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Cryptonym: AMBARB-59

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AMBARB-59 was possibly Alejandro Portes Cortada. CIA Western Hemisphere (WH) commented, in a cable from Director to JMWAVE on November 22, 1963, "BUEN (note: Buenos Aires) asks if recognition signal and address for AMBARB-59 previously forwarded by WAVE are still correct."
A cable from JMWAVE on November 24, 1963, stated that "AMSPELL (DRE) writing AMBARB-59 to expect contact. Ref address and recognition signal still effective. A-59 also mailing address P.O. Box 4260, Casilla de Correos, B.A. WAVE will make Nov salary payment."

A report in April of 1962 by Harold R. Noemayr (Ross Crozier), stated that "in Uruguay, the 'Movimiento de Recuperacion Moral Universitario' as organized by AMBARB-59, 36, and 60 has now penetrated all faculties of the University in their struggle against the Communist dominated FEUU (Federacion Estudiantil Universitario Uruguayo)."

A dispatch from JMWAVE in July, 1962, stated "AMBARB-7 is scheduled to go to Argentina, as is AMBARB-59: three other candidates now undergoing assessment by AMBARB may help to fill the remaining four open slots."

A dispatch in October of 1962 stated that in the case of Argentina, Rogelio Helu Vital and Alejandro Portes Cortada were waiting on visas. This dispatch also stated that the Uruguayan delegation at that time was Mario Garcia Gonzalez, Armando Frias Mesa and Rene Morato Fontana.

An undated document on the DRE stated that Alfredo Acosto Betancourt, Gustavo Acosta Betancourt, Jorge Arias Carvajal, Jorge Dorticos Arlequi, and Rogelio Helu Vital (mentioned in the dispatch above) were delegates to Argentina. In addition, Alejandro Portes Cortada was listed as a delegate to Uruguay. Other delegates to Uruguay listed were Carlos Garcia Soler and Juan Jane Martinez Malo.

Therefore, Alejandro Portes Cortada was the only DRE delegate in the available documents assigned to both Uruguay (date unknown) and Argentina, which was the case with AMBARB-59. In addition, the CIA told the FBI in 1962 that Alejandro Portes was a leading personality in the Cuban exile community.

104-10171-10037: APRIL PROGRESS REPORT

00/04/62: Report by Harold R. Noemayr (Ross Crozier): Page 2: ..."h. In Uruguay, the 'Movimiento de Recuperacion Moral Universitario' as organized by AMBARB-59, 36, and 60 has now penetrated all faculties of the University in their struggle against the Communist dominated FEUU (Federacion Estudiantil Universitario Uruguayo)..."


07/20/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: Page 3: ..."Personnel Assignments: A review of AMBARB (propaganda project to place DRE members in universities throughout Latin America) personnel assignments, present and pending, follows: the number in parenthesis after the country name refers to the number of AMBARBs projected to be assigned to each country: a. Argentina (6): AMBARB-7 is scheduled to go to Argentina, as is AMBARB-59: three other candidates now undergoing assessment by AMBARB may help to fill the remaining four open slots..."


10/09/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: "INTERNATIONAL SECTION PAYROLL MONTH FOR SEPT 62: ...ARGENTINA: (11) Rogelio Helu Vital - Waiting visa - $350.00. (12) Alejandro Portes Cortada - Waiting for visa - $300.00..." - - - On Page 10 the Uruguay delegation is given as Mario Garcia Gonzalez, Armando Frias Mesa, and Rene Morato Fontana. - - - Page 29 (Page 3 of a DRE report): ..."3. Immediately after the trial of our Secretary-General, Alberto Muller (note: circa 1961), and other 32 prisoners with him, one of the strongest and most successful campaigns we have accomplished, was carried through. Four delegations were urgently sent to Latin America, organized as follows: Brazil: Raul Gonzalez Simon, Mario Garcia, Jose Basulto. Chile: Nelson Amaro, Alejandro Portes, Rafael Oller. Argentina: Rogelio Helu, Jorge Dorticos. Uruguay: Eduardo Muniz, Rene Morato, Ramon Machado..."

124-10279-10032: No Title

12/07/62: FBI document based on memo from Richard Helms, CIA Deputy Director (Plans) to the Director of the FBI: Page 22: "INDEX TO LEADING PERSONALITIES (continued)...Portes Cortada, Alejandro: 81..."

104-10077-10106: DIRECTOR CABLE

11/22/63: Cable from Director to JMWAVE (Info: Buenos Aires) (Orig: J. Linton, WH/2/A): REF: BUEN-0633 (IN 65113)* "PLS reply ref. WH Comment: BUEN asks if recognition signal and address for AMBARB-59 previously forwarded by WAVE are still correct." Releasing Officer: (signature), C/SAS. Coordinating Officers: WH/2/A (in draft). C/WH/2 (initials). Authenticating Officer: W. Hood for J.C. King, C/WHD.


11/24/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline DYVOUR PBRUMEN AMSPELL: REF: BUEN 0633 (IN 65713): "1. AMSPELL (DRE) writing AMBARB-59 to expect contact. Ref address and recognition signal still effective. A-59 also mailing address P.O. Box 4260, Casilla de Correos, B.A. 2. WAVE will make Nov salary payment. C/S Comment: *Asked whether recognition signal described Ref WAVE 5078 (IN 42344) is still effective."

1994.04.12.15:46:22:600005: Reel 26, Folder C - DRE.

Undated DRE document: Page 5: ..."Delegations...i) Uruguay: Alejandro Portes Cortada (Responsible), Ramon Machado Vidal (delegate)."

1994.04.12.15:46:22:600005: Reel 26, Folder C - DRE.

Document on the DRE (Spanish to English translation): "Who are in Miami. NAME: 1) Alfredo Acosto Betancourt. FUNCTION: Delegate Argentina. PROFESSION: High school student. 5A. Camaguey Institute. BORN: Camaguey, 05/41. ADDRESS: 3690 SW 14 St. apt. 7, Miami...4) Gustavo Acosta Betancourt. Delegate Argentina. High school student. Institute of Santiago de Cuba. Camaguey, 05/41. 3690 SW 14 St. apt. 7, Miami..." - - - Page 16 onward: "What is found in Latin America: 1) Jorge Arias Carvajal. Delegate Argentina. Law student at University of Havana. Havana, Nov. 3/34. Hotel Italia Romanelli Reconquista 643/51, Buenos Aires...10) Jorge Dorticos Arlequi. Delegate Argentina. Law student at University of Havana. Office worker. Havana. Dec (?) 30/40. Hotel Italia Romanelli Reconquista 643/51, Buenos Aires...20) Rogelio Helu Vital. Delegate Argentina. Student commerce for 4 years at University of Villanueva. Havana 31/1938. Hotel Italia Romanelli Reconquista 643/51, Buenos Aires..."

1994.04.12.15:46:22:600005: Reel 26, Folder C - DRE.

Document on the DRE (Spanish to English translation): ..."26) Alejandro Portes Cortada. Delegate Uruguay. High school student 4 years. Hotel America, Uruguay. Ave. 16 of July 974, Montevideo..." - - - Other delegates to Uruguay listed are 13) Carlos Garcia Soler (page 17), and 21) Juan Jane Martinez Malo (page 18).


CIA document: Page 299: ..."Directorio Estudiantil:...Alejandro Portes: $90.00. Check No: 171..."

Gavin McDonald

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