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Cryptonym: AMBARB-43

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Probably either Jorge Marban Garcia or Jorge Mendigutia Ramirez. AMBARB-43 was one of the two AMBARB representatives in Panama in 1962.
AMBARB was the cryptonym for the propaganda project to place DRE (Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil) members in universities throughout Latin America.

A memo on June 21, 1962, stated that Jose Miro Cardona (AMBUD-1) "had an extensive interview with the Panamanian students, Teodosio Bernal, Raul Araya and Roosevelt Diaalaz...along with members of the student directorate, Jorge Maraban and Jorge Mendigutia. The latter worked very actively with the Council delegation in Panama."

A dispatch on June 23, 1962, mentioned that AMBARB-43 and AMBARB-34 were working with Panamanian students.

A dispatch on August 2, 1962, stated "the Station considers that at present there are insufficient advantages to be gained through direct funding of AMBARB-34 and AMBARB-43...and the Station, through AMTEASE-1 (Heriberto Corona Mendez), has been able to steer and aid the AMBARBS on an unwitting basis."

A CRC document stated that in October of 1962 Jorge Marban was a DRE representative in Panama. A dispatch in this same month stated that both Jorge Marban Garcia and Jorge Mendigutia Ramirez were on the DRE payroll for Panama.

A cable from JMWAVE on March 31, 1965, stated that "from discussions with AMSPELL chief AMHINT-2/Manuel Salvat, believe AMSPELL (DRE) may have encouraged actions by AMBARB-43 but not in exaggerated form publicized by AMBARB-43."

A DRE document stated that Jorge Marban Garcia was the delegate to Panama. Marban studied chemistry for five years at the University of Villanueva. He was born in Havana, on March 1, 1938.

1994.06.24.13:51:54:310005: Reel 69, Folder I - AMBUD PUBLICITY

Probably circa August 1961: Document of Judicatura Cubana Democratica (Democratic Cuban Judiciary) (Spanish to English translation): "REPORT: Of doctors Jose Morell Romero and Gustave de Ribeaux Figures, President and Vice-President, respectively, of the 'Democratic Cuban Judiciary', about the propaganda trip through the countries of the American Central and Panama, in which tours took place from the July 13 to August 2 of the current year. PANAMA: July 13, 14, 15 and 16 at the Lux hotel, we arrived in Panama on July 13 next at 8 at night. Several personalities were waiting for us, including Dr. Heriberto Corona (AMTEASE-1), delegate of the Revolutionary Council of Cuba, the Students of the Revolutionary Student Directory Jorge Mendigutia and Jorge Malban, as well as Mrs. Olga Rivero from Austin...We made broadcasts on Radio Miramar (Trinchera), of the Revolutionary Student Directory, and printed different works on communism in Cuba and penetration in the hemisphere... The Revolutionary Student Directory and Jorge Rodriguez Auerbach offered a space of ten minutes a week to the Democratic Cuban Judiciary...The eve of our return, Dr. Heriberto Corona offered a meeting of Cubans in the house located in via Argentina 76 apartment 9, attended by professionals and students of the Revolutionary Student Directory..." - - - Olga Rivero was mentioned in this FBI document in May of 1964: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=29923#relPageId=5

1994.06.22.16:46:49:000005: CRC - PUBLICITY/PROPAGANDA (AMBUD), JUNE 62 - AUGUST 62.

06/21/62: Memorandum for the Record No. 351: Subject: Trip to Central America and Panama carried out by Dr. Jose Miro Cardona accompanied by Dr. Luis Botifoll and Miguel A. Garcia, who joined the mission in Costa Rica, dated 20 June 1962: Pages 3-4: "PANAMA...C. At 11 a.m., I had an extensive interview with the Panamanian students, Teodosio Bernal, Raul Araya and Roosevelt Diaalaz, who came to the hotel along with members of the student directorate, Jorge Maraban and Jorge Mendigutia. The latter worked very actively with the Council delegation in Panama. They explained to me the situation which they are facing with the students who are proposing the university reform and of the fear that the democratic students may lose the elections which are to be celebrated on the 21st of June. They asked me to return to Panama before that date to give a talk on the subject of university reform and the purposes of the student body. I could not agree to do that due to the quantity of matters which confront me. They arrived at the disconsolate conclusion that the university would soon be an instrument of the so-called leftist students..."


6/23/62 dispatch from Chief, JMWAVE (Ted Shackley) to Chief, Task Force W (William Harvey): "A visit from Mr. Tardock from Headquarters resulted in a study of AMBARB funding for all stations concerned (Book Dispatch 3211)." A listing of AMBARBs throughout the Americas is then provided, including mention of AMBARB-43 and AMBARB-34 working with Panamanian students.


07/20/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: Page 5: ..."m. Panama (2): Full strength with AMBARBs-43 and 34..."


8/2/62 dispatch from Chief of Station, Panama to Chief, Staff D (Daniel Presland/William Harvey): "The Station welcomes the Reference (note: Book Dispatch 3211) for its guidance on the AMBARB program...the Station considers that at present there are insufficient advantages to be gained through direct funding of AMBARB-34 and AMBARB-43...the Station's student assets have taken advantage of the AMBARBS' presence and assistance; and the Station, through AMTEASE-1 (note: CRC delegate Heriberto Corona Mendez), has been able to steer and aid the AMBARBS on an unwitting basis...the present two-slot AMBARB T/O for Panama is deemed adequate in view of their and our current activities in the democratic student faction at the University..."

1994.06.24.13:50:45:100005: Reel 69, Folder H - AMBUD PUBLICITY PROP.

10/04-07/62: CRC document (Spanish to English translation): "Visit the city of: Panama. Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC): Jose Julio Fernandez. Student Revolutionary Directory (DRE): Jorge Marban. Collaborators: Sra. Olga, Dr. Jose Sardinas, Antolin Sanchez Govin, Niko Lursen. Diarios (Diaries): Estrella de Panama, Panama America. Radio: Radio Miramar (Sardinas) 30 min; Radio 1100 (D.E.R) 15 min; Radio Mia (Heriberto Corona) 15 min; Radio R.P.C. (Duany) 30 min; Onda Popular (Alberto Cupas) 15 min; Programa Dep. (Hipodromo Remon) 5 min..."


10/09/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: Page 2 of "INTERNATIONAL SECTION PAYROLL MONTH FOR SEPT 62:...PANAMA: (44) Jorge Mendigutia Ramirez - October 1961 - $200.00. (45) Jorge Marban Garcia - May 1961 - $275.00..."


3/31/65 cable from WAVE to Director: "From discussions with AMSPELL (DRE) chief AMHINT-2/Manuel Salvat, believe AMSPELL may have encouraged actions by AMBARB-43 but not in exaggerated form publicized by AMBARB-43."

1994.04.12.15:46:22:600005: Reel 26, Folder C - DRE.

Document on the DRE (Spanish to English translation): "NAME...39) Jorge Marban Garcia. FUNCTION: Delegate Panama. PROFESSION: Study chemistry five years at University of Villanueva. BORN: Habana, March 1, 1938. ADDRESS: 1895 NW 22 PL., Miami..."

Bill Simpich • Gavin McDonald

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