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Cryptonym: AMADAGE-1

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According to cables in November and December, 1966, AMADAGE-1 was a close friend of LITAMIL-9 (Luis Alberu Souto), and had a serious heart attack in October of 1966.

104-10176-10073: 201 FILE OF PROTECTABLE SOURCE.

11/22/66: Cable from Director to Mexico City (Orig: Withheld, Unit: WH/COG/FI/TC) (Info: JMWAVE, Withheld): Slugline RYBAT TYPIC MHAPRON SAWELL SYPINGPONG: "1. LITAMIL/9 (Luis Alberu Souto, Cuban Cultural Attaché in Mexico City) is close friend of AMADAGE/1 (identity for Mexico City only). Request, therefore, obtain complete LITAMIL/9 assessment of AMADAGE/1 including identification friends or relatives in West who could be used for recruitment approach. FYI only: sensitive reliable (REDACTION) source indicates AMADAGE/1 convinced will be reassigned Cuba late 66 or early 67. Also INDEVOUT/3 (probably Jose Enrique Camejo Argudin, UN representative) who high level source reported November 66 that AMADAGE/1 soon to be recalled Cuba. On 15 Oct 66, sensitive (REDACTION) source indicated AMADAGE/1 had recently suffered very bad heart attack and was hospitalized. 2. FYI: JMWAVE in contact with AMADAGE/1's brother Leon who sent short letter to AMADAGE/1 on 14 Oct 66 but as yet has reported no response." (Handwritten at bottom of cable: "Jane (or Kane)" which goes in a line to the start of the cable and circles LITAMIL/9.

104-10176-10073: 201 FILE OF PROTECTABLE SOURCE.

12/01/66: Cable from Mexico City to Director (Info: JMWAVE, Withheld): (Action: C/WH/COG 5): Slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMADAGE: "1. With his usual intuitiveness LITAMIL-9 (Luis Alberu Souto, Cuban Cultural Attaché in Mexico City) convinced AMADAGE-1 not pro-Castro but can only provide following to back up his conviction: A. A-1 is well educated intellectual (he attended the Sorbonne) of bourgeois origin who lost property after Castro take over and definitely not revolutionary type. B. A-1 and wife appeared very anxious leave Cuba and go Norway. 2. L-9 states A-1 far too intelligent and discreet to make anti regime statements even to close friends. L-9 heard from his sister in law who usually well informed that A-1 going back to Cuba in Dec 66 to stay. L-9 does not know whether A-1 asked to return or is being recalled. Has no idea whether A-1, if recalled, would defect rather than go back. 3. L-9 could not provide names of A-1 relatives or friends in West who could be used for recruitment approach. L-9 felt that in A-1's case recruitment attempt using WOFACT (CIA) staffer would probably provide best results."

104-10176-10073: 201 FILE OF PROTECTABLE SOURCE.

12/01/66: Cable from Withheld to Director (Info: JMWAVE, Mexico City): (Action: WH/COG 8): Slugline TYPIC MHAPRON AMADAGE SALUTE: "SALUTE-14 advised Magavero 30 Nov that AMADAGE-1 did suffer serious heart attack early in October. He has now been released from hospital, is recuperating at home, is not working at office, and may be slightly paralyzed in one leg as is walking with cane." (Handwritten: "Jane (or Kane) LITAMIL-9 201)."

Gavin McDonald

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