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Cryptonym: AMBLOW-1

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Amadeo Barletta, Jr., manager of Ambar Motors in Havana and manager of General Motors in Santo Domingo.
Two cables on July 29, 1970, stated that EMFENCE-2 was Amadeo Barletta, Jr, and was formerly AMBLOW-1.

A cable on 27 November 1963, stated that AMBLOW-1 was pleased with the results of his Miami visit, and was now in contact with top officials of AREC. AMBLOW-1 was put in contact with AMGABE-1 (Julio Gaspar Hubert Rico), and met the JMWAVE Case Officer, who used the name "Charles Kaprall." AMBLOW-1 was apparently returning to Santo Domingo on 28 November, 1963.

A cable in May, 1964, referred to a meeting between Carlos Prio Socarras and AMBLOW-1 during that month. Prio allegedly told AMBLOW-1 he was receiving no assistance from the United States Government. However, the U.S. Government/CIA was providing Manuel Ray Rivero (AMBANG-1) with a good amount of equipment (but no money). The U.S. Government/CIA was providing AMBIDDY-1's (Manuel Artime Buesa) group with a lot of money and equipment. CIA would not control AMBIDDY-1, but did have a good deal of control over a number of A-1's leaders.

124-90136-10067: No Title

06/23/59: FBI memo from Director to Office of Security, Department of State: Subject: ANTI-FIDEL CASTRO ACTIVITIES: INTERNAL SECURITY - CUBA: Page 2: ..."According to our source, anti-Castro groups affiliated with General Pedraza, Rolando Masferrer, Emilio Nunez Portuondo, and Justo Luis Pozo have achieved substantial unity. Reportedly, anti-Castro forces are awaiting the arrival in the Dominican Republic of $2,000,000 worth of guns purchased in England by Amadeo Barletta, described as a wealthy and highly respected businessman who owns Ambar Motors in Havana, Cuba, is a representative of the General Motors corporation in the Caribbean area, and has an office in New York City..."

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958-1960, Volume VI: Cuba: Current Section: 497. 4/5/60 - Memorandum from Richard G. Cushing of Office of Public Affairs Advisor to Dep. Dir. U.S. Information Agency...

04/05/60: Memo from Richard G. Cushing of the Office of the Public Affairs Adviser, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, to the Deputy Director of the United States Information Agency (Washburn)(1)..."18. Cubans opposing the regime hope for a strong, no-holds barred, information campaign on medium wave radio beamed into Cuba in Spanish. Station WKWF in Key West, although only one-half kilowatt in power, is heard clearly in the greater Habana area in the morning and at night. Several anti-Castro figures prominent in Cuban radio and television, including Amadeo Barletta, are interested in buying the station or taking air time in order to broadcast the type of program the U.S. Government could not engage in, but which, they feel, would have a profound impact on the Cuban people..."


11/07/60: Cable from MASH to Director: JMNET: "1. At Twicker (Howard Hunt) request Amadeo Barletta Jr. arranged staged interview with AMHAWK (Tony Varona). As result AMHAWK issued unequivocal statement disavowing any connection between his current post and that of provisional presidency. 2. Statement, as part of longer interview, slated appear El Mundo issue 9 Nov."

1994.03.09.09:35:20:440005: Reel 4, Folder J - CONTE AGUERO, LUIS

Handwritten note: "Presented to Mr. R. Goodwin, White House, on 23 Aug 61." Titled: "Cuban Government in Exile (No recognition necessary from the U.S. Government): COLLECTIVE PRESIDENCY: Jose Miro Cardona (President of the CRC), Carlos Marquez Sterling (President of the Constitutional Convention of 1940), Carlos Prio Socarras (last constitutional President of Cuba), Aureliano Sanchez Arango (President of the Revolutionary Junta), Manuel Urrutia (last Revolutionary President), Manuel Antonio de Varona (President of the FRD). PRIME MINISTER: Luis Conte Aguero (AMCORE-2). COUNCIL OF MINISTERS: Francisco Alabau Trelles, Jose Alvarez Diaz, Justo Carrillo (AMWAIL-1/AMJAG-1), Carlos Hevia, Mario Llerena, Antonio Maceo (AMBUD-3), Ignacio Mendoza (AMBANG-2), Manuel Ray (AMBANG-1), Amadeo Barletta Jr.*, Manuel Fernandez*, Sergio Carbo*, Abel Mestre* (AMCORE-1), Miguel A. Quevedo (probably AMVANG-1)*, Jorge Zayas*, Jose I. Rivero*. The rest in Cuba. *Without portfolio-represents public media. GENERAL STAFF: Ramon Barquin (AMCHIRP-1), Aquiles Chinea, Nino Diaz (AMNORM-1), Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz (QDBIAS), Oscar Diaz, Evelio Duque, Eduardo Martin Elena (AMBRONC-1), Victor Manuel Paneque (given crypt AMRUG-5 in late 1964), Angel Saavedra (LITAINT-1), Jorge Sotus Romero, Manuel Ulloa, Jaime Varela Castro (LITAG-1), Felipe Vidal Santiago (probably AMQUIP-1). ACTION/SABOTAGE (working with, but independent of, the General Staff) Aldo Vera Serafin, Amaury Fraginals, Reinol Gonzalez (AMCALL-1), Manuel Salvat (AMHINT-2), Pascasio Lineras (probably AMICE-1)..."


11/27/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline DYVOUR JMPALM: "1. Station CO met AMBLOW-1 25 Nov, using name Charles Kaprall, in order offer assistance and review his visit. FYI he was put in contact AMGABE-1 (Julio Gaspar Hubert Rico) on arrival and activities monitored by several other Station assets. 2. AMBLOW-1 stated plesed results Miami visit and now in contact top officials AREC. Requested no assistance. Returning SDOM 28 Nov. C/S Comment: *Ref RYBAT."


05/27/64: Dispatch from COS, Santo Domingo to Chief, Western Hemisphere Division (Info: COS, JMWAVE): "1. On 24 May 1964, AMBLOW-1 said a few days earlier he had talked with former President of Cuba, Carlos Prio Socarras, who was visiting the Dominican Republic, and that Prio had told him: a) That he (Prio) was receiving no help of any kind from U.S. Government, but that some confiscated property (not clearly specified but perhaps a large boat and other property) had been returned to him recently; b) ODYOKE/KUBARK (U.S. Government/CIA) was not providing Manolo Ray money, but was providing him with a good deal of equipment. c) ODYOKE/KUBARK was providing AMBIDDY-1's (Manuel Artime Buesa) group with a lot of money and equipment: KUBARK would not control AMBIDDY-1, but did have a good deal of control over a number of AMBIDDY-1's leaders; that AMBIDDY-1 was not aware of the plans for the raid which was carried out about 10 May, and was extremely angry when he (unintelligible - extremely faint print)..."


09/12/69: Dispatch from COS, WH/Miami to Chief, Western Hemisphere Division: Subject: RYBAT TYPIC AMSIGH AMCALL: ..."3. Headquarters favors first alternative unless you feel a fall back position is necessary. In that case please comment on possible use of IDENTITY A/201-215642, IDENTITY B/201-215913, or IDENTITY C/201-44791 as spokesman for notional group. Your suggestions on other qualified individuals would also be welcomed...George L. Tranger (John Doherty)." Originator: Paul E. Oberst, DC/WH/COG. Releasing: William V. Broe, C/WHD. - - - Page 4: "IDENTITY A - Jose/Pepin Bosch Y. Lamarque. IDENTITY B - Julio Lobo Y. Olavarria. IDENTITY C - Amadeo Barletta Jr."

104-10225-10012: CIA FILE ON ( )SHELL-5

07/29/70: Cable from Santo Domingo to WH/Miami (Info: Director): CITE SANTO DOMINGO 9642: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMCHALK: REFS A. SANTO DOMINGO 8946 (IN 045580) B. WH/Miami 8435 (IN 131863). "1. EMFENCE-2 (IDENTITY), formerly was AMBLOW-1. Previous connections with Torrientes not known, although he did attend March 1970 meeting Cuban exiles reported Ref A at which Torrientes spoke. 2. File 201-044791. GP-1." - - - June 27, 2023 release: https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2023/104-10225-10012.pdf

104-10225-10012: CIA FILE ON ( )SHELL-5

07/29/70: Cable from Santo Domingo to WH/Miami (Info: Director): CITE SANTO DOMINGO 9643: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMCHALK: REF: SANTO DOMINGO 9642 (IN 132156): "IDENTITY: Amadeo Barletta, Jr., manager General Motors Santo Domingo. Formerly manager Ambar Motors Habana." - - - June 27, 2023 release: https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2023/104-10225-10012.pdf

Gavin McDonald

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