent to him, this is the one way not to judge a radio program correctly. Such programs should be heard and not read. Mr. Mestre thought that I was doing only two commentaries a week. I did one daily. In this he acted like a bad friend, influenced by a new director, Mr. Juan Jose Taranjano, one other signees of the 'Declaration of Havana.' That Mr. Mestre could fire me, in spite of the fact that he hired me through your instructions, puts me in an indefensive position, as if I had no friends in the Agency or as if my friends in the Agency, you and Dick, did not know of my activities..."


11/09/65: This FBI report concerning Orlando Bosch included an interview with a Miss Delia Carballo, an employee of Abel Mestre's at "Station CMQ in Havana, Cuba." - - - 11/12/65: This FBI report, from Miami, on MIRR, stated ..."MM T-4 stated that Bosch and (Marcelino) Garcia (note: Evelio Duque Miyar) expressed their dislike for Abel Mestre Espinosa, President of AREC, saying that they believed he had 'sold out' to the United States government. Garcia also commented that he had been displeased with AREC in the past because AREC had refused MIRR's request for money, and he, Garcia, had never been permitted to speak at AREC meetings." https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=92485#relPageId=56&search=

See Also:
Dr. Juan B. Giusti • Bill Simpich

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