Cryptonym: AMCOG-1
Seeking documentation that he was both a Pied Piper of the 1960s Pedro Pan Operation (aka Peter Pan) and a plotter to kill Castro with poison in three assassination plots between 1961 and 1964.
104-10073-10101: DEBRIEFING OF AMFAUNA-14
The grandmother of AMFAUNA-14 was the cousin of AMCOG-3's (Ramon Grau San Martin) mother. "ABAD said the whole (AMCOG) family had been under observation for a long time..." At p. 10: "AMFAUNA-14 believes that the primary target that she was intended to work against was the AMCOG (a “complex” operational net inside Cuba) household."
Ramon Grau Alsina headed the BBC (Buro de Bienestar Catolico), known in English as the Catholic Welfare Bureau. "Operate inside Cuba. Obtain visa waivers, help resistance leaders obtain asylum, obtain resistance safehouses, collect information, etc."
Ramon Grau Alsina "was employed by the CIA as the head of an intelligence gathering net at the time of his arrest on 21 January 1965 and was convicted of espionage on behalf of the CIA. There is no indication in his file that he was directed to assassinate Castro."
104-10181-10460: CABLE: PRIOR REF A TRIP
5/6/65 memo: "Prior (to) trip AMCOG-1 had spoken with uncle (IDEN-1) and family lawyer (Iden-2) in Habana by phone. Lawyer said that if AMCOG-1 could get Mexico there someone there who had latest sitrep on AMCOG-1 imprisoned brother and sister, AMCOG-2 (Maria Leopoldina Grau Alsina de Agüero) and AMCOG-3 (Ramon Grau San Martin)..."
August 1965, CIA report stated that Cuban officials believed former President Ramon "Grau's nephews were CIA agents involved in a plot to assassinate Fidel Castro...The capture of Grau's nephews was brought about, according to Cuban authorities, by denouncements made by Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo following his capture in the mountains of Oriente province. Headquarters comments: According to the Miami News of 2/5/65, Mrs. Leopoldina Grau Alsina de Aguero and Ramon Grau Alsina, niece and nephew of former Cuban president Ramon Grau San Martin, were arrested about 1/20/65. The Cuban government announced the arrest of Gutierrez on 1/25/65, i.e., after the arrest of the Graus."